Spacecraft GNC and Autonomy

Spacecraft GNC and Autonomy

SRP-based Asteroid Landing
(a) Orbit control using solar radiation pressure (SRP) to land on an asteroid without using fuel
Autonomous orbital guidance for asteroid global mapping
(b) Autonomous orbital guidance for asteroid global mapping based on stochastic optimal control
Develop GNC and planning algorithms for autonomous spacecraft operations with robustness against uncertainty


Image (a): Monte Carlo simulation result of orbit control for asteroid landing by using solar radiation pressure (SRP) without consuming propellant, under irregular gravity field of Bennu. See Solar Radiation Pressure–Based Orbit Control with Application to Small-Body Landing for more detail


Image (b): Monte Carlo simulation result of autonomous, robust orbital guidance for asteroid global mapping, where the guidance controller is designed by leveraging chance-constrained optimal control. See Robust Spacecraft Guidance Around Small Bodies Under Uncertainty: Stochastic Optimal Control Approach for more detail


See Spacecraft GNC & Autonomy for more detail on our spacecraft GNC & autonomy research