Logs for EFD_40-11

EEE 39000: Professional Practice Seminar

Action Status Note Timestamp
EFD Updated Approved 2013/04/05 11:09:29.706792 GMT-4
EFD Updated Approved 2013/04/05 11:09:26.453891 GMT-4
EFD Updated Approved 2013/04/05 11:00:28.843287 GMT-4
EFD Updated Approved 2013/03/06 15:12:4.960283 US/Eastern
EFD Updated Approved 2011/09/01 14:50:00.795 GMT-4
EFD Updated Approved 2011/09/01 14:48:54.240 GMT-4
Note On ECC Agenda Passed faculty review on 8/29/2011. On ECC agenda for final approval on 8/31/2011. Received final approval by the ECC on 8/31/2011. 2011/09/01 14:48:46.499 GMT-4
EFD Updated On ECC Agenda 2011/09/01 14:48:41.248 GMT-4
Note In Faculty Review Approved by the ECC on 4/27/2011 for distribution to the faculty. Received updated document and will send to the faculty for their 2 week review on August 15, 2011 when the new semester begins. 2011/05/11 13:50:15.149 GMT-4
EFD Updated In Faculty Review 2011/05/11 13:49:56.073 GMT-4
EFD Updated On ECC Agenda 2011/04/25 15:48:36.960 GMT-4
Note Passed ELT Passed ELT on 4/20/2011. On ECC agenda for 4/27/2011 for approval for distribution to the faculty. 2011/04/25 15:48:24.100 GMT-4
EFD Updated Passed ELT 2011/04/25 15:47:51.188 GMT-4
Note ELT Review Sent to the ELT for their 2 week review on 4/6/2011. 2011/04/06 14:18:55.891 GMT-4
EFD Updated ELT Review 2011/04/06 14:18:39.168 GMT-4