Our People
Principal Investigator
Dr. Nan Kong
- Ph.D., Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Pittsburgh
- Major Advisor: Andrew J. Schaefer
- M.Eng., School of Operations Research and Industrial Engineering, Cornell University
- B.S., Department of Automation, Tsinghua University, China
Research Interests:
- Stochastic integer programming; global optimization under uncertainty
- Scheduling, resource allocation, and capacity planning in healthcare and supply chain applications
- Computational modeling of disease and disease management
- Computational image processing
Graduate Students
Hambisa Keno
Ph.D. Candidate, co-advised by Dr. Steven Landry
- BS, Industrial Engineering, Mekelle Ethiopia
- MS, Engineering Technology, Middle Tennessee State University
- MS, Aeronautics and Astronautics, Purdue University
- Ph.D., Industrial Engineering, Purdue University
Research Areas of Interest:
- Parametric Survival Analysis Methods
- Simulation Modeling and Optimization
- Healthcare Systems Engineering
- Markov Processes
Expected Date of Graduation:
- Dec 2016
- E-mail address: keno@purdue.edu
- Tel: 7654125278
Aditya P Sai
Ph.D. student
Current Projects:
- Application of sparse grid-based methods to stochastic differential equation-based systems
- model-based experimental design, parameter estimation, and optimal control for Ebola
- B.S. Biomedical Engineering and Computer Science, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 2013
- Working out
- Watching movies
- Traveling
Expected Date of Graduation:
- Dec 2017
- E-mail address: asai@purdue.edu
- Tel: 7654125278
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aditya-sai-23655072
Wei-An Chen
Ph.D. student co-advised with Prof. Gintaras Relkaitis and Prof. Joseph Pekny
Current Projects:
- Algorithm development for stochastic mixed-integer bilinear program
- Stochastic warehouse-inventory transportation problem
- Pharmaceutic supply chain management under uncertainty
- Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, Purdue University, US, Aug/2014 ~ present
- M.S. in Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, Feb/2013 - Jul/2014
- B.S. in Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, Sep/2009 - Feb/2013
- Playing sports: badminton, volleyball, and wallyball
- Watching movies/NBA
- Playing board games
- E-mail address: chen1702@purdue.edu
Carolina Vivas Valencia
Ph.D Student
Current Project:
- Non-communicable disease modeling with incorporation of behavioral/environmental factors
- Simulation modeling of the natural history of colorectal cancer
- Model-based cost-effectiveness analysis of colorectal cancer screening in collaboration with Dr. Thomas F. Imperiale at IUSM
- Simulation modeling of Hypoglycemia in collaboration with Drs. Michael Weiner and Nicole R. Keith at Regenstrief Institute HSR
- Master of Science (MS) in Biomedical Engineering, Purdue University / August 2015
Thesis Tittle: Cost-Effectiveness On Age- And Gender-Specific CRC Screening Strategies.
- Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering, Escuela de Ingeniería de Antioquia – Universidad CES / December 2011
Thesis Tittle: Development of a Technical Protocol for PET/CT Exam for Patients with Cancer.
Teaching Experience:
- Teaching Assistant - Healthcare Systems Engineering, Purdue University / Fall 2016
- Teaching Assistant - Regulatory Approval of Medical Devices, Purdue University / Spring 2015, 2016
- Teaching Assistant - Preclinical & Clinical Study Design, Purdue University / Fall 2014, 2015
Research Experience:
- Research Assistant - Biomedical Analytics and Systems Optimization Lab, Purdue University / Fall 2013 - Current
- Junior Research Assistant in Clinical Engineering, Escuela de Ingeniería de Antioquia GIBEC Group / Jan 2009 - Nov 2010
Legal Experience:
- Biomedical Engineering Assistant , CediMed s.a Medellín, Colombia / Dec 2010 - Dec 2011
- Design + a good book + yoga + chocolate = happiness : )
- E-mail address: cvivas@purdue.edu
Current Project:
Modeling heterogeneity in disease/care transition
Simulation modeling for anticholingergic drug, in collaboration with Drs. Noll Campbell, Wanzhu Tu, and IU center for aging research
- B.S, Mathematics/Statistics/Economics, Purdue University, 2012-2015
- Ph.D. student, Industrial Engineering, Purdue University. 2015 - present
Research Areas of Interest:
- simulation optimization
- multi-objective optimization
- metamodeling
- Cooking
- Scale models
- Watching animes
- E-mail address: zlou@purdue.edu
- Tel: 7654043984
- Wechat ID: joecosmox
Haonan Lin
Ph.D. Student, co-advised by Dr. Ji-Xin Cheng
Current Project:
- Model-based image in painting for sparse-sampled hyperspectral image
- Bachelor of Engineering, Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University, 2011-2015
- Cycling
- Badminton
Expected Date of Graduation:
- May 2020
- E-mail address: lin676@purdue.edu
Xiaochun Feng

co-advised by Dr. Xiangpei Hu in Dalian University of Technology
Current Project:
- Joint optimization of order batching and picking sequencing in the online retailer’s warehouse
- Visiting Ph.D. students, Weldon school of biomedical engineering, Purdue University, Sep 2016-present
- Ph.D. candidate, Management Science and Engineering, Department of Management and Economy, Dalian University of Technology, Sep 2014-present
- Master of Engineering, Management Science and Engineering, Department of Management and Economy, Dalian University of Technology, Sep 2012-Jul 2015
- Bachelor of Management, Information Management and Information System, School of Business, Jilin University, Sep 2008- Jul 2012
- Singing
- Badminton
- Running
Duration of Visitation: Sep, 2016 -- Aug. 2017
Former Ph.D. Students
Yan Li
Assistant Professor
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, June 2015 – Present
Research Scientist
New York Academy of Medicine, May 2015 – Present
Thesis: Rural Health, Long-Term Care, and Chronic Disease: Three Essays on System Design for Population Health
Zhen Zhu
Operations Consultant
American Airlines, May 2013 – Present
Co-founder and chief strategy adviser (part-time start-up)
Peray Technology Co. LTD, October 2010 – Present, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
Thesis: Optimal Financing Structure Mechanism Design for Traumatic Brain Injury Patients
Yu Teng
Senior Analyst and Modeler
Avenir Health, August to Present,; Glastonbury, CT
Prevention Effectiveness Fellow
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, August 2012 - July 2014, Atlanta, GA
Thesis: Optimal Screening Strategy Design for Chlamydia Infection in Young Women: A Hybrid Dynamic System Control Approach
Wen-Hsin Feng
Senior Engineer of IE
AUO, March 2011 –December 2014
Thesis: Simulation-based Analysis and Optimization on Recipient Prioritization for Cadaveric Liver Allocation
Mu Du, Visiting Ph.D. student, Sep. 2015 -- Aug. 2016
Currently, Ph.D. student at Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China
M.S. Students
Chris Hagmann
Chemistry Engineering, graduated in Dec 2015.
