
Coherent Electron Transport by Adiabatic Passage (CTAP)


  • Investigate CTAP in realistic setting.
  • Include Si full bandstructure, TCAD gates, interfaces.
  • Finding the adiabatic path: 3 donor device.
  • Investigate effects of straggle in a many-donor chain – model possible expts.


  • TCAD gates coupled with a 3 donor TB. Hamiltonian to obtain molecular states in the solid state.
  • Simulate 3-4 M atoms for a realistic device.
  • Compute time of 4-5 hours on 40 procs.
  • Fine tune gate voltages to explore CTAP.


  • Demonstrated that the CTAP regime exists for a 3 donor test device.
  • Improvement of previous results which typically ignored the host material and realistic donor and gate potentials.
  • Developed the tool to simulate realistic CTAP for donors to guide future expt design.
  • Published in Phys. Rev. B. 80, 035302, 2009

Group member involved: