IDDR Alphabetical Index

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y


AARP (American Association of Retired Persons)

AARP Indiana

Abilities Services, Inc.


About Special Kids

accessABILITY Center for Independent Living

Acoustic Neuroma Association

ADA Indiana

Adult Abuse Hotline

Agape Therapeutic Riding Resources, Inc.


Alcohol & Drug Support Groups

Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

ALS Association (Lou Gherig's disease)

Alzheimer’s Association

Alzheimer’s Association, Greater Indiana Chapter

Alzheimer’s Support Groups

American Amputee Foundation (AAF)

American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

American Brain Tumor Association

American Burn Association

American Camp Association

American Cancer Society

American Council of the Blind

American Council of the Blind of Indiana

American Diabetes Association

American Diabetes Association, Regional Office

American Foundation for the Blind

American Heart Association

American Liver Foundation

American Lung Association of Indiana

American Lung Association of Indiana, Northern Office

American Music Therapy Association

American Music Therapy Association, Indiana University-Fort Wayne

American Music Therapy Association, University of Evansville

American Music Therapy Association, St. Mary-of-the-Woods College

American Printing House for the Blind, Inc.

American Red Cross, Indianapolis Chapter

American Society for Deaf Children

American Tinnitus Association

Amputee Coalition of America

Aphasia Support Group

Applied Behavior Center

Arc of Indiana 

Arc of the United States 

Area Agencies on Aging

Arthritis Foundation, Indiana Chapter

Arthritis Foundation–Northeast Indiana Branch

Arthritis Foundation–South Bend Branch

Arthritis Foundation–Southern Indiana Branch

Asthma Alliance of Indianapolis


ATTIC, Inc. (Assistive Technology Training and Information Center)

Autism Society of America

Autism Society of Indiana

Autism Support Groups

Avenues—Arthrogryposis National Support Group


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Beamer-Paloma Center

Bosma Enterprises

Boy Scouts of America

Brain Injury Association of America

Brain Injury Association of Indiana

Brain Injury Support Group

Breaking New Ground Resource Center

Bright Hope Riders of the Wabash Valley

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Cancer Care, Inc.–Cancer Care Counseling Line

Cancer Support Groups

Canine Companions for Independence

Caregiver Support Groups

Catholic Ministry of the Deaf

CDC Resources, Inc.

Center on Aging and Community (See IIDC)

Center on Community Living and Careers (See IIDC)

Center for Disability Information and Referral (See IIDC)

Center on Education and Lifelong Learning  (See IIDC)

Center for Planning and Policy Studies (See IIDC)

Child Safety–Car Seats/Seat Belt Information

Childhood Cancer–Camp Little Red Door

Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (C.H.A.D.D.)

Children’s Special Health Care Services (CSHCS)

Children’s TherAplay Foundation, Inc. 

Children’s Therapy Plus, Inc.

Christian Council on Persons with Disabilities

Christopher Reeve Foundation

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Association

CHS Homecare Services, Inc.

Civil Rights Commission of Indiana

Community VNA Home Care

Comprehensive Stroke Program


Consumer Protection Information

Council for Exceptional Children

Courage Center

Craniofacial Anomalies–Face to Face Support Group

Cystic Fibrosis Care Center

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Indiana Chapter

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Damar Homes

DBTAC: Great Lakes ADA Center

Death and Bereavement Support Groups

Department of Insurance

Diabetes Support Groups

Disability Determination Information

Disabled American Veterans

Dogs for the Deaf, Inc.

Dystonia Medical Research Foundation

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Early Childhood Center (See IIDC)

East Central Indiana Therapeutic Riding, Inc.

Easter Seals (National)

Easter Seals Arc of Northeast Indiana

Easter Seals Bridgepointe, Indiana

Easter Seals Crossroads

Easter Seals Southwestern Indiana

Easter Seals of Wayne and Union Counties

Edelweiss Equine-Assisted Therapy Center, Inc.

Educational Equity Concepts


Ehlers-Danlos National Foundation

EmployAbilities (see Wabash Center, Inc.)

Epilepsy Foundation

EquiVenture Therapeutic Riding, Inc.

