Research Projects
- Volenec, J., R. Turco, S. Brouder, I. Chaubey, et al. Sustainable production and distribution of bioenergy for Central USA. USDA-NIFA. $3,686,569. Part of a $25 million project funded through Iowa State University. 2011-2016.
- Buckmaster, D., A. Ault, I. Chaubey, B. Engel, J. Frankenberger, and J. Krogmeier. Mobile computing technologies to enable more efficient and in-field water management decisions. USDA-NIFA. $395,000. 2011-2015.
- Bowling, L., I. Chaubey, J. Frankenberger, and R. Goforth. Demonstrating nitrogen treatment effectiveness through innovative bench wetland system. NRCS Conservation Innovation Grant. $217,778. 2011-2014.
- Chaubey, I., L. Bowling, S. Brouder, K. Cherkauer, B. Engel, J. Frankenberger, R. Goforth, B. Gramig, P. Murphy, and J. Volenec. Watershed Scale Optimization to Meet Sustainable Cellulosic Energy Crop Demand. DOE. $1,991,177. 2011-2014
- Chaubey, I., Rao S. Govindaraju, D. Niyogi, and C.X. Song. Development of drought triggers of agricultural applications. USDA-NIFA. $492,797. 2011-2013.
- Frankenberger, J., I. Chaubey, and B. Engel. Adaptive management to increase adoption rates of emerging nutrient management and load reduction practices. NRC Conservation Innovation Grant. $118,357. 2010-2012.
- Chaubey, I., B. Engel., J. Frankenberger, and V. Merwade. Cumulative impacts of BMP implementation in the Maumee River basin. GLRI. $497,486. 2010-2013
- Cherkauer, K., I. Chaubey, and C. Troy. Monitoring episodic river inflow plumes using in-situ and remote sensing data. Indiana-Illinois Sea Grant Consortium. $300,000. 2010-2012
- Engel, B., K. Cherkauer, and I. Chaubey. Army Corps of Engineers 516(e): The Great Lakes Tributary Modeling Program. USACE $205,000. 2010-2012.
- Tyner, W.E., S.M. Brouder, and I. Chaubey. Integrated economic, environmental, and technical analysis of sustainable biomass energy systems. USDA-NIFA. $174,966. 2010-2012.
- Chaubey, I., Engel, B., P. Murphy, and D. Saraswat. Impact of biofeedstock production on hydrology/water quality in Midwest and Southeast USA. USDA-CSREES. $300,000. 2009-2012. Project Website. Project Fact Sheet
- Song, X.C., J. Carlson, R. S. Govindaraju, C. Hoffman, D. Niyogi, I. Chaubey, and L. Zhao. INTEROP: Developing community-based drought information network protocols and tools for multidisciplinary regional scale applications (DRInet). NSF 750,000. 2008-2011. Project Website
- Chaubey, I., L. Bowling, K. Cherkauer, R. Goforth, R. Mohtar, S. Hoffman. Preparing tomorrow’s leaders to tackle complex water quality problems through enhanced field experiment capabilities at Purdue. Instructional Innovation Grant. Purdue University. $27,500. 2010-2011.
- Goforth, R.R., L. Prokopy, and I. Chaubey. Promoting sustainability within the context of maximizing Indiana’s competitive advantage in agriculturally derived energy. Purdue University, ARP – Mission Oriented Grant Program. $24,969. 2010-2012.
- Engel, B., M. Arabi, J. Frankenberger, I. Chaubey, and J. Lee. Multiobjective watershed management support system for spatial allocation of agricultural management practices. USDA-CSREES. 2007-2010. $550,000.
Engel, B. and I. Chaubey. Web-based load-duration curve for TMDL. USGS. 2008-2009. $95,160.
Engel, B., I. Chaubey, R. Farnsworth, and J.G. Hunter. Web-based low impact development decision support and planning tool. USGS. 2008-2010. $76,472.
Engel, B., D. Dodenhammer, N. Devadasan, and I. Chaubey. Development of water quality decision support tools using service oriented architecture (SOA) and web 2.0 development approach. Intercampus Applied Research Program. 2008-2009. $50,000.
- Chaubey, I. and L. Bowling. Quantification of sediment nutrient interactions as affected by drainage ditch management. Indiana Water Resources Research Center. 2007-2008. $18,500.
- Chaubey, I. and V. Merwade. Ecohydrology: A new class and cyber-field trip module for DEEE students. Division of Environmental and Ecological Engineering, Purdue University. 2007. $6,000.
- Chaubey, I., M. Gitau, and P. Tacker. Identification of NPS pollution sources and BMP evaluation in 11-digit HUCs in the L’Anguille River watershed. Arkansas Natural Resources Commission. $81,034. 2006-2008.
- Chaubey, I., J.H. Popp, and B. Kurz. Effectiveness and optimization of BMPs in improving water quality from an agricultural watershed. USDA CSREES (CEAP). 2005 – 2008. $650,000.
- Chaubey, I., S.G. Bajwa, and M.D. Matlock. Environmental resource management to develop watershed technologies and management tools. EPA, Region 6. 2005-2008. $148,800.
