The Great ECN Brain Dump

guide for new student employees

Working on the Network Map

The very first thing you should do is spend some time looking at the old network maps. Familiarize yourself with the general history, and then look at some of the specifics on the maps themselves. Notice how lines and symbols are used so that you can use them consistently when you get to the map design stage. Also note which types of machines are shown. Once you are familiar with the old maps, you are ready to begin.

There are three main steps to the Network Mapping process. First you must obtain the host count. Second, you must update and redesign the map itself. Third, you must get the map printed. These steps are not completely sequential and separate. You will be constantly rechecking the host count as you update the map, and you may find yourself redesigning the map after several test printings. After you print a test of the map, people will probably point out counting errors that will send you back to step one. It's all part of the process, so don't get frustrated with it.

The Host Count

Located somewhere on the ECN (don't ask me exactly where) there is something called the "host file." The host file is pretty much a big text file that lists every computer, printer, or other device that is registered on the network. It lists the machines in order according to their subnets (128.46.153.XXX, 128.46.154.XXX, etc.), and within the subnets they are listed in order of IP address (,, etc.). Next to each IP address, the file lists the name of the machine and its "type." The "type" is a fairly vague description of the machine based either upon its hardware, its operating system, or both.

In the bad old days, the person creating the network map had to pore over the host file manually, taking tallies of each machine type. Using a pencil or a highlighter to mark off the already counted machines, they would count every machine on a subnet labeled "PC/Microsoft Windows 95" and enter the number into a chart. Then they would count every machine on the same subnet labeled "PC/Microsoft Windows 98" and enter the number into a chart. They would repeat the process for every type of machine (Mac, Linux, Suns of various sizes) on every subnet. The job took weeks and was prone to human error.

Today, however, there is a program that will summarize the host file into just the information you need for the network map. Mark Senn, who works across the hall in the hardware department (but he actually works in software), wrote the script for use on the 2002 network map. Because of the permissions required to run the program, you will have to ask Mark to run it for you and print the results. The results from this script are similar to the plain host file, but greatly simplified. Instead of listing every machine on every subnet, it lists the subnets followed by a count of each machine type. You won't have to count up the number of Windows PCs because the program does it for you. This program will save you literally weeks of tedious work.

Sometimes you will need to look into the host file for specific information. For example, you may want to search the file for a certain machine called "spongebob". To do that, you can use the grep command from a terminal. The syntax for the grep command is:

grep string filename

where "string" is the text you are searching for and "filename" is the file you are searching in. To locate a computer called "spongebob" in the host file, you would type:

grep spongebob /etc/hosts

If you wanted to list all of the computers on the 154 subnet, you would type:

grep 46.154 /etc/hosts

Because all ECN subnets begin with "128.46.", we can use that as part of the search string to make sure that only machines on the 154 subnet are listed instead of every machine with a 154 in its name or IP address.

One thing you will probably still need to do by hand is calculate the total machine counts for the network. My preferred method for doing this step is to enter all of the individual machine counts into an Excel spreadsheet and use it to calculate a sum. When you are done you can say that according to the host file, there are X number of PCs on the network, Y number of Macs, etc.

A Word About Machine Types: Some of the terminology surrounding the machine types can be confusing. I will try to explain some of the distinctions here.

