Bozidar Novakovic

Fast convergence scheme for Poisson and transport equations

B. Novakovic and G. Klimeck Apr. 2013.

Objective I:

  • Improve initial guess for the first bias point by making it more accurate while still fast.


  • Selfconsistent solution of Poisson equation with semiclassical density with 'confined' effective mass (top figure).


  • 'Confined' effective mass brings semiclassical guess closer to final quantum solution (bottom figure).


  • Fast and accurate initial guess that reduces the probability of divergence.

Acknowledgments: useful discussion Z. Jiang, leveraging code infrastructure by S. Steiger.

Si NW GAA MOSFET, middle line plot, quantum (blue) in sp3d5s*.

June 2013.

Objective II:

  • Poisson/transport equations convergence in as few iterations as possible.


  • Improved semiclassical initial guess for 1st bias.
  • Extrapolate initial guess for higher bias.
  • Newton root-finding method with full step size (since divergence is unlikely).


  • ~2x reduction in number of iterations.


Acknowledgments: leveraging code infrastructure by M. Povolotskyi.

Si NW GAA MOSFET in sp3d5s* empirical tight-binding basis.