Creating and Managing Ballots

To create a ballot for a new case:

  1. Make a copy of the TemplateNominee folder that is in the Current Cases folder:
    1. If you're viewing the Current Cases folder, click its Edit link.
    2. Check the box to the left of TemplateNominee.
    3. Click the Copy button in the gray area below the list of files in the folder.
    4. Click the Paste button below the list of files.
    5. You should now see a folder named copy_of_TemplateNominee.
  2. Check the box to the left of copy_of_TemplateNominee and then click the Rename button.
  3. Change the Id to something like "DoeJane" (no spaces, and last name first, for sorting reasons). The Id is the filename of the object, which will be part of the URL. If there are spaces in it, the page that displays comments will be broken
  4. At the same time, change the Title to the normal form of their name, like "Jane Doe". The title will be visible in the headlines of pages.
  5. Save your changes, which will take you back to the Contents view.
  6. Click the folder to edit it, then click Properties in the yellow bar of admin options.
  7. On the new folder's Properties page, edit the folder's Description to reflect the nomination status (delete everything except for the correct status from the list below):
    ENPC Meeting
  8. Set the folder's Publish from date to the day it should become available, and the until date to the nomination's action date.
  9. Also set the new folder's Calendar Date  to the nomination's action date.
  10. Save your changes to the properties, then click Manage Content in the yellow admin options links.
  11. Click on the Ballot within the new folder to edit it.
  12. Click Properties in the Ballot's admin options.
  13. Change the Title to the nominee's first and last name (i.e. "Jane Doe").
  14. Save changes, then click on Questions in the admin options.
  15. Click on Curriculum Vita, then replace the PDF file with the nominee's CV. Save changes.
  16. View the ballot to make sure everything looks Ok.