Logs for EFD_39-25

BME : Concentration in Artificial Intelligence and Digital Health with Industry Immersion for MSBME

Action Status Note Timestamp
Note Tabled Tabled to request BME 64600 be required. 2024/12/03 08:35:23.842654 US/Eastern
EFD Updated Tabled 2024/12/03 08:33:55.609746 US/Eastern
EFD Updated On ECC Agenda 2024/11/21 16:24:29.115317 US/Eastern
EFD Updated On ECC Agenda 2024/11/08 14:01:9.245905 US/Eastern
EFD Updated Inactive 2024/09/12 13:57:37.589686 GMT-4
EFD Created Inactive 2024/09/12 13:57:34.706769 GMT-4