Calendar |
Only for ViPER Group Members: Click on the button below to reserve a slot
Location | Description |
Amy Facility Job Request Form | On campus facility for fabrication of specialty scientific equipment. Requires Purdue user login. |
ARIBA Procurement | Purchasing environment to view supplier catalogs and submit purchase orders. Requires Purdue user login. |
CORAL Scheduler | Equipment scheduling application for various capitol facilities. Requires Java runtime environment. |
DXR Raman Email List | Email list for DXR Raman Microscope. For approved users only. |
Facility Reservation | Reservation system for ViPER facilities. For approved users only. |
FEI SEM Email List | Email list for FEI Nova 200 FEI/SEM/EDS. For approved users only. |
Group Shared Drive | Access the ViPER Group directory. For current members only: \\atom.ecn.purdue.edu\polshare\ |
Personal Desktop | Access your home directory on Purdue servers: \\atom.ecn.purdue.edu\%Your_Username_Here%\ |
Purchase Record | Record of fulfilled and pending purchase requests for the ViPER Group. |
Purdue Directory | Directory for staff, students, and faculty across all Purdue campuses. Managed by ITAP. |
Purdue Software Licensing | Provides university licensed software including MATLab, Origin, & ChemBioOffice. Requires Purdue user login. |
REM Waste Removal Form | Online request form for waste removal by REM Services. Requires Purdue user login. |
RAT Scheduler | Equipment scheduling application for various capitol facilities. |
Rigaku XRD Email List | Email list for Rigkau X-ray Powder Diffractometer. For approved users only. |
ViPER Email List - All | Email list for the ViPER Group. Access archive or edit subscription preferences. |
ViPER Email List - Graduates | Email list for the ViPER Group. Access archive or edit subscription. For graduate students only. |
ViPER Email List - Undergraduates | Email list for the ViPER Group. Access archive or edit subscription. For undergraduate students only. |
Web of Science | Online journal article database managed by Thomson Reuters. Requires Purdue user login. |
Website Admin | Access the ViPER website directory. For webmaster only: \\web.ecn.purdue.edu\ViPER\ |
You can connect to Purdue University Network locations while off campus using the Cisco AnyConnect VPN client. Simply log into the VPN service using your Purdue user credentials. Note that you will be required to install the Cisco AnyConnect software.
To connect to network directories, follow connection instructions here.
To connect to Purdue Network Printers, follow connection instructions for ECN printers here or ITAP printers here.