CE 506 Data Adjustment I Fall '02

Purdue University - School of Civil Engineering

last update 22-aug-02

Jim Bethel, CIVL 4109, Tel: 494-6719, Email: bethel@ecn.purdue.edu
Primary Text
Analysis and Adjustment of Survey Observations, by Mikhail and Gracie, (out of print) obtain copy from instructor
Secondary Text
Linear Algebra, Geodesy, and GPS, by Strang and Borre, Wellesley-Cambridge Press, 1997
T,Th 1:30 CIVL 2107, F 8:30 CIVL 2102
Office hours
M 2:30, Th 9:30 (other times ok too)
Teaching Assistant
Chiung-Shiuan (Sherry) Fu, csfu@purdue.edu, CIVL 4120, Tel: 46455, Ofc. Hrs. Wed 10:30, Fri 10:30
Midterm Exam 33%, Final Exam 33%, Homework 33%
collaboration OK, but hand in your own work
you will need to become familiar with Matlab or equivalent
Web Address