- Chaubey, I. and M.D. Matlock. Watershed Response Modeling in 11-digit Arkansas Priority Watersheds. Arkansas Natural Resources Commission. 2005-2006. $75,124.
- Chaubey, I., M.D. Matlock, and R.A. Morgan. GIS database development and watershed modeling in the Arkansas priority watersheds. Arkansas Soil and Water Conservation Commission. 2004 – 2005. $60,671.
- Chaubey, I., M.D. Matlock, and R.A. Morgan. SWAT modeling in the Illinois River watershed. Arkansas Soil and Water Conservation Commission. 2004 – 2005. $30,500.
- Matlock, M.D., I. Chaubey, and R.A. Morgan. Update of Arkansas Nonpoint Source Pollution Management Program. Arkansas Soil and Water Conservation Commission. 2004 – 2005. $151,906.
- Chaubey, I., M.D. Matlock, E.D. Vories, and J. Popp. Development of an integrated water quality – water conservation program in the Arkansas Delta. USDA, National Integrated Water Quality Program. 2003 – 2006. $550,000.
- Chaubey, I., M.D. Matlock, T.A. Costello, and B.E. Haggard. Sustainable Agriculture and water resource in Arkansas: A bioenvironmental engineering solution. EPA Region 6. 2003 – 2006. $446,100.
- Chaubey, I., B.E. Haggard, and P. Srivastava. Differentiating runoff contributing areas for effective water quality management. USDA-NRI. 2003 – 2005. $75,000.
- Chaubey, I., M.D. Matlock, T.A. Costello, and B.E. Haggard. GIS database development and watershed modeling in Arkansas Priority Watersheds. 2003 – 2004. Arkansas Soil and Water Conservation Commission. 2003- 2004. $85,184.
- Chaubey, I. and V. Garg. Use of hyperspectral remote sensing in lake water quality modeling. NASA/Arkansas Space Grant Consortium. 2003 – 2004. $5,500.
- Bajwa, S.G., I. Chaubey, and D.R. Gardisser. Pesticide pollution risk assessment and mitigation training in Arkansas Delta. EPA Region 6. 2003- 2005. $41,995.
- Chaubey, I., K. White, T.A. Costello, and B. Haggard.. Development of techniques for identifying and linking physical characteristics to surface runoff source areas. USGS/AWRC. 2003-2004. $14,838.
- Chaubey, I., B.E. Haggard, M. Matlock, C.V. Maxwell, and P.A. Moore, Jr. Quantification of pathogen losses from swine manure treated fields under chemical and dietary modification conditions. USDA/National Center for Manure and Animal Waste Management. 2002 – 2004. $12,345. Supplement to this grant. $22,842.
- Chaubey, I., M. Matlock, T.A. Costello, and B.E. Haggard. Development of a Decision Support System and Data Needs for the Beaver Lake Watershed. EPA/Arkansas Soil and Water Conservation Commission. 2002 – 2005. $269,973.
- Chaubey, I. Differentiating Runoff Contributing Areas from Pastures for Phosphorus Management. Research Incentive Grant. D.B. College of Agriculture, Food and Life Sciences. 2002 – 2003. $9,997.
- Matlock, M. (P.I.), I. Chaubey, B.E. Haggard, D. Storm, M. Smolen, and W. Focht. A Nutrient Management Decision Support System for the Eucha Basin. Nutrient Science for the Improved Watershed Management Program, USDA/EPA. 2002 – 2005. $686,000.
- Haggard, B.E. (P.I.), M. Matlock, I. Chaubey, and P.A. Moore, Jr. Phosphorus Concentrations and Flux in Streams and Reservoirs: Effect of Chemical Amendments on Sediment Phosphorus Flux and Implications for Watershed Management Strategies. USGS/Arkansas Water Resources Center. 2002 – 2003. $24,812.
- Dillahunty, W., I. Chaubey and M. Matlock. Quantification of Dissolved Oxygen, Nutrients and Other Water Quality Parameters as Affected by Agricultural and Urban Land Use. Undergraduate Research program. DBCAFLS. $450.
- Chaubey, I., M.A. Nelson, T.A. Costello, and K. Teague, and K. VanDevender . Optimizing BMPs, Water Quality and Sustained Agriculture in the Lincoln Lake Watershed. EPA/Arkansas Soil and Water Conservation Commission. 2001 – 2004. $272,713.
- Chaubey, I., T.A. Costello, M.A. Nelson, and T.S. Soerens. Critical evaluation of spatial and temporal data requirements for TMDL Development. USGS/Arkansas Water Resources Center. 2001 – 2002. $20,305.
- Bonzongo, J.J., E.E. Roden, H.C. Bryan, W.B. Lyons, I. Chaubey, and G.M. Ward. Social impact assessment of human exposure to mercury related to land use and physicochemical settings in the Alabama-Mobile river basin. 1998 – 2001. NSF/EPA/USDA. $804,534.
- Chaubey, I., L. Han, and S.N. Addy. Environmental and economic impact assessment of animal waste pollution potential using geographic information system. School of Mining and Energy Development, University of Alabama. 1998 – 1999. $22,457.