Everybody Counts (ECCIL)

Exceptional Equestrians Unlimited, Inc.

Experience Works, Inc.–Indiana

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Family Caregiver Alliance

Family Center on Technology and Disability

Fibromyalgia Support Group (Abilities Unlimited)

First Steps (FSSA)

Foundation Fighting Blindness 


Foundations for Persons with Disabilities

Foundations for Nonprofit Organizations

Four Rivers Resource Services

FRAXA Research Foundation

Freedom Reins Therapeutic Riding Center

Future Choices, Inc.

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General Otolaryngological Foundation

Girl Scouts of the U.S.A.

Goodwill Industries International, Inc.

Greenbush Industries (See Wabash Center)

Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind, Inc.

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Hear Indiana

Hearing Loss Association of America

Hemophilia of Indiana, Inc.

Hemophilia Support Group

Hepatitis C Support Group

Home Health Hotline

Hook Rehabilitation Center

Hoosier Healthwise Hotline

Human Growth Foundation (Dwarfism)

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ICOIL (Indiana Council on Independent Living)

Independent Living Centers in Indiana

Independent Living Center of Eastern Indiana

Indiana Arthritis Foundation Support Groups

Indiana Association of Area Agencies on Aging

Indiana Canine Assistant & Adolescent Network

Indiana Comprehensive Epilepsy Center

Indiana Comprehensive Health Insurance Association

Indiana Deafblind Services Project

Indiana Deaf Camps Foundation

Indiana Department of Education—Division of Exceptional Learners

Indiana Department of Workforce Development

Indiana Down Syndrome Foundation

Indiana Easter Seals Affiliates

Indiana Equipment Exchange Center

Indiana Family & Social Services Administration: Area Agencies on Aging

Indiana Family & Social Services Administration: Blind & Visually Impaired Services

Indiana Family & Social Services Administration: Bureau of Developmental Disabilities Services

Indiana Family & Social Services Administration: Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation

Indiana Family & Social Services Administration: Deaf & Hard of Hearing Services

Indiana Family & Social Services Administration: Disability Determination Bureau
Indiana Family & Social Services Administration: Division of Aging

Indiana Family & Social Services Administration: Division of Disability & Rehabilitative Services

Indiana Family & Social Services Administration: Division of Mental Health and Addictions
Indiana Family & Social Services Administration: First Steps

Indiana Family & Social Services Administration: Office of Medicaid Policy and Planning

Indiana Family Helpline

Indiana House of Representatives

Indiana Governor’s Council for People with Disabilities

Indiana Institute on Disability and Community (IIDC)

Indiana Legal Services, Inc.

Indiana Protection & Advocacy Services (IPAS)

Indiana Resource Center for Autism (See IIDC)

Indiana Resource Center for Families with Special Needs

Indiana Rural Transit Assistance Program (RTAP)

Indiana School for the Deaf

Indiana State Department of Health

Indiana Talking Book and Braille Library  Services

Indianapolis Chapter of the United Ostomy Association 

Indianapolis Institute for Families, Inc.

Indy Parks and Recreation: Adaptive Recreation


Inspiration Ministries

International Hearing Dog, Inc.

International Rett Syndrome Association

International Ventilator Users Network (IVUN)

Isanogel Center

ISEAS (Indiana Special Education Administrators' Services)

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Job Accommodation Network (JAN)

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation—Indiana State Chapter

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Kids As Self Advocates (KASA)

KY-IN Paralyzed Veterans of America

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Lafayette Breast Cancer Support Group

League for the Blind and Disabled

Learning Disabilities Association of America

Learning Disabilities Association of Indiana

Legal Services Organization of Indiana (LSO)

Lennon and Associates, P.C.

Leukemia and Lymphoma Society–Indiana Chapter

Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of America

Leukemia Support Group

Little People of America

Long Term Care Ombudsman

Love Way, Inc.

Lowe Syndrome Association, Inc.

Lupus Foundation of America–Northwest Indiana

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Manlief Equine Center, Inc.

