Documents Handed Out by Professor Andrisani

Mission Specification (Adobe Acrobat Reader (.pdf) format)

Handout 1 (.pdf)

Ethical Behavior in this Class (.pdf)

Behavioral Dimensions of Grades (.pdf)

Team Design Archive (.pdf)

Assignment 1 (.pdf)

Deliverables (.pdf)

Teams (.pdf)

Schedule (.pdf)

First Group of Preliminary Design Review Descriptions and the Team Concept Selection Document (.pdf)

Preliminary Weight Estimation with Database for Electric Powered Aircraft (a .pdf file, 636K)

Supplemental Mission Specification Agreed to on 9/12/00 Containing Additional Numerical Performance Constraints (.pdf file)

Time Cards (.pdf)

Equipment Manuals (a large .pdf file, 7.6M)

Second Group of Preliminary Design Review Descriptions (.pdf)

Gold Propeller Analysis Code Using Goldstein Theory

MATLAB Code for Analysis of Electric Motors

Component Weights (.doc) From the Airplanes Designed During the Spring of 1999 (.doc, Microsft Word file)

Mark Peters MATLAB Code for Longitudinal Aircraft Dynamic Analysis

Third Group of Preliminary Design Review Descriptions (.pdf)

Biplane References

Fourth Group of PDRs (Prototype Fabrication, Economic and Test PDR) (.pdf)

Control System Design Criteria and Considerations for Flight Testing Feedback Control Systems (.pdf)

Simulink Models of the Futaba S148 Servo

Rate Gyro Mathematical Model

Control System Design and Analysis

Flight Cards (.xls, or .pdf)

Peer Evaluation (due 12/7/00, .pdf)


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