• Summit on Trusted Autonomy Research & Technology
    The summit, held at Purdue, was meant to be a “start” toward building a community... Read more
  • M.S. in Autonomy
    The Professional M.S. Degree in Autonomy focuses on the area of analysis, control and design of autonomous systems... Read more
  • M.S. in Internet of Things (IoT)
    The Professional M.S. Degree in IoT focuses on the area of analysis and design of internet-of-things such as a system of interrelated computer devices... Read more
  • M.S. in Robotics
    The new Engineering Major in Robotics focuses on the area of analysis, control and design of robots spanning a variety of application domains... Read more
  • Threat and Situational Understanding with Networked-Online Machine Intelligence (TSUNOMI)
    The TSUNOMI project receives $13M in total with congressional aid to the team of researchers from Saab and Purdue ICON... Read more


Affiliated with Purdue's Initiative for Physical AI (IPAI) and Autonomous and Connected Systems Initiative (ACSI), the mission of the Institute for Control, Optimization and Networks (ICON) at Purdue University is to bring together leading experts to pursue innovative solutions to grand challenges in autonomous and connected systems. Integrating classical perspectives on control, optimization and networks with recent advances in AI, machine learning and data science, ICON researchers are breaking new ground in areas including robotics, autonomous vehicles, precision agriculture, space autonomy, manufacturing, transportation networks, supply chains, healthcare systems, power and communication systems, and social networks. In particular, ICON's impact consists of three key pillars:

  • Establishing foundational knowledge and developing advanced techniques for controlling and optimizing complex autonomous and connected systems;
  • Offering customizable curricula and leveraging diverse delivery approaches to meet emerging educational needs;
  • Collaborating with industry, governmental agencies, and national labs to tackle national and global priorities.

Interested in learning more?

Contact Us

  • Shaoshuai Mou
    Elmer Bruhn Associate Professor (AAE)
    Office Phone: 765-494-2546
    Office: ARMS 3329
  • Shreyas Sundaram
    Marie Gordon Professor (ECE)
    Office Phone: 765-496-0406
    Office: EE 322B

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