Getting Started with ME Technical Services

Your Career Account

At Purdue, you are given a career account, which is a login and password set. These credentials give you access to a large number of systems including Libraries, MyPurdue, MyMail, and cloud storage

If you don't know your Purdue Career Account login/password, go to the ITaP help center located on the first floor of the Humanities & Social Sciences Library in the Stewart Center.

Your ECN Account

In addition to the resources Purdue gives to all students, Engineering and Mechanical Engineering provide additional resources. These resources are accessed using your career account login and password and are collectively known as your ECN account. These resources include additional network storage space and access to high performance computing servers.

Only students with a ME computer account can access the computers in the ME computer labs. Also, even though you are an engineering student, you may not be able to use computers in other engineering labs.

ME Computer Accounts should be automatically created by the end of the first week of classes. If you do not have an ME/ECN computer at the end of the first week of classes, please stop by ME 2042, the electronics shop.

Click here to read more about your ECN account.

Your E-Mail

As a Purdue student, you have a single e-mail account associated with your career account. You may have several unique Purdue email addresses, but all mail sent to those email addresses will be routed to a single location. You have several options for where your mail goes. Options include: to store mail in the ITAP-supported Office365 system, reject (discard) all email, or forward everything to another address, such as a Gmail address. In general, we recommend that you use Office365 to handle your email. We've found that having your mail forwarded to another address, especially Gmail, results in a large number of lost messages.

Click here to read more about your email.


As a student in Mechanical Engineering, you have access to two major printing resources. The first resource is ITaP, the campus IT organization. ITaP provides printing services in their public computer labs all over campus. This printing is quota based and ITaP does have a mechanism for adding funds to your account. For more information, see the ITaP web pages.

Mechanical Engineering also provides printing independent of ITaP. This print service is also quota based. You can request additional print quota here, but you cannot purchase additional quota. The ME quota is reset each semester and it is not carried over semester to semester. You can check your ME print quota here.

ME printing is provided to support our formal instructional courses, not to support research needs. There are several ME print polices to support this goal and to control print costs. First, only class related materials are to be printed. No personal printing is allowed. Second, you can print only one copy of a document. Our printers are not copy machines. Lastly, you can print a total of one copy of your thesis/dissertation. Your print history will be considered when/if you request more print quota.

Click here to read more about ME printing.


ITaP maintains and supports the wireless network on campus, known as Purdue AirLink or PAL. There are 4 wireless networks on campus:

  • PAL3.0 is for users with valid career accounts
  • Purdue Guest Network is for guests who have requested access to the Purdue network
  • eduroam provides access for visitors from other institutions that are part of the eduroam network.
  • attwifi allows anyone to connect to the internet
See the Purdue AirLink Site for more information.

Getting More Help


Help Center, HSSE Library, Stewart Center

ME Technical Services

Electronics Shop, ME 2042

Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-4600

© 2019 Purdue University | An equal access/equal opportunity university | Copyright Complaints | Maintained by Mechanical Engineering Technical Services

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