Mammograms/Cancer Information

Mark 2 Ministries

MCH Services and Pediatric Nursing Specialists of Indianapolis

MDA of Central Indiana

Medicaid Fraud Hotline

Mental Health America of Indiana

Michiana Resources, Inc.

Middle-Town Center for Chemical Dependency

Minority Health Resource Center

Missing Children Hotline

Morning Dove Therapeutic Riding, Inc.

MossRehab Resource Net

Mounted Miracles Therapeutic SMWC Riding Program

Multiple Sclerosis Foundation, Inc.

Muscular Dystrophy Association

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National Alliance on Mental Illness

National Amputation Foundation

National Association of the Deaf

National Ataxia Foundation

National Attention Deficit Disorder Association (ADDA)

National Braille Association, Inc.

National Catholic Partnership on Disability (NCPD)

National Center on Accessibility

National Council on the Aging, Inc.

National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities

National Down Syndrome Society

National Family Caregivers Association

National Kidney Foundation of Indiana

National Multiple Sclerosis Society–Indiana Chapter

National Neurofibromatosis Foundation, Inc. 

National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD)

National Organization on Disability (NOD)

National Parkinson Foundation, Inc.

National Rehabilitation Association

National Rehabilitation Information Center

National Spinal Cord Injury Association

National Stroke Association

National Tay-Sachs & Allied Diseases Association, Inc. 

Neuropathy Support Group

New Horizons Rehabilitation, Inc.

NIILS (Northern Indiana Independent Living Services)

Noble of Indiana

North American Riding for the Handicapped Association, Inc. (NARHA)

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Office of Medicaid Policy and Planning (OMPP)

Ostomy Support Group

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Paralyzed Hoosier Veterans

Paralyzed Veterans of America

Parent Training Program of Indiana

Parents Helping Parents–The Family Resource Center

Parkinson’s Support Group

People and Animal Learning Services (PALS)

People’s Burn Foundation

Poison Information Hotline

Post-Polio Health International

Post-Polio Syndrome Support Group

Power Ministries

Prader-Willi Syndrome Association USA

Prevent Blindness Indiana

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Q.M.F. Special Equestrians, LTD

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Radon Hotline

Red Cedar

Rehabilitation Facilities in Indiana

Rehabilitation Hospital of Fort Wayne

Rehabilitation Hospital of Indiana

Reins of Life, Inc.

Relay Indiana

RESNA (Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America)

Riley Child Development Center

Ruben Center for Independent Living

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Saint Joseph’s Visiting Nurse Association, Inc.

Sarcoidosis Support Group

Scoliosis Association, Inc. 

Self-Advocates of Indiana

SICIL (Southern Indiana Center for Independent Living)

Silvercrest Children's Development Center

Sister Kenny Rehabilitation Institute

Social Security Administration

Southeastern Indiana Independent Living Center (SIILC)

Special Olympics

Spina Bifida Association of America (and Indiana branches)

Spinal Cord Injury Support Group

State Health Insurance Assistance Programs (SHIP)/Indiana Department of Insurance

State Information Center

State Parks and Reservoirs

State Universities in Indiana–Contacts for Disability Issues

STD Hotline

Stir-N-Up Hope, Inc.

Strides to Success

Substance Abuse/Prevention Information

Substance Abuse Programs Information

Sunrise, Inc.

Support Groups

Surrogate Training Program of Indiana

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TASH (The Action Starts Here)

Through the Looking Glass

Tourette Syndrome Association, Inc

Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance

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United Cerebral Palsy Association of Greater Indiana (UCPAGI)

USA Deaf Sports Federation

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Visual Impairment Support Groups

VNA of Porter County

VNA of Southwestern Indiana, Inc.

VNA of the Wabash Valley, Inc.

Visiting Nurse Affiliates of Indiana

VSA arts of Indiana, Inc.

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Wabash Center, Inc.

White Feather Horses For Hope, Inc.

WIC (Women-Infants-Children) Information

Wabash Independent Living and Learning Center, Inc. (The WILL Center)

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Y-ME National Breast Cancer Organization, Indiana Affiliate

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Breaking New Ground
Purdue University
ABE Bldg., 225 S. University Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2093
(800) 825-4264 or (765) 494-5013