MATLAB Code for the Analysis of Model Aircraft Electric Motors


ReadMe.m (This file describes the other files in this folder)

TestMotor.m (tests one motor)

TestMotor2.m (tests many motors)

TestMotor3.m (curve fits multiple motor data)

TestMotor3lo.m (curve fits multiple motor data)

TestMotor3kv.m (curve fits multiple motor data)

TestMotor4.m (compares rubber motor with individual motors. A rubber motor is a generalized motor that can have any horsepower in a given range.)


curve.m (finds curved line thru data points)

Lplot.m (plots special curved line)

motor.m (function [Pout,Poutfpps,PoutHp,Pin,Tout,Toutfp,RPM,eta]=motor(Vin,Iin,Kv,Kt,R,Io))

motoranalysis.m (function [PoutMax,PoutfppsMax,PoutHpMax,PinMax,ToutMax,ToutfpMax,RPMMax,etaMax]=motoranalysis(Pout,Poutfpps,PoutHp,Pin,Tout,Toutfp,RPM,eta,titstr))

motordata.m (contains data for the AstroFlight series of motors)

motordata2.m (does not contain motor 662)

motorplot.m (function motorplot(Iin,Pout,Tout,RPM,eta,titstr))

motorplot2.m (function motorplot2(Iin,Pout,Tout,RPM,eta,titstr))

rubber.m (function [Kv,Kt,R,Io]=rubber(HP))

straightline.m (finds straight line thru data points)

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