Control Laws

TEAM DR2 (yaw rate feedback to the rudder to modify the dutch roll characteristics)

Dutch roll mode approximation

-142.44s -1.9755
yaw rate(s)/rudder(s) = TF = -------------------------------
s^2 + 1.0917s + 7.1961

K Destabilizing (deg/deg/sec) = -.299 Gm = 0 dB, PM = 0

K Stabilizing (deg/deg/sec) = .299, Gm = 21.8dB, PM = 83.

TEAM ORION (ptich rate feedback to the elevator to modify the short period characteristics)

Short period approximation

-7.334s - 61.79
Pitch rate(s)/elevator(s) = TF = -------------------------
s^2 + 11.52s + 22.63

K Destabilizing (deg/deg/sec) = -0.31 Gm = 1.44 dB, PM = Infinity
K Stabilizing (deg/deg/sec)= 0.31 Gm = 26 dB, PM = Infinity

TEAM BOILER Xpress (Roll rate feedback to the aileron to modify the roll mode characteristics)

Roll mode approximation

roll rate(s)/aileron(s) = TF = -------------------

K Destabilizing (deg/deg/sec) =-0.3655, Gm = 10.56 dB, PM = Inf
K Stabilizing (deg/deg/sec) = +0.3655, Gm =25.4 dB, PM = Inf

Units are degree per second for angular rates and degrees for surface deflection for all TEAMS.

Results for Control System Designed and Flown in the Pitch Axis (PitchCombined.pdf)

Results for Control System Designed and Flown in the Yaw Axis (YawCombined.pdf)

Results for Control System Designed and Flown in the Roll Axis (RollCombined.pdf)

MATLAB Scripts for Design and analysis of Control Systems

Pitch axis design (DesignPitch.m)

Roll axis design (DesignRoll.m)

Yaw axis design (DesignYaw.m)

SIMULINK Models for open loop dynamics

Open loop model for the pitch axis (openloopPitch.mdl)

Open loop model for the roll axis (openloopRoll.mdl)

Open loop model for the yaw axis (openloopYaw.mdl)

SIMULINK Models for analysis of control systems with stabilizing and destabilizing gains

Simulations for pitch axis (pitch.mdl)

Simulations for roll axis (roll.mdl)

Simulations for yaw axis (yaw.mdl)

See also

Simulink Models of the Futaba S148 Servo

Rate Gyro Mathematical Model

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