P.O. Box 2069
West Lafayette, IN 47996-2069
Phone:  (765) 463-2317 ext 224
Fax:  (765) 497-2402

2005 Hot Mix Asphalt Conference Presentations

  Thursday, January 27, 2005  
1:20 p.m.

National HMA Update

John D'Angelo, FHWA
1:45 p.m. Best Practices and Standards - Dukatz
Best Practices and Standards - Huber
Best Practices and Standards - McDaniel
Erv Dukatz, Mathy; Gerry Huber, Heritage, and Rebecca McDaniel, NCSC
2:30 p.m. Using Contractors' Test Results for Acceptance - Kreider
Using Contractors' Test Results for Acceptance - Corrigan
Using Contractors' Test Results for Acceptance - Hughes
Rick Kreider, KSDOT, Matt Corrigan, FHWA, and Chuck Hughes, Consultant
3:30 p.m. Indiana's Experience with SMA Applications and Specifications Dave Andrewski, INDOT; Brad Cruea, Milestone
  Friday, January 28, 2005  
7:30 a.m.  Wisconsin's Experience with SMA -Dukatz and Ryan
Wisconsin's Experience with SMA - Signe Reichelt
Judie Ryan, WisDOT; Erv Dukatz, Mathy; and Signe Reichelt, Payne and Dolan
8:15 a.m.. Scanning Tour Bob Bernhard, Purdue University
8:45 a.m. Surface Texture on Low Volume Roads Alan Carter and Mary Stroup-Gardiner,
Auburn University
9:45 a.m. FHWA/NAPA Update and NCSC Update Rebecca McDaniel, NCSC
10:30 a.m. Indiana's Safety Edge Elizabeth Pastuszka, INDOT
10:50 a.m. Adding Quality to Milling Operations Lee Gallivan, FHWA
11:10 a.m. Terra/MnRoad Dan Boerner, MNDOT

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2005 Hot Mix Asphalt Conference Presentations
E-mail your comments to : warble@ecn.purdue.edu