All students are given an ECN/ME computer for accessing the ME departmental computers once they are registered as ME students. This process is automatic and specifically keyed to your registrations as an ME student.
If you do not have an account, you will need to talk to the ME Business Office or your advisor to initiate an account request.
Your passwords for all ECN and ITAP computers are maintained by a single centralized database. This way, when you change your password on any ECN or ITAP machine, it will automatically change everywhere.
You can change your password online through ITaP's Account Portal.
You can also change your password by connecting to your UNIX home server and running the passwd
All ME account have a disk quota set to ensure availability of disk space for all users. As of the Fall of 2013, all ME students have a 20GB disk quota on the server
Many research groups in ME have compute and storage servers as well. These machines tend not to be backed up, but they also do not usually have quota limitations. If you group has such a machine, you may find hundreds of gigabytes or more of space available.
The department offers shared group spaces as well. These spaces are hosted on the server and do not have a disk quota. These groups are available for the duration of the current semester for any ME academic course need. There is a form to request this space available in ME 2042 and this form will require your professor's signature.
This quota can only be accurately checked from the UNIX shell. The information you see when looking at your R:\ drive from a windows system is close to your quota but not absolutely accurate. The conversion from a UNIX file system to a windows file system can create errors in estimated free space available.
To check your quota, connect to and run quota -sv
If you just need temporary space, you can use the C:\Temp or D:\Temp directories on the PCs, the /tmp directory on tools or widget, or your ITAP career account space. If you need more space in your account, there is a procedure to follow:
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