Comments for EFD_60-17

ABE : Curriculum changes for Biological Engineering Plan of Study

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I appreciate this change to become more in line with current FYE and CoE General Education requirements. It would be helpful, however, to have clarity on what constitutes a course in "English Composition." Does it have to be taught by the English department? Will all courses on the UCC Written Communications list be accepted? For transfer courses, must they say "composition" in the title? I appreciate that ABE has the right to make the decision about how to define this, so I am not advocating any approach. It would just be helpful for the purposes of advising in the first year to know how ABE interprets this rule. This comment also applies to EFD 59-17. Thank you. Stephen Hoffmann,, 4-5740. ELT Review all 2017/01/11 16:01:54.448880 US/Eastern