Principal Investigator

Farshid Sadeghi

Cummins Distinguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering
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Room 118
1500 Kepner Drive
Lafayette, IN 47905
(765) 237-2329

Professor Sadeghi, after receiving his Ph.D. in 1986 from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at North Carolina State University, joined the School of Mechanical Engineering at Purdue University and founded the Mechanical Engineering Tribology Laboratory (METL).

As the director of METL he has lead the laboratory to prominence and as one of the leading tribology laboratories in the world. His research interest includes lubrication, friction and wear of rolling and sliding surfaces, rolling contact fatigue, surface science, dynamics, and MEMS for tribological applications. He has authored and co-authored over 165 archival publications and three book chapters in leading international journals and has numerous presentations at various conferences, industries and governmental agencies.

Professor Sadeghi has graduated 79 PhD. and M.S. and students, currently serving as the chair of 10 Ph.D. and 1 M.S. students. Professor Sadeghi has received more than $30M in research grants and contracts from governmental agencies and industrial companies.

Research Interests

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  • Contact mechanics
  • Spall initiation and propagation
  • Stresses, fatigue and friction of rolling/sliding
  • Micro-mechanics of boundary and mixed lubrication regimes
  • Surface science and damage
  • Dynamics of ball and rolling element bearings and rotating systems
  • Friction induced vibration and squeal in dry contacts
  • Friction and wear of dry and lubricated contacts
  • Virtual tribology
  • Dry and lubricated fretting wear
  • MEMS for in-situ monitoring of tribological contacts
  • Discrete element modeling
  • Design
  • Lubricant flow

Awards and Recognitions

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  • Society of Tribologists & Lubrication Engineers (STLE) “Outstanding Achievement in Journal Publishing Award” (2016)
    This is the first time this award was presented to the Editor-in-Chief of the Tribology Transactions.
  • Purdue University Distinguished Professor Title (2014)
  • STLE - Walter D. Hodson Award (2014)
    Cross, A.T., Sadeghi, F., Cao, L., Rateick, R.G., and Rowen, S., “Flow Visualization in a Pocketed Thrust Washer,” Tribology Transactions, 55:5, 571-581, 2012 (Authored by an STLE member under 35 years of age)
  • Purdue University, College of Engineering Research Excellence Award (2012)
    The following is a quote from Purdue COE. “This award is given annually to a faculty to recognize excellence in research in the College of Engineering.”
  • STLE Tribology Transactions, Surface Engineering Best Paper Award (2012)
    Wang, C., Sadeghi, F., Wereley, S. T., Rateick, R. G., and Scott, R., “Experimental Investigation of Lubricant Extraction from a Micropocket,” STLE Tribology Transactions, Vol. 54(3), pp. 404-16, 2011
  • ASME Mayo D. Hersey Award (2011)
    The following is a quote from the ASME. “This is the ASME's highest technical honor. Award is bestowed on an individual in recognition of distinguished and continued contributions over a substantial period of time to the advancement of the science and engineering of tribology”
  • STLE International Award (2011)
    The following is a quote from the STLE. “This is the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers highest technical honor. It recognizes the recipient's outstanding contributions to tribology, lubrication engineering or allied fields. The award also bestows lifetime honorary membership on the recipient, who need not have been a member of STLE.”
  • ASME Journal of Tribology K. L. Johnson Best Paper Award (2011)
    Weinzapfel, N., Sadeghi, F., Bakolas, V., and Liebel, A., “A 3D Finite Element Study of Fatigue Life Dispersion in Rolling Line Contacts” 133 (4), 042202
  • STLE - Walter D. Hodson Award (2010)
    Leonard, B., Sadeghi, F., and Cipra, R. “Gaseous Cavitation and Wear in Lubricated Fretting Contacts,” STLE Tribology Transactions, Vol. 51, pp. 351-60, 2008 (Authored by an STLE member under 35 years of age)
  • Third Place Award – Student Poster Competition (October 2009)
    Weinzapfel, N., Sadeghi, F., "Microscale Influences on Rolling Contact Fatigue Life Dispersion," ASME/STLE International Joint Tribology Conference, San Francisco, CA.
  • Gold Medal Award – Student Poster Competition (May 2010)
    Weinzapfel, N., Sadeghi, F., and Bakolas, V., "A 3-D Finite Element Model for Investigating Effects of Material Microstructure on Rolling Contact Fatigue," STLE 65th Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV. Award
  • Gold Medal Award – Student Poster Competition (May 2010)
    B. Jalalahmadi, F. Sadeghi, and V. Bakolas, “A Rolling Contact Fatigue Life Equation including Material Inclusions,” STLE 65th Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV
  • First Place Award - Student Poster Competition (October 2009)
    Jalalahmadi, B., Sadeghi, F., and Bakolas, V., “Investigation of Effects of Inclusions on Rolling Contact Fatigue Life using VFEM”, ASME/STLE International Joint Tribology Conference, Memphis, Tennessee
  • Gold Medal Award - Student Poster Competition (May 2009)
    Jalalahmadi, B. and Sadeghi, F., “A Voronoi Finite Element / Damage Model for Life Scatter in Rolling Contact Fatigue”, STLE 64th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Lake Buena Vista, Florida
  • Silver Medal Award - Student Poster Competition (May 2009)
    Warhadpande, A., Leonard, B., Sadeghi F., “Effects of Fretting Wear on Rolling Contact Fatigue of M50 Bearing Steel”, STLE 64th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Lake Buena Vista, Florida
  • Silver Medal Award - Student Poster Competition (May 2009)
    Authors: Leonard, B., Sadeghi, F., Evans, R., Doll, G., Shiller, P. “Fretting of WC/a-C:H and Cr2N Coatings Under Grease Lubricated and Unlubricated Conditions”, STLE 64th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Lake Buena Vista, Florida
  • ASME Research Committee on Tribology Creative Research Award (2008)
  • Best Paper award - The Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE) Tribology Transactions (2007)
    Paper is entitled “Deterministic Modeling of Honed Cylinder Liner Friction,” STLE Tribology Transactions, Vol. 50, No. 2, pp. 248-256 Co-authored by Bolander N. W. and Sadeghi
  • Elected Fellow of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) (2006)
  • Best Paper award - The Institute of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) Journal of Tribology
    Paper is entitled “Lubrication Regime Transitions at the Piston Ring - Cylinder Liner Interface” (IMechE) Journal of Tribology, Vol. 219, pp. 19-31 Co-authored by Bolander, N. W., Steenwyk, B., D., Sadeghi, F. and Gerber, G. R. (2005)
  • H.L. Solberg Best Teaching Award, School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University (2004)
  • Elected Fellow of Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE) (2004)
  • Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE) - Edmund E. Bisson Award (1996)
    Award is given for the most outstanding written contribution to the Lubrication Engineering Journal, Co-authored by Sadeghi, F., Anderson, D.C., and Ortiz, J.
  • The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) - Ralph R. Teetor Educational Award (1992)
    Award recognizes significant contribution to teaching, research and student development.
  • The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) - Burt L. Newkirk award (1991)
    Awarded for the paper “Thermal Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication of Rolling/Sliding Contacts”
  • The Jacob Wallenberg Foundation Grant, Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (1987)
  • Member of National Engineering Honor Society (TAU BETA PI)
  • Member of the Scientific Research Society (SIGMA CHI)
  • Listed in Who’s Who in America and American Men and Women of Science

