Logs for EFD_82-25

AAE 53000: Computational Combustion and Propulsion

Action Status Note Timestamp
EFD Updated Approved 2025/01/27 13:36:42.436541 US/Eastern
EFD Updated In Faculty Review 2025/01/13 16:31:47.290549 US/Eastern
Note Tabled tabled due to lack of representation 2024/12/17 09:26:52.020433 US/Eastern
EFD Updated Tabled 2024/12/17 09:26:41.335451 US/Eastern
EFD Updated On ECC Agenda 2024/12/13 08:18:39.594555 US/Eastern
EFD Updated Inactive 2024/11/26 08:27:24.596708 US/Eastern
EFD Created Inactive 2024/11/26 08:25:27.020759 US/Eastern