Safety and Emergency Planning

With the CoE Director of Safety, help establish a culture of safety in the college, manage the safety indemnification process, and guide to the College of Engineering, the Dean, and the Heads.

  • Integrate environmental health and safety into learning, discovery, and engagement activities;
  • Ensure individual accountability;
  • Assure a proactive system is in place to address environmental health and safety issues;
  • Improve the level and consistency of regulatory compliance; and
  • Reduce Purdue employee injury rates through effective and timely communication and training.
Jason Deitrich
Assistant Director of Facilities
765 494-9945
David Harmon
Building Deputy, Flex Lab and Kepner Laboratories
765 496-7811
David Kish
Director, Flex Lab and Kepner Laboratories
James Krogmeier
Associate Dean for Facilities and Planning and Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
765 494-3530
Phillip Qualio
Departmental Operations Clerk serving the Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering and the Potter Engineering Center
765 496-9757
Kerry Ticen
Facilities Manager, College of Engineering
765 494-3871

Mission and Focus

  • Integrate environmental health and safety into the learning, discovery, and engagement mission at Purdue;
  • ensure individual accountability;
  • assure a proactive system is in place to address environmental health and safety issues;
  • improve the level and consistency of regulatory compliance, campus wide; and
  • reduce Purdue employee injury rates through effective and timely communication and training.

For safety questions please e-mail



Classroom Emergency Planning

The following resources are intended to help instructors prepare for their classes:

Provost letter - Updated Best Practices in Case of Campus Emergency

CoE Instructions - Pandemic Planning - Academic  Planning Guide

CoE Classroom Emergency Plans (2 page documents): ABE   ARMS   CIVL   EE   FRNY   GRIS   ME   MJIS   MSEE  POTR

It is recommended that all CoE Faculty and Instructors take the following steps when preparing for classes:

1)  Provide information as part of the course syllabus regarding course policies in the case of a campus closing or suspension of classes:

Starting in the fall 2009 semester, you should include the following statement in the syllabus of each course that you teach:

"In the event of a major campus emergency, course requirements, deadlines and grading percentages are subject to changes that may be necessitated by a revised semester calendar or other circumstances.  Here are ways to get information about changes in this course." (Describe how your students can get information remotely here.)

2)  Establish, announce, and test a means of contacting students and teaching teams

3)  Be prepared to work from home


Safety and Emergency Planning Quick Links

REM (Radiological and Environmental Management)
EDEN (Extension Disaster Education Network)

College of Engineering School Safety Links


College of Engineering Safety Committee

The College of Engineering Safety Committee meets on the second Friday of every month, 8:30-9:30, at engineering locations across the Purdue campus.  Radiological and Environmental Management (REM), and the Birck Nanotechnology Center (BNC) regularly participate in the monthly meetings to insure a seamless safety effort within the College.

Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering, 701 W Stadium Ave, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2045

Phone: 765-494-5341; Fax 765-496-1466;