Purdue University Boiling and Two-Phase Flow Laboratory (PU-BTPFL)

Established by Prof. Issam Mudawar in 1984, the Purdue University Boiling and Two-Phase Flow Laboratory (PU-BTPFL) became the World’s most extensive venue for experimental research on two-phase flow and heat transfer, including adiabatic flow, boiling, and condensation. It contains custom fabricated facilities for investigation of various aspects of these processes, supported by vast assortments of optical instruments, including high-speed video and film-based camera systems, computers and data acquisition hardware, electronic measurement devices, and mechanical tools. Our computers are interfaced to several mainframes available throughout the Purdue Engineering Computer Network (ECN). PU-BTPFL also houses classroom instructional facilities for pool boiling, flow boiling, two-phase flow patterns in a vertical tube, parallel flow gravity-driven instability, and density-wave oscillations. It also possesses extensive electrical power capability (in excess of 100 kW) as well as supply of compressed air and cooling water. Technical support is provided by personnel from the Mechanical Engineering Electronics Shop as well several of Purdue’s machine shops.
PU-BTPFL houses the following facilities (view presentation):
Pool Boiling Pressure Vessel
Pool Boiling Test Chamber
Facility for Measurement of Pool Boiling on Underside of Heated Curved Wall
Micro-channel Condensation Facility
Micro-channel Boiler Pumpless Flow Loop
Facility for Simultaneous Falling Film Velocity & Film Thickness Measurements using LDV & Heated Wire Probes, Respectively
High Capacity Flow boiling Facility
Facility for Flow Boiling Enhancement in Curved Channels
Micro-channel Cooling Loop
Micro-channel Vapor Compression Facility
Micro-channel Facility for Micro-PIV Measurements
Adiabatic Micro-channel Two-phase Flow Patterns Facility
Micro-channel Facility for Nanofluid & Carbon Nanotube Experiments
Micro-channel & Hybrid Micro-channel/Jet Impingement Low Temperature Refrigeration Facility
Ultra High Heat Flux Facility
Rotating Stirrer Facility
Spray Orientation Facility
Spray Cooling Facility
Spray Quenching Testbed
Jet-impingement Facility
Flow Boiling Orientation Facility
Flow Boiling Parabolic Flight Rig
Flow Condensation Parabolic Flight Rig
Spacecraft Hybrid Thermal Control System (TCS) Facility
Flow Condensation Orientation Effects Facility
Micro-channel Condensation Facility
Cross-flow Micro-channel Heat Exchanger Facility for Study of Air-fuel Heat Transfer in High Mach Turbine Engines
Thermal Management Facility for Ultra-Fast Charging of Electric Vehicles
Hydrogen Storage Thermal Management Facility
Surface Analysis Facility