Data Structures

Fall 2023 ECE 36800 :: Purdue University

Prof. {{name}}
Lectures: Tue/Thu 1:30-2:45pm or 3:00-4:15pm in BHEE 170
Office hours: Mon/Wed 3:00-4:30pm in MSEE 262
TA help hours:  Mon 9-11am 5-9pm
Tue 5-9pm
Wed 9-11am 5-8pm*
Thu 5-9pm
Fri 9-11am 5-9pm
Sat 9am-12pm
Sun 9am-12pm
* Wed evening session ends earlier than Mon and Fri due to course staff meeting at 8pm.

✉ Email: Include “ECE 36800” in subject. Email should be limited to matters that only your instructor should see (i.e., confidential, etc.). Use Piazza for questions about homework, course policies, or technical difficulties.

How to get help


Clarifications about homework and course policies should be posted to Piazza.

Instructor office hours

Prof. Quinn is available Mon/Wed 3:00-4:30pm in MSEE 262 . (Changes may be announced by email.)

TA help hours

TAs are available for online help Mon 9-11am + 5-9pm; Tue 5-9pm; Wed 9-11am + 5-8pm; Thu 5-9pm, Fri 9-11am + 5-9pm, Sat 9-12pm, Sun 9-12pm. (Changes may be announced by email.)

  1. Make sure your code meets the Code Quality Standards
    • TAs will check your code quality before helping with anything else.
    • ⚠ TAs will not help with code that does not meet the code quality standards.
  2. Open your Zoom meeting room.
    1. Click New Meeting.
    2. Disable the waiting room.
      Click Security in the bottom toolbar.
      Uncheck ☐ Enable Waiting room.
      TAs will skip your request if waiting room is enabled.
    3. Copy your meeting room URL.
      Click Participants in the bottom toolbar to enable the Participants sidebar (right).
      Click Invite (button in the Participants sidebar).
      Click Copy Invite Link to copy your personal room URL.
  3. Create a request using the Request Form.
    • Paste the link to your personal Zoom room.
    • Question must be specific.
      Specific (GOOD)
      What does the ‘▒▒▒’ error from gcc mean?
      Problem: My executable runs forever.
      Help me think of test cases.
      Non-specific (BAD)
      X Help
      X HW05
      X What should I do?
    • Non-specific questions will be skipped by TAs.
    • Requests must be submitted during scheduled office hours.
      • Requests submitted before office hours start may be skipped.
  4. Keep the submission confirmation window open so that you can update your request if needed.
  5. You can view your position in line in the Waiting Room .
  6. Keep working until the TA joins your Zoom room.
  7. If you no longer need help, please cancel your request.
    • In your submission confirmation page (see step 4 ↑), click Edit Submission.
    • Change question text to "cancel".
    • Thank you! This saves TA time to help your classmates more.


Exam 1 Thu 10/5/2023 In class ¹ BHEE 170
Exam 2 Mon 11/6/2023 8-9pm ² PHYS 112/114 ³
Exam 3 Mon 12/4/2023 8-9pm ² PHYS 112/114 ³

¹ Attend your assigned section unless otherwise agreed with Prof. Quinn.
² Time for exams 2 and 3 is unlimited. You may continue working as long as you wish.
³ Room and seat assignments will be sent out by noon on the day of the exam.

Reminders: All exams will be closed-book. Bring ID. Use the restroom before coming. We will provide a study guide about a week prior to each exam. Please do not ask about exam topics or format during lecture.