Instructions for Preparing Nomination Documents

Faculty Promotion and/or Tenure Only Nominations


Documentation expectations:

  • Download and use this MS Word™ template to prepare each nomination as a single electronic file. For assistance with formatting and/or the template, contact Will Sondgerath, 41871; content questions should be addressed to your mentor or your Head's office.
  • Reference letters must be incorporated as scanned PDF pages, numbered according to their relative position in the document.
  • The Form 36, the first page of every nomination file, does not require the Head's signature; however, a signed hard copy of that Form 36 must be filed with the Dean of Engineering Office(DOE) prior to the EAPC meeting at which that nomination is to be considered. Instructions for completing the Form 36 are also available.
  • E-mail each electronic file to the Dean of Engineering Office (DOE) by the appropriate due date.

New Faculty Appointments with Immediate Tenure


  • Expectations are identical to those applied to faculty promotions to the rank being recommended for the candidate.

Documentation expectations:

  • The candidate's CV should be reformatted into the faculty promotion template standard. Practical considerations may necessitate some flexibility in this goal, e.g. information about external funding may not be sufficiently robust to fully complete some tables as requested.
  • Reference letters should be incorporated as scanned PDF pages, numbered according to their relative position in the document.
  • It is strongly recommended that the sets of letters for immediate tenure cases follow the same set of requirements and guidelines as normal internal tenure cases. This includes the requirement that the total number of letters in the case be at least eight (8), with the number of letters obtained by the primary committee exceeding the number provided by the candidate. (per 2/6/2023 memo from Provost)
  • Impactful journal papers are encouraged to be included in the document (maximum of five)     
  • The Form 36, including the Primary Committee's vote, is required as is the head's summary statement.
  • E-mail the electronic file to the Dean of Engineering Office (DOE) at least one full week prior to the target action date.

Honorary Doctorate Nominations


Documentation expectations:

  • Download and use this MS Word™ template to prepare your nomination. For assistance with formatting and/or the template, contact Will Sondgerath at 41871; content questions should be addessed to your Head.
  • Any supporting documentation should be incorporated as scanned PDF pages.
  • E-mail each electronic nomination file to Will Sondgerath by the appropriate due date.
  • For those nominations approved by the EAPC, the Heads must subsequently obtain three external letters of recommendation for the University Committee.

Distinguished Engineering Alumni/ae Nominations


Documentation expectations:

  • Submit electronically as a MS Word™ file.
  • Any support material should be incorporated as scanned PDF pages.
  • E-mail each electronic nomination file to Will Sondgerath at by the appropriate due date.
  • When submitting a nomination, please use the DEA Template.