Logs for EFD_142-25

CE : Concentration in Construction Engineering and Business

Action Status Note Timestamp
EFD Updated In Faculty Review 2025/03/10 16:09:27.323727 GMT-4
EFD Updated In Faculty Review 2025/03/10 12:53:18.149795 GMT-4
EFD Updated Tabled 2025/03/10 12:53:0.548671 GMT-4
EFD Updated Tabled 2025/03/10 11:59:3.806344 GMT-4
Note Tabled tabled at request of school. 2025/02/21 10:20:45.293722 US/Eastern
EFD Updated Tabled 2025/02/21 10:20:35.895250 US/Eastern
EFD Updated In Faculty Review 2025/02/17 15:27:17.270284 US/Eastern
EFD Updated On ECC Agenda 2025/02/17 12:52:17.419069 US/Eastern
EFD Updated On ECC Agenda 2025/02/14 14:11:7.342202 US/Eastern
EFD Updated Tabled 2025/02/14 13:41:7.966318 US/Eastern
Note Tabled tabled to discuss temporary course numbers. 2025/02/10 14:38:43.424772 US/Eastern
EFD Updated Tabled 2025/02/10 14:38:30.013021 US/Eastern
EFD Updated On ECC Agenda 2025/02/07 13:34:5.541992 US/Eastern
EFD Updated Inactive 2025/02/05 11:20:17.986182 US/Eastern
EFD Created Inactive 2025/02/05 11:20:15.126532 US/Eastern