Logs for EFD_32-23

MSE 57000: Introduction to Materials Modeling and Informatics

Action Status Note Timestamp
EFD Updated Approved 2022/10/17 12:35:27.865464 GMT-4
EFD Updated In Faculty Review 2022/10/04 15:59:48.331470 GMT-4
EFD Updated On ECC Agenda 2022/10/04 15:59:27.274803 GMT-4
EFD Updated On ECC Agenda 2022/09/30 15:39:40.341320 GMT-4
EFD Updated Inactive 2022/09/27 09:19:27.699916 GMT-4
EFD Created Inactive 2022/09/27 09:19:3.474662 GMT-4