ME School Policies & Procedures

Administrative Support

Space Use, Access, and Assignment Policies

Safety Policies

School Administration

Important How to Information

  1. Administrative Assistant Requests
    • New email address for Admin support:  Please use this for all admin requests such as ME conference room booking, credit card checkout, ordering, travel, and printing.  Requires a email address
  2. Credit Cards
    • Account number – not just an account name – and a business reason required to obtain credit card
    • Hospitality cards - food only; PRF cards – alcohol only
  3. Mail
    • ME mail is located in room ME 1140
    • WANG mail is located under the ‘Mail’ sign and gold star on the counter in the Southeast side of the 4th floor
    • Potter mail is located in room POTR 146
  4. Printers for Staff and Faculty
    • ME - Main Office 2172 is ME2007P1
    • WANG - large copy/printer ME3061P1; small color laser printer ME3003P2.
    • A student accessible printer will be placed in WANG in the Southwest Corner of the 4th floor
    • Potter - large copy/printer ME 3003P1; small color laser printer ME3061P2. 
  5. Kitchenette/Lounge
    • ME building has a small kitchenette in the Atrium available to Faculty and Staff to prepare food - room 1138 next to mail room
    • Please see the building deputy to get the door code
    • Graduate Students should use the RAIL 1st floor lounge
    • Undergraduate students should use Railside Commons on the 2nd floor.
  6. Conference Rooms
    • Please see policy sheets on the intranet as policies vary by building.
  7. Office Hours
    • Do not utilize ME Conference Rooms for Office Hours
    • Consider using Zoom, WebEx, or Teams for Office Hours
    • Faculty: Office hours can be scheduled in WANG, POTR, or hotel offices.
    • TAs: Contact Steve Kessler at for assistance with scheduling your office hours.

Protocol for ME Conference Rooms
ME 2180 | ME 2164 | ME 2166


  1. Email Request to or scan QR code outside each room.
    • Details that should be included in the request
      • Name and how affiliated with ME
      • What the room is being reserved for
      • Number of meeting/event attendees (needed to ensure room has appropriate capacity)
      • Date
      • Start Time
      • End Time
  2. Reservations can be made by:
    • ME Faculty & Staff – No recurring meetings longer than 90 minutes or 1 time a week
    • Grad Students
      • Book for meetings with their advisors
      • Book for their defense practices and defenses
      • Same day exceptions for Grad Students if a room is available
    • TA’s - Office Hours should not be in ME Conference Rooms


  1. Conference room scheduling is per semester. Scheduling can begin 2 weeks before the start of the semester. Annual events may be scheduled anytime.
  2. Conference rooms are on a first come, first serve basis for ME faculty and staff.
  3. ME 2180 is not available for student hosted meetings – An ME faculty or staff member must be in attendance.
  4. The faculty or staff member who requested the room will be responsible for ensuring it is cleaned after their meeting.
  5. Repeating meetings may only be requested by faculty and staff, meetings are not to be more than 90 minutes in length and not more than once a week.
    • Additional dates may be added to repeated meetings after Tuesday, September 5, 2023.
  6. A failure to notify of cancelled meetings could result in cancellation of all repetitive meetings for that faculty or staff member. Meetings would then need to be scheduled on a week-to-week basis.

Protocol for ME Hotel Offices
ME 2125 | ME 2187

  1. Reservations can be made by:
    • ME Faculty & Staff
      • Can be used for office hours once a week for up to 2 hours.


  1. You are responsible for reserving your own space.
  2. Reservations are to be made directly through ME Room Scheduling
    • Click the room you want – either 2125 or 2187
    • Click the time you want
    • Log in with your career account
    • Complete the ‘Add Entry page and click ‘Save’
  3. If you are unsuccessful booking with the above instructions, email
    • Details that should be included in the message:
      • Error you encountered while booking
      • Name and how affiliated with ME
      • What the room is being reserved for
      • Number of meeting/event attendees (needed to ensure room has appropriate capacity)
      • Date
      • Start Time
      • End Time


  1. Be a good steward of these spaces and keep them tidy.
  2. Hotel Offices reservations are on a first come, first serve basis for ME faculty and staff.
  3. The faculty or staff member who requested the room will be responsible for ensuring it is cleaned after their meeting.
  4. Repeating meetings may only be requested by faculty and staff, meetings are not to be more than 2 hours in length and not more than once a week.
    • Additional dates may be added to repeated meetings after Tuesday, September 5, 2023.
  5. A failure to notify of cancelled meetings could result in cancellation of all repetitive meetings for that faculty or staff member. Meetings would then need to be scheduled on a week-to-week basis.