  • X86 - You may have noticed that before 2002, the light blue computer icon referred to "PCs" and that in 2002 they changed to "X86" machines. I made this change for two reasons. First, "PC" stands for "Personal Computer," yet some Windows servers were being grouped in the same category because they didn't fit any other category. "PC" is often used to mean a computer running the Windows operating system, so I could have changed the label for the icon to "Windows" but for one thing: the Linux operating system runs on the same hardware. Since we generally use the map to distinguish between types of hardware, not operating systems, we include Linux machines in the same light-blue-icon category as Windows PCs and servers. I settled on calling the category "X86" because that is a somewhat common technical term for machines running Intel or AMD processors. The name comes from the series of chips used to power this type of computer. Older models are called the 286, 386, or 486. The newer models from Intel are called "Pentium," but that's pretty much just a fancy way of saying "586". When referring to all machines running this family of processor, computer people often use the term "X86". When counting them, be sure to include all Windows and Linux workstations in the count. You should separate the servers and give them unique icons. You might need to talk to specialists to determine which machines are servers and which are workstations.
  • Sun- There are, approximately speaking, about a gazillion different types of Sun computers. Sun is always releasing new models of their workstations and servers, and ever one of them is listed in the host file as a separate type of computer. Fortunately, Mark's script knows how to separate the important servers from the general workstations by their machine type. Under most circumstances, you can just look at the output from the script. Sometimes, however, there will be one nondescript workstation that is really working as a server with a fancy name and a fancy role on the network. The easiest way to spot these is to look at the old map. These are more important to note in the design stage, and for the moment they can be included in the total count along with the normal Sun workstations. If a new type of server comes along, you may need to create a new category for it. In 2002, I had to introduce an icon for the Sun "Fire" servers. Watch out for developments like that.
  • Mac- Very little changes with Macs on this campus. The numbers fluctuate some, usually downward, but they maintain a consistent presence. For the 2002 map, I updated the Mac icon to better represent Mac technology, rather than relying on an icon that looks like a 1992 Mac. If you are so inclined, you can redesign it again to reflect the new generation of Mac, but I figure the classic iMac look will remain appropriate at least through 2004. It is highly unlikely, but it is possible that ECN will have a major MacOS server at some point. Don't expect it, but you may want to ask anyway. If there are any major Mac servers, make a new category for them.
  • HP- Pretty much like Sun, but there are a lot fewer of them. There are a number of different models, but they all get lumped into the "HP" category. HPs are being phased out for the most part, but they are still scattered here and there.

In the end, the most important way of confirming your numbers is to ask the site specialists. The best way to do so is after you've made a rough draft of the map. Show them a copy of their section of the map and ask them to confirm the numbers. Unfortunately, they will often just skim the map and miss important mistakes. Still, it is better to have them look it over than not because they will notice things that you couldn't learn any other way.

You should continue these steps over and over until you finish the final print of the map.

Designing the Map

The Network Map is created with AutoCad. The best way to begin the new network map is to start with the most recent completed map's AutoCad file. The files for prior maps are currently located in DocumentRoot/ECN/OLDSITE/Network_Maps/SourceFiles. If they are no longer there, find whoever moved them and beat the new location out of them. Open the latest file using AutoCad, which should be somewhere in the Start menu of the ECN Pool's PC. If it isn't, contact software ( and ask them to install it.

I am not qualified to give you a tutorial for using AutoCad, so look at the links section for instructions. In particular, you will need to know how to do the following:

  • Move objects
  • Edit text and create new text
  • Draw solid and dashed lines and constrain them to horizontal and vertical axes
  • Copy and Paste single objects and groups of objects

Unless you have used CAD software before, none of these tasks will be intuitive. Take some time to get used to them, since you will use them all at some point.

Once you have the map file open, get out the machine count list that you created earlier. Pick a subnet from the machine count and find the corresponding subnet on the map. If you have trouble finding the subnet on the map, check what school it belongs to. If the subnet belongs to ME, find the place on the map where all of the ME subnets are grouped together.

When you find the subnet on the map, compare the numbers on the map to the numbers on the machine count. Most of the time, the numbers will be different. Simply change the text inside each machine's icon to reflect the new count. If a machine type seems to have been eliminated completely, delete its icon and connecting line, but leave a space for it on the subnet for the moment. You may find that a later count will reveal machines that previous counts overlooked, and you want to leave space to put the icon back if necessary. If there are machines in the count that are not represented on the map, you may have to shift surrounding subnets to make room for the new icon. Sometimes, a subnet on the map will have a machine connected to it that is listed by name instead of being included with the normal count. Confirm the name and location of these machines with the site specialist for that particular subnet. When you've finished updating a subnet, mark it off ont the machine count (I like to use a highlighter).

If you cme across a subnet that is on the map but not in the count, you will probably want to delete it. Before you do, contact the site specialist responsible for that subnet and ask them if there has been an oversight or if the subnet has actually been eliminated. If it has been eliminated, go ahead and delete it. Remember to delete the solid line connecting the subnet to the central Cisco router.

