EFD Processing (EFD 100-19)


Engineering Faculty Document No. 100-19
                                                                                            February, 2019

TO: The Faculty of the College of Engineering

FROM: The Engineering Curriculum Committee

RE: The Purpose and Processing of Engineering Faculty Documents


Engineering Faculty Documents


The Engineering Curriculum Committee (ECC) has approved the following processing of Engineering Faculty Documents (EFD) in order to be consistent with the bylaws of the College of Engineering and with current University curricular practices. The intent of this update is to define, streamline, and clarify the processes for all curricular matters within the College. This EFD will replace EFD 07-06.

  1. Purpose: The Engineering Curriculum Committee is charged by the Dean of the College of Engineering with the study and review of curricular changes both undergraduate and graduate in the College of Engineering.
  2. Process Oversight: The Office of the Associate Dean for Graduate and Undergraduate Education (AD) is responsible for the administrative oversight and the processing of all work stemming from the ECC.
  3. Origination: Engineering Faculty Documents can be proposed by any school, division, program, or administrative entity comprised primarily of faculty or with the approval of a curriculum committee consisting of faculty.
  4. Format: Each proposed EFD shall conform to a format as outlined in the attached supplement. Required elements include: a document number (obtained from the Office of AD), the action requested, and an explanation of the proposed action.
  5. Types of Actions: Requested EFD actions fall into three types
    1. Auto-Approvals done by ECC chair without need for ECC review:
      1. Online delivery of an existing course
      2. Adding additional semester offering to an existing course
    2. Fast-Track: Examples of possible Fast-Track actions:
      1. A change in prerequisites
      2. A change in schedule type
      3. A minor change in course description
      4. A change in restrictions
      5. A change in whether the course is repeatable or not-repeatable
    3. Full Process: Examples of possible Full Process actions:
      1. New course creation
      2. Course expiration
      3. Curricular updates (changes in plans of study)
      4. Creation of new minors, majors, degrees, concentrations, and certificates
      5. Course changes not listed under Auto-Approval or Fast-Track
  6. Processing:
    1. All EFDs must be sent to the Office of the Associate Dean for Graduate and Undergraduate Education, which will begin the process by adding them to the EFD database.
    2. EFDs will be considered at the next ECC meeting where a quorum is in attendance. A quorum is defined as a simple majority of the ECC.
    3. Auto-Approval EFDs will be read into the minutes.
    4. Fast-Track EFDs will first be reviewed by the ECC Chair and the Associate Dean. If both approve the EFD for fast-track, it will proceed to the ECC meeting. If they do not agree, the EFD will follow the Full Process. At the ECC meeting, a unanimous vote of the attending ECC members will approve the EFD on behalf of the faculty of the College of Engineering. If the vote is not unanimous, the EFD will follow the Full Process.
    5. Full Process EFDs will be reviewed by the ECC and one of the following actions may occur:
      1. The ECC votes to send the EFD to the faculty for review. The faculty has two weeks to review the EFD.
        1. If member(s) of the faculty flag the EFD, the ECC Chair will work with the flagger and the originator to resolve the flag. If they cannot achieve a resolution within 30 days, the Chair may choose to hold an open faculty meeting to allow both parties to air their concerns. Following this meeting, the ECC may either pass the EFD with a 2/3 majority vote, or, reject it without prejudice.
        2. If the EFD is not flagged during the two-week period, it will be added to a consent agenda for approval on behalf of the faculty at the next subsequent ECC meeting. ECC members wishing to dissent should strive to notify the ECC Chair of their dissent before the meeting is held.
      2. The ECC may choose to table the EFD for clarification and return it to the originator. The originator has 30 days to provide the clarification. If clarification is received, the EFD will return from the table for a vote. If the 30 days pass with no action, the ECC chair may choose to remove the EFD from the table to continue the process.
      3. The ECC does not vote to pass the EFD to faculty and rejects the EFD without prejudice