North Central Region Newsletters
Fall/Winter 2012/13 - NCAUPG technical conference highlights, RAP and WMA, Intelligent compaction in INNational Newsletters
Spring 2009 - Regional, National Information Shared at NCAUPG Conference, Common HMA Issues across NC Region
Spring 2007 - NCSC Staff Grows, NCAUPG Sets Records
Spring 2006 - NCSC Looks Ahead to Busy Summer, Update on Regional Round Robin Analysis
Spring 2005 - NCAUPG Conducts Regional Round Robin, NCSC Moves Into New Lab
Spring 2004 - NCAUPG meets in Omaha, Modest Proposal for the NCSC, RAP Research Pays Off, Vision for Future of Transportation
Spring 2003 - NCAUPG meets in Milwaukee, NC States Study New Technologies
Spring 2002 - Regional RAP Report Confirms National Findings, NCAUPG Meets in Detroit, Relationship Between Internal Angle and Density
Fall 2001 - NCSC Research Initiatives, NCAUPG Annual Meeting, Superpave Training Calendar, NCSC Unveils New Website
Spring 2001 - NCSC Prepares for a Busy Spring and Summer, Midwest Hosts Annual Training and Certification Workshop, Shah Joins Staff, NCAUPG to Readdress Standardization, Factors Affecting Permeability of Superpave Designed Mixes
Fall 2000 - NCAUPG to Meet in Indy, Wisconsin Promotes Careers in Transportation, Kansas Holds Annual Asphalt Conference, 2001 Superpave Training
Summer 2000 - Four Sates Implement Reciprocity, Multi-Regional Training and Certification Efforts, States Summarize Mix Design, Procedures and Philosophies, NCAUPG Plans Next Annual Meeting
Fall/Winter 1999/2000 - HMA Warranties Gain Momentum, Lead State Team Sunsets, NHI goes High Tech, NCAUPG Annual Meetings
Summer 1999 - Superpave Use Continues to Grow, Summary of Implementation, Training Calendar, North Central States Investigate Superpave Issues
Winter/Spring 1998/1999 - NCAUPG, Tenderness in Superpave Mixtures, Selection of Compaction Equipment, Improved Superpave Standards , and more. .
Summer 1998 - North Central Region Continues Implementation, NCSC 98-99 Training Calendar, Five Centers Collaborate on Newsletters, De-mystifying d2s, and more. . .
Winter 1997/1998 - NAPA/FHWA Issue Construction Guidelines, Proper Design ESAL Critical for Success, Implementation of the PG Binder for RAP, Hot Mix Asphalt Conference Addresses Superpave, and more. . .
Fall 1997 - What is Happening at WesTrack?, Is Superpave Working in Indiana?, NCSC Announces Winter 1997/8 Training Schedule, NCSC Reviews Second Year Operations, and more. . .
Summer 1997 - Wisconsin Superpave Mix Meets Expectations, Constructability Experiences Shared, Superpave and Aggregate Properties, WesTrack Analysis Continues, and more. . .
Spring 1997 - Superpave Aggregate Gamble Pays Off, What are the Lead States Up To?, NCHRP Superpave Research News, Winter Conference Season Winds Down, and more. . .
Winter 1996/1997 - NCSC Steering Committee Sets Policies, Superpave Updates, Directory of FHWA Contacts and Resources, Lead State Pool of Expertise Announced, and more. . .
Fall 1996 - Enthusiastic Response to Superpave 2000, North Central States Estimate Binder Usage, FHWA/AASHTO Organize Lead States, North Central Region Works Toward Reciprocity, and more. . .
Summer 1996 - Industry Shares in Superpave Implementation, Superpave 2000 Open House, JHRP Tradition Continues, Superpave Implementation Survey, and more. . .
