CE 506 Homework Fall 2002
- homework 1. problems from text: 3-1,3-2,3-3,3-4,3-5,3-7,3-12 do 3-7
and 3-12 by the method of "observations only". assigned thur 22-aug, due
thur 29 aug. (Notes: in 3-7, even though the problems asks only for distance
AC - the model includes both AB and BC. in 3-12 there is an error, angle
a5 should be 50-00-20, not 40-00-20. the phrase "equal precision and
uncorrelated" means equal weights, or in practice, no consideration of
weights is needed) Solution
- homework 2. minimize F(x,y)=2x^2+3y^2, subject to constraint
y=2x+5. do it by substitution and again by lagrange multiplier method.
problems from text (do with "observation only", longhand,
lagrange multiplier method):
3-8 with added weights, sigma1=5 sec, sigma2=10 sec,
sigma3=15 sec, sigma4=5 sec. 3-11 with added weights, sigma1=0.003,
sigma2=0.003, sigma3=0.006, sigma4=0.009, due friday, 6 sept.
homework 2 solution (.pdf)
- homework 3. problems 3-9, 3-10. do them by observations only
using the MATRIX approach. due friday, 13 sep.
homework 3 solution (.pdf)
- homework 4. problem 4-6 done three ways: (i) indirect observations
with longhand method, (ii) indirect observations by matrix method,
(iii) observations only with matrix method (hint: these should all
give the same result), and the following problem: fit a straight
line to the following 8 data points: (x,y) = (2.0,3.0),(5.0,4.0),
this is the standard regression model with x's constant, and the
y's as observations. do it with indirect observations and matrix
method. due friday, 20 sep.
homework 4 solution (.pdf 1.2Mb)
- homework 5. nonlinear trilateration problem. the horizontal distance
to an unknown point is observed from each of three control points.
the three points are known exactly (x,y) = (30.0,150.0), (10.0,120.0),
and (50.0,50.0). the corresponding observed distances are 125.0,
133.5, and 98.6, with sigmas of 0.5, 0.2, and 0.2. find the least
squares estimate of the location of the unkown point by (a) indirect
observations, and (b) observations only. due tuesday, 1 oct.
see homework 5 solution (.pdf 2Mb) and
matlab source and results (.zip)
- homework 6. (error propagation) problems from the textbook,
6-1,6-2,6-4,6-6,6-7,6-8. assigned tue., 15-oct, due tue. 22-oct.
solution (.pdf)
- homework 7. (more error propagation) problems from the textbook,
6-14, 6-15, 6-16, 6-19 (uses 4-8 & 4-11), due thursday, 31-october.
solution (.pdf)
- homework 8. (yet more error propagation). look again at the trilateration
problem of homework 5 (indirect observation method). make the global test
on the residuals at alpha=0.05. then make a 99% confidence interval for
x, and for y of the unknown point. then make a 99% confidence region for the
point. be sure to show where all of the numbers come from and why you
are doing each step. due friday, 8 november.
solution (.pdf)
matlab source, listing, and ellipse plot
- homework 9. matlab program to do 2D network adjustment. see the
document in homework 9 description (.pdf).
program due last day of class: friday, 6-december. see the
notes section
of this site to download aaron braun's class example, and also some
matlab code samples that you may use.
- homework 10. see the document (.pdf) for
description of a circle fit problem to do by general least squares
and a 2D network to be done by starnet or move3.
see circle fit matlab code for correct linearization (.zip)
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