Engineering Ambassadors Program
The College of Engineering Ambassadors
The CoE Ambassadors are a vibrant, dynamic, charismatic, and knowledgeable group of engineering students representing all of the disciplines as the face of the college. Ambassadors have the opportunity to work with the College of Engineering Advancement Team, network with Purdue Engineering Alumni/ae, interact with Industry professionals, develop leadership skills, mentor First-year Engineering Students, and assist with the recruitment of future engineers.

2014-15 Ambassadors
Benefits to Purdue University
The Engineering Ambassador Program benefits Purdue by:
Demonstrating Purdue’s high-quality students and education to current and prospective students, alumni, and friends of the College of Engineering and Purdue.
Promoting an understanding of the field of engineering to current and prospective students, alumni, donors, and friends of Purdue Engineering.
Promoting goodwill for the College of Engineering by representing the “face of current Purdue Engineering students” at events, activities, and programs.
Enhanced Education for Purdue Students
Ambassadors are selected through an application process designed to identify distinguished students actively involved in the University community. Student education is enhanced by:
Skill development: Outstanding engineering students have opportunities to enhance and develop marketable skills in leadership, teamwork, and public speaking while gaining valuable knowledge about Purdue and the College of Engineering.
Training: The ambassadors who represent each of the schools within the College of Engineering undergo a training program designed to develop leadership skills, provide knowledge about Purdue, and hone their skills.
Involvement: Ambassadors have opportunities to help constituents make well-informed decisions about their contributions and educational future.
Minimum Eligibility Requirements
To qualify for an Engineering Ambassador interview, a student must:
Must be currently enrolled in one of the Professional Schools or Divisions in the College of Engineering
Must have successfully completed First-Year Engineering program
Must have and maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.8
Must have at least 2 semesters remaining before graduation
Academic and Personal Excellence
Maintain a GPA of at least 2.8
Must have outstanding communication skills
Ability to work well with others
Demonstrate leadership skills
Demonstrate pride in Purdue and their school and enjoy sharing their experiences with others
Exhibit professional standards when representing the University, including appropriate conversation, manner, and dress
Selection Process
Each fall semester, any student interested in the program will be invited to apply. Applications will then be screened and those who pass the screening will be invited to interview with the Selection Team. The selected Ambassadors will begin the following spring semester.
Registration, attendance, and participation in ENGR 406 – Engineering Leadership Seminar (Tuesdays, 6:00-7:00pm) – each semester. Due to the nature of hosting guest speakers, class will sometimes run longer than one hour.
Participation in a minimum number of events each semester
Professional attitude and behavior as representatives of the Purdue University College of Engineering
Ambassador Activities
Attend Purdue home football games in the Dean’s suite and interact with the invited guests and alumni
Host and emcee College-wide luncheons and dinners
Host and emcee building or space dedications
Attend Homecoming and Family Day events
Give tours of College of Engineering buildings to select guests
Assist Advancement Officers with College-wide initiatives
Mentor FYE GRIP (Grades Recovery in Progress) participants
Attend Golden Honors events
Meet with special Future Engineers and their families
Benefits of Participation
Attend special leadership trainings
Receive Ambassador branded polos, a jacket, name tag, and business cards
Work with Alumni/ae who are currently or were at the top of their professions
Development of professional skills such as public speaking and networking
ENGR 406 counts towards the Engineering Leadership Minor