Classes Taught at Purdue:

ME 323: Basic Mechanics II

Credits: 3

Description: ME 323 is an integrated approach to mechanics of materials. Topics include: stress and strain in structural elements; mechanical properties of materials; extension; torsion and bending of members; thermal stress; pressure vessels; static indeterminacy, stress transformation, Mohr’s circle, strain energy, failure criteria, buckling. Typically offered in fall and spring.


ME 352: Machine Design I

Credits: 4

Description: ME 352 introduces students to the principles of design and analysis of planar mechanisms. Design for functionality, motion, force, power, and strength. The laboratory experience provides open-ended projects to reinforce the design process. The course is typically offered in the Fall, Spring, and Summer Semesters.


ME 452: Machine Design II

Credits: 3

Description: ME 452 discusses the design and analysis of mechanical systems for fluctuating loading. Fatigue analysis. Application of design fundamentals to mechanical components and integration of components to form systems. Typically offered in fall and spring.


ME 556: Lubrication, Friction and Wear

Credits: 3

Description: ME 556 explains the science, technology, and application of lubricated interacting surfaces in relative motion. Advanced analysis techniques and hands-on exposure to modern experimental methods provide an enhanced understanding of fundamental principles of lubrication, friction, and wear. Basics of design and analysis of machine components operating in the presence of air and liquid lubricants. Rolling fatigue, friction and wear models, and measurement techniques. Offered in alternate years.


ME 570: Machine Design

Credits: 3

Description: ME 570 examines the analysis of stresses and deflections due to complicated loading. Investigation of specific design problems through application of theory of elasticity, failure criteria, energy approach, and numerical methods. Individual design project. Offered in alternate years.


Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907 USA, (765) 494-4600