If you come across a subnet in the count that is not on the map, make a note by it and come back to it later. You will need to add it to the map eventually, but at first there will probably not be enough space. Wait until you are ready to begin rearranging the map and insert the new subnets then.Now you should have a map that is mostly updated, but it won't be pretty. There will be big holes where you deleted subnets, the connecting lines will seem random, and you will probably have half a dozen or so subnets that still need to be added. Now is when you get to exercise your design skills (that's why Marian hired you, after all!). The most effective way to go about redesigning the map is to work on one section at a time. If you start with ECE, for example, you should try to fit all of the ECE subnets into a neat, well-defined area of the map. The goal is to make the map compact, readable, and to have the fewest overlapping lines possible. Sometimes, due to subnets that are connected directly to each other and to the Cisco router, it is impossible to avoid overlap completely. In those cases, try to minimize overlap through good positioning, and mark all overlaps with an arc (see the existing map for examples).

When it is necessary to draw new lines, either for connections or for new subnets, use the AutoCad command for contraining lines to the X or Y axes. If you try to eyeball it, your lines will not be straight most of the time. The resolution of your monitor will hide very subtle angling that will become very apparent in a printed version of the map. You will also do your successors a big favor by keeping your lines straight. I had to repair dozens of crooked lines when I made the 2002 map, which took up a lot of time that could have been put to better use.

When you are absolutely certain that the subnets are all properly placed, you should redraw the lines connecting each subnet to the Cisco router. Delete the old lines and make the new ones equidistant from each other so that they are perfectly parallel.

Continue to update the machine count, and as you do so, continue to update the numbers on the map. Keep doing so until you finish the final printing of the map, explained in the next section.

When all of the individual machines are accounted for on the map, there are two important parts of the map to finish. First, you must update the key. If there are any new types of machines that you added to the map, make sure that their icon is in the key. If any machine types are no longer used on the network, remove them. Update the numbers beside each icon to accurately reflect the new machine counts. Second, you need to update the blurb at the bottom of the map that describes significant developments to ECN in the past 2 years. You will need to collaborate with William Simmons to get an accurate blurb. If you feel that you've learned enough about the network to write a rough draft, go ahead and write one and present it to Mr. Simmons. If not, start out by asking him what he wants you to write. Keep the text concise, and try to summarize as much as possible without sacrificing accuracy. The blurb is done when Simmons gives it his OK.

Printing the Map

Printing the map comes down to one key factor: Josh Harley. Josh is the site specialist for CE, and he's a former student employee who designed some of the first network maps. He can help you a lot with printing, and also with designing the map in general. When it comes time to print a first draft of the map, contact him (you can find his e-mail address in the Purdue directory). Use e-mail because he doesn't answer the phone, but he will instantly respond to e-mail if he is there. By this time, you should have already worked with him on the project, so he'll know you. Tell him that you are ready to print a rough draft of the network map, and he will help you print it on the plotter in his lab. Print the map at about half of its final size. That will be enough to be readable. Once it is printed, hang the rough draft in the ECN main office. Then send out an e-mail to the whole ECN staff inviting them to mark the map with any necessary corrections they may spot. Leave it up for a couple of weeks, then make any changes in the AutoCad file. Then print out another draft. Call it the "final draft" and circulate another e-mail announcing the "last chance" to mark errors on the map. If nobody marks any changes, you are ready to print the final copies of the map. If people do mark changes, make them, then you will be ready to print another draft. Keep printing drafts until people stop marking changes.

You will need to print XX copies of the network map: one for the hall, one for each School of Engineering, one for the ECN director's office, one for the small frame in the copy room, and an extra or two. The measurements are as follows:

Hallway 39" x 31"
Schools and Extras 39" x 31"
Director's Office 30" x 24"
Copy Room 29" x 23"

These are the dimensions of the opening in the matte, so remember two things. 1.) Leave between 1/2" to 1" of margin on each side of the actual map graphic. For example, for the hallway map, the map itself should be closer to 37" x 29". 2.) You will need to leave enough paper around the map to go under the edges of the matte board. The total dimensions of the paper for the hallway map should be at least 41" x 33", but it can be as large as you want. The person who mattes it can trim it down if they need to.

Thus ends the tutorial! Marian will probably enlist your help in the framing and hanging of the new maps, but that is up to her. That process changes enough each time that it's not worth putting it here. Good luck!