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Nanostructure integrated laser shock peening

Nanostructure integrated laser shock peening

Graphic of Warm laser shock peening: nanostructure integrated LSP

Engineering the nanostrucutres during thermally controlled laser shock peening leads metal alloys to have both high strength/ductility, and extended fatigue life, due to ultrahigh density of precipitations, and reduced relaxation of dislocation, residual stress.


  • J. Cheng, M. Shehadeh, “Multiscale Dislocation Dynamics Analyses of Laser Shock Peening in Silicon Single Crystals”, International Journal of Plasticity, 22(12), pp. 2171-2194. (2005)
  • G.J. Cheng, M. Shehadeh, “Dislocation Behavior in Silicon Crystal by Laser Shock Peening: A Multiscale Simulation Approach”, Script Materialia, Vol. 53 (9), pp.1013-1018. (2005)
  • X Zhu, M Zhou, Q Dai, G.J. Cheng, “Deformation Modes in Stainless Steel during Laser Shock Peening”, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Volume 131(5), 054503. (2008)
  • G.J. Cheng, M. Cai, D. Pirzada, M. F. Guinel, G. M. Norton, “Plastic Deformation in Silicon Crystal induced by Heat Assisted Laser Shock Peening”, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, pp. 11008. (2008)
  • C Ye, S Suslov, BJ Kim, E Stach, GJ Cheng, “Fatigue Performance Improvement in AISI 4140 Steel by Dynamic Strain Aging and Dynamic Precipitation during Warm Laser Shock Peening “, Acta Materialia, 59(3), 1014-1025. (2010) 
  • C Ye, YL Liao, GJ Cheng, “Warm Laser Shock Peening Driven Nanostructures and Their Effects on Fatigue Performance in Aluminum Alloy 6160”, Advanced Engineering Materials, 12 (4), 291 - 297. (2010) Selected Covering Page.
  • C Ye, GJ Cheng, “Laser Shock Peening of Nanoparticles Integrated Alloys: Numerical simulation and experiments”, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 132(6), 061017. (2010)
  • C Ye, GJ Cheng, “Effects of Elevated Temperature on Laser Shock Peening: The case of Copper”, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 132(6), 061009. (2010)
  • F Zhao, WZ Bernstein, G Naik, GJ Cheng, “Environmental Sustainability of Laser-Assisted Manufacturing: Case Studies on Laser Shock Peening and Laser Assisted Turning”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 18(13), 1311-1319. (2010)
  • C Ye, S Suslov, D Lin, GJ Cheng, “Deformation-induced Martensite and Nanotwins by Cryogenic Laser Shock Peening of AISI 304 Stainless Steel and their Effects on Mechanical Properties”, Philosophical Magazine, 92(11), 1369-1389. (2012)
  • C Ye, S Suslov, D Lin, X Fei, GJ Cheng, “Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Copper Subjected to Cryogenic Laser Shock Peening”, Journal of Applied Physics, 110, 083504 (2011)
  • YL Liao, C Ye, BJ Kim, S Suslov, E Stach, GJ Cheng, “Nucleation of Highly Dense Nanoscale Precipitates Based on Warm Laser Shock Peening”, Journal of Applied Physics, 108, 063518. (2010)
  • C Ye, S Suslov, D Lin, X Fei, GJ Cheng, “Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Copper Subjected to Cryogenic Laser Shock Peening”, Journal of Applied Physics, 110, 083504 (2011); doi:10.1063/1.3651508.
  • YL Liao, C Ye, H Gao, S Suslov, E Stach, GJ Cheng, "Dislocation pinning effects induced by nano-precipitates during warm laser shock peening: dislocation dynamic simulation and experiments", Journal of Applied Physics, 110, 023518. (2011)
  • C Ye, S Suslov, X Fei, GJ Cheng, “Bimodal Nanocrystallization of NiTi Shape Memory Alloy by Laser Shock Peening and Post Deformation Annealing”, Acta Materialia, 59(19), p. 7219–7227.(2011).
  • YL Liao, YL Yang, GJ Cheng, “Enhanced laser shock by an active liquid confinement - hydrogen peroxide”, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 134(3), 034503. (2012)
  • YL Liao, C Ye, S Suslov, GJ Cheng, "Deformation Induced Martensite in NiTi and its Shape Memory Effects Generated by Low Temperature Laser Shock Peening" , Journal of Applied Physics,  112, 033515; (2012)
  • R Voothaluru, CR Liu, GJ Cheng, “Finite Element Analysis of the Variation in Residual Stress Distribution in Laser Shock Peening of Steels”, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 134(6), 061010.(2012)
  • YL Liao, GJ Cheng, “Controlled precipitation by thermal engineered laser shock peening and its effect on dislocation pinning: Multiscale dislocation dynamics simulation and experiments”, Acta Materialia, (2013) doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2012.12.016.
  • YL Liao, C Ye, S Suslov, GJ Cheng, “The mechanisms of Thermal Engineered Laser Shock Peening for Enhanced Fatigue Performance”, Acta Materialia, 60(13–14), 4997–5009. (2012)
  • D Lin, C Ye. YL Liao, S Suslov, CR Liu, GJ Cheng, “Mechanism of fatigue performance enhancement in a laser sintered superhard nanoparticles reinforced nanocomposite followed by laser shock peening”, Journal of Applied Physics, 113, 133509. (2013)
  • C Ye, YL Liao, S Suslov, D Lin, GJ Cheng, “Ultrahigh Dense and Gradient Nano-precipitates by Warm Laser Shock Peening for Combination of high Strength and Ductility”, Materials Science & Engineering A, 609(15), 195–203.(2014)
  • C Ye, S Suslov, D Lin, YL Liao, GJ Cheng, “Cryogenic Ultrahigh Strain Rate Deformation Induced Hybrid Nanotwinned Microstructure for High Strength and High Ductility”, Journal of Applied Physics, 115, 213519. (2014).
  • Fei Yin, Shan Hu, Rong Xu, Seng Xiang, Lin Hua, Gary J Cheng,  “Ultrastrong Medium Entropy Alloy with Simultaneous Strength-Ductility Improvement via Heterogeneous Nanocrystalline Structures”, Materials Science and Engineering A,Volume 823, 17(2021), 141631.  DOI:10.1016/j.msea.2021.141631
  • Sen Xiang, Xingtao Liu, Rong Xu, Kejie Zhao, Dong Lin, Fei Yin, Gary J. Cheng, "Understanding the Role of Monolayer Graphene during Long Range Shock Strengthening of Metal-Graphene Heterostructure", Materials Science and Engineering A (2022),
  • S. Xiang, X. Liu, R. Xu, F. Yin, G.J. Cheng, "Ultrahigh strength in lightweight steel via avalanche multiplication of intermetallic phases and dislocation", Acta Materialia, (2022), Volume 242, 1, 118436.
  • Tan Shu, Nan Hu, Jun Yuan, Feng Liu, Gary J. Cheng, "Hybrid Nanostructures and Stabilized Mechanical Properties of High-Entropy Alloy Induced by Warm Laser Shock Peening", Advanced Engineering Materials, (2022), DOI:10.1002/adem.202201066.
  • Sen Xiang, Xingtao Liu, Licong An, Haozheng Qu, Gary J. Cheng, "Nanoengineered Laser Shock Processing via Pulse Shaping for Nanostructuring in Metals: Multiscale simulations and experiments", Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, (2023), DOI:10.1115/1.4062234.