Welcome Desamparados Martinez Domingo as a visiting scholar to the group
Three researchers from the Indian Institute of Technology-Madras (IITM) will be spend summer 2017 at Purdue. For the first time our lab will host an undergraduate student from IITM.
Welcome Dr. Sarmistha Singh as a post-doctoral research associate to Ecohydrology group. Dr. Singh was a post-doc at Auburn University prior to joining our group.
Congratulations to G. Pignotti on publishing a paper in Water.
Look for a number of presentations from our research group at the 2017 Annual International Conference of ASABE.

The Ecohydrology Research Group led by Dr. Indrajeet Chaubey integrates field data collection with simulation-based engineering and computational thinking to advance our understanding of fate and transport of water and related constituents across a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. Specifically, we are interested in ecohydrologic processes affecting fate and transport of sediment, nutrients, and pesticides from various land use activities and developing watershed management strategies to improve water quality.