Spring 2009 - High RAP, AAPT Annual Meeting Summary, PPA Evaluation, APT on the 2009 NCAT Pavement Test Track, WMA at the SEAUPG ConferenceSoutheastern Region Newsletters
Spring 2007 - Charlie Potts' Top Ten List, Conference Focuses on Conserving Energy and Materials, 2006 Experiment Begins at NCAT Pavement Test Track, Perpetual Pavement Experiences Shared at International Conference, Perpetual Pavements in China Missouri Warm Mix Demonstration Project
Spring 2006 - FAA Center Designs for the Future, Accelerated Pavement Testing Takes Many Forms, New Project Dissects Unprecedented Research Effort, AAPT Discussed Pluses and Minuses of PWL Specs, NCAT Studies Calibration for M-E Pavement Design, Circular Texture Meter Proves Useful for Measuring Pavement Design, Highway Issues Resonate Half a World Away
Spring 2005 - The Nature of Noise, Tire/Pavement Noise Measurement and Results, Case Study: A Porous Friction Course for Noise, VMA: One Key to Mixture Performance, Top Down Cracking, A Tire/Pavement Noise Symposium: Quiet Asphalt 2005, Agencies and Industry Share Experiences, Best Practices
Spring 2004 - NCAT Hosts Symposium on Long Lasting HMA, N-Design: Where is it Heading?, Simple Performance Tests on HMA Mixtures, M-E Design Guide to be Released, Louisiana Hosts AAPT, Determining Air Voids Content of Compacted SMA Mixtures, Latest Developments of Laboratory Tests to Predict HMA Moisture Damage
Spring 2003 - Superpave Usage Continues to Grow, NCHRP Projects Piece Together the HMA Puzzle, Update on NCHRP 9-9 (1), In-Place Densification Results for the NCAT Test Track, TRB at Work: Committee Meets to Discuss Asphalt Issues, Summer Meetings Offer Tight Focus, Analysis of Viscosity Values During Mixing and Compaction, Needed Research: Uniformity in Hot Mix Asphalt
Spring 2002 - TRB Publishes Catalog of Practical Papers, AAPT Draws a Crowd, SMA in the USA, Government Engineers Share Experiences, ISAP Announces Meetings, Gallivan's Top Ten Benefits of Warranties, Multiple Approaches Address Training Issues, Asphalt Community Gathers in Austin
Fall 2001 - Low Capacity Roads White Paper, Recycling Applications Conference, Stress/Strain Investigation, Rehabilitation: Mix and Structural Section Designs, Conference for Asphalt Specialists, Superpave Mix ETG Update, 4.75 mm Superpave Mixes, TTI Superpave Aggregate Research
Spring 2001 - AASHTO Publishes New Provisionals, Superpave -Where We've Been and Where We’re Going, Dateline Tempe, Field Conditioning of Superpave Asphalt Mixes, CT Puts East Coast on Map for Thermal Segregation Studies, AAPT Showcases Latest Research in Binder, Mix
Fall 2000 - Triaxial Strength Project Provides Insight Into Rut Resistance, Research Develops Protocols for Modified Binders, NECEPT Proposes Draft Specs for QA and Field Acceptance for Modified Binders, VMA: To Be or Not To Be, RAP Research Wraps Up, NCAT Evaluates Restricted Zone in Superpave Gradation
Summer 2000 - Performance Related Specifications Closer to Reality, Forum Showcases Practical Implementation and Research, ICAR Tackles Superpave, Other Aggregate Issues, Status with Direct tension Testing of Asphalt Binders, Avoiding the Hot Mix Asphalt Tender Zone, Study for Future Strategic Highway Research Program (F-SHRP), Tips for Preventing PG Binder Penalties, National Group to Coordinate Construction Training, Superpave Mixture/Aggregate Expert Task Group Meeting
Fall/Winter 1999/2000 - South Central Superpave Center Moves to Texas A&M, WesTrack Findings, Committees Oversee Superpave, Survey Says Mostly Minor Problems Encountered, AASHTO Superpave Available January 2000, Superpave - Latest Scoop in Research, Best Theory on Tender Zone
Summer 1999 - Asphalt Institute Announces Superpave Event for 21st Century, Performance of Superpave Mixes Surveyed, Superpave Specs for Surface Treatments, Mixing and Compaction Temps for Modified Asphalt Binders, Superpave Usage Doubles Nationwide, Restricted Zone in Superpave Aggregate Gradation Spec, AASHTO Approves Superpave Changes
Fall/Winter 2012/13 - SEAUPG annual meeting highlights, RAP and WMA, Intelligent compaction in IN
Spring 2009 - APT and Test Tracks, Research Update, Asphalt Binder Training Course Offered
Spring 2007 - Evaluating Ndesign for SMA Mixtures in Georgia, Performance Modeling of Asphalt Concrete Pavements
Spring 2006 - Measuring Pavement Bond Strength, NCAT Test Track - What's Next
Spring 2005 - Summary of NCAT Test Track Findings
Spring 2004 - Structural Experiment at the NCAT Test Track, Micro-Deval Testing of Aggregate in the Southeast
Spring 2003 - Use of Fine Aggregate Screenings to Produce HMA Mixes, Measuring Bulk Specific Gravity of Compacted HMA
Spring 2002 - Southeast Superpave Center Develops Noise Trailer, Relationship Between Internal Angle and Density, Flexible Pavement Construction and Rehabilitation
Fall 2001 - Track Update, Update on SEAUPG, Asphalt Pavement Analyzer, Pavement Maintenance Symposium
Spring 2001 - Update on the Southeastern Superpave Center, Factors Affecting Permeability of Superpave Designed Mixes, NCAT Teaches Short Course on Pavement Construction, Superpave Gyratory Compactor Angles
Fall 2000 - NCAT Dedicates New Building, NCAT Studies Asphalt Pavement Analyzer in NCHRP 9-17, Are All Superpave Gyratory Compactors Equal?, A New Course Offering
Summer 2000 - 2000 Research Program, Fine Aggregate Angularity study, Test Track Construction, Southeast Superpave Center to Move
Fall/Winter 1999/2000 - Status of Superpave in the Southeast, Florida DOT Training Program, Superpave Gyratory Compactor Comparison Study, Pavement Test Track Update
Summer 1999 - Ruggedness Study of Asphalt Pavement Analyzer Rutting Test, Evaluation of the Effect of Flat and Elongated Particles on the Performance of HMA Mixtures, NCAT Evaluates and Selects a Field Permeability Device, Superpave Gyratory Compactor Evaluation Comparison Study, Update of the NCAT Oval Test Track