Logs for EFD_60-07

ECE 468: Introduction to Compilers and Translation Engineering

Action Status Note Timestamp
EFD Updated Approved 2013/03/04 15:45:24.607640 US/Eastern
Note Approved Approved on behalf of the faculty by ECC on 11/12/08. Requested Form 40 from department on 11/18/08. 2008/11/18 15:21:00.723 US/Eastern
EFD Updated Approved 2008/11/18 15:20:39.315 US/Eastern
Note Awaiting ECC Approval Awaiting ECC final approval at 11/12/08 meeting. 2008/11/11 15:50:20.232 US/Eastern
EFD Updated Awaiting ECC Approval 2008/11/11 15:50:06.949 US/Eastern
Note Passed Faculty Review Passed faculty review on 11/10/08. Awaiting final approval by ECC at 11/12/08 meeting. 2008/11/11 15:50:01.166 US/Eastern
EFD Updated Passed Faculty Review 2008/11/11 15:49:42.498 US/Eastern
Note In Faculty Review Distributed for faculty review on 10/27/08. 2008/10/27 10:14:22.879 GMT-4
EFD Updated In Faculty Review 2008/10/27 10:14:07.463 GMT-4
Note In Originating School Approved for distribution to the faculty on 10/8/08 pending editorial amendments. New document yet to be received for distribution (10/15/08). 2008/10/15 10:27:06.882 GMT-4
EFD Updated In Originating School 2008/10/15 10:26:37.781 GMT-4
Note On ECC Agenda Placed on ECC Agenda for 10/8/08 meeting for consideration to distribute to the faculty. 2008/10/07 16:34:45.324 GMT-4
EFD Updated On ECC Agenda 2008/10/07 16:34:22.581 GMT-4
EFD Updated Passed ELT 2008/08/05 11:01:18.740 GMT-4
EFD Updated Passed ELT 2008/05/02 09:41:22.396 GMT-4
Note In Originating School Edits received and reposted on 5/2/08. Awaiting consideration for distribution to the faculty. (Minutes #23) 2008/05/02 09:40:59.372 GMT-4
EFD Updated In Originating School 2008/05/02 08:46:00.962 GMT-4
Note In Originating School EFD was tabled 4/16/08 and returned to originating school for additional edits and information. 2008/04/16 13:07:16.722 GMT-4
EFD Updated In Originating School 2008/04/16 13:06:58.188 GMT-4
EFD Updated On ECC Agenda 2008/04/16 06:58:34.895 GMT-4
EFD Updated Passed ELT 2008/03/19 11:15:05.071 GMT-4
Note ELT Review Awaiting Consideration for distribution to the faculty 2008/03/19 11:14:54.959 GMT-4
EFD Updated ELT Review 2008/02/25 11:54:27.111 US/Eastern