Aditi Iyer
Electrical and Computer Engineering, graduated in Aug 2015.
Carolina Vivas Valencia
Thesis Tittle: Cost-Effectiveness On Age- And Gender-Specific CRC Screening Strategies
Biomedical Engineering, graduated in Aug 2015.
Yuming Mo
Thesis Title: Modeling and Optimization of Care Transition
Industrial Engineering, graduated in Apr 2014
Ashwin Chandramouli
Thesis Title: Optimal Traumatic Brain Injury Acute Rehabilitation Discharge Policy: A Simulation-Optimization Approach
Industrial Engineering, graduated in Dec 2011.
Maoying Zhu
Thesis Title: Assessing Colorectal Cancer Screening and Surveillance Strategies with Colonoscopy: A Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDP) Approach
Biomedical Engineering, graduated in Aug 2010.
Satish Vijayaraghavan
Thesis Title: Allocation Region Design for the US Liver Transplantation Network: Simulation-Based Optimization Approach with Motivated Meta Modeling
Industrial Engineering, graduated in May 2010.
Current and Former Undergraduate Research assistants
Mikaela Meyer(Statistics), Aug. 2015- July 2016
Feature selection and classification development of blood sample mass spectrometer data
Sameer Manchanda(Computer Science and Applied Statistics), Aug. 2015- July 2016
Classifying mass spectrometer measurements of blood samples to indicate how long it has been since the blood was drawn
Genmao Shi(Automation, Tsinghua University), Summer 2015
Mass spec time-series data clustering
Yuxuan Liu(Industrial Engineering) and Yikang Li(Automation, Tsinghua University), Summer 2015
Feature Extraction in Analyzing Communication Sequence Data in Shared Medical Decision Making Processes for Better Predicting Patient Satisfaction
Christine Zhang(Applied Statistics), August 2014 – December 2015
Predicting the Readmission Risks in an Acute Care Hospital
Rei Rutkowski(Mechanical Engineering), August 2014 – July 2015
Time-Series Data Analysis for Fall Detection
Apoorv Sanjay Gaur (Electrical and Computer Engineering) and Mo Li (Automation, Tsinghua University), Summer 2014
Plaque Vulnerability Characterization for Acute Coronary Syndrome using Photoacoustic Imaging Data
Kelsey Wasilczuk(Biomedical Engineering) and Shuguang Peng (Automation, Tsinghua University), Summer 2014
Feature Extraction in Analyzing Communication Sequence Data in Shared Medical Decision Making Processes for Better Predicting Patient Satisfaction
Zhouyang Lou (Statistics), Summer 2014
Feature selection in Efficient and Effective Analysis of Photoacoustic Imaging Data for Plague Vulnerability Characterization in Acute Cardiovascular Syndrome
Wenting Shi (Statistics) and Shuai Fang (Statistics), August 2013 – April 2014
Mining Patient-Physician Communication Sequence Data to Understand the Casual Factors in Shared Decision Making
Eckart(Mathematics) and Kehao Zhu (Statistics), January 2013 – December 2013
Predicting the Readmission Risks in an Acute Care Hospital
Maggie Neff (Biomedical Engineering) and Jiali Zhou (Automation, Tsingha University, China), May 2013 – December 2013
Statistical Analysis and Data Mining for Likelihood, Timing, and Diagnosis Associated with Acute Hospital Readmission
Qi Jin (Statistics), May 2012-August 2012
A Cost-effectiveness Analysis of Age-specific Screening Strategies for Chlamydia infection
Duanyi Wei (Biomedical Engineering), May 2011-August 2011
Agent-based Simulation Study for Understanding How Initial Public Opinion on Vaccination Affects Vaccination Adherence during Infectious Disease Outbreak
David Yeung (Biomedical Engineering), May 2010-August 2010
Parameter Estimation of Chlamydia Trachomatous Transmission Dynamics
Xiaochang Li (Industrial Engineering), January 2008 – December 2008
Patient/Physician Scheduling in a Distributed Outpatient Specialty Care Delivery Network
Optimal Resource Allocation for Publically Funded Long-Term Care Provision
Xueyao Chen (Statistics), May 2008-December 2008
Mining of the U.S. Organ Transplantation and Allocation Data
Irene Brian (Statistics) and Emmanuel Jefferson (Industrial Engineering), January 2008-May 2008
Mining of the U.S. Organ Transplantation and Allocation Data