PhD candidate Kendrick Hardaway awarded Fulbright Grant in New Zealand

How can communities prepare for the uncertainty of climate change?

EEE PhD candidate and ESE graduate student Kendrick Hardaway was awarded a 2023 – 2024 Fulbright Grant at the University of Canterbury (Christchurch, New Zealand) to research this question and offer actionable solutions to support New Zealand’s National Adaptation Plan and Strategic Planning Act.

“I am honored to receive a U.S. Fulbright Grant due to the program’s deep commitment to international collaboration,” Kendrick says.

For his Fulbright, Kendrick will work in partnership with local researchers and city councils, using risk-science methods to better understand and plan for climate adaptation in New Zealand cities. His goal is to help communities to mitigate negative environmental impacts and make urban infrastructure more resilient to increased and/or more severe natural hazards. 

“I believe that reconciling human activity with our global ecosystem is one of the biggest challenges humanity faces,” Kendrick says.

Kendrick’s research focuses on how humans interact with emerging transportation technologies, such as autonomous-driving vehicles, and their associated environmental impacts. Using various modeling and simulation methods, Kendrick identifies feedback loops in complex social-ecological-technical systems (SETS) and uses this information to inform policy decision-makers.

“I hope to contribute to an evolving environmental movement that looks beyond technical innovation as the singular solution. By studying hidden or neglected feedback loops in urban infrastructures, I am exploring the context in which technologies are used to create more holistic solutions.”

“Kendrick is tailor-made for Fulbright. His application combined academic rigor and a clear sense of purpose with a genuine interest to engage with his host community in New Zealand,” said Lindsay Sheedy, National and International Scholarships Office (NISO) assistant director. NISO is housed in the John Martinson Honors College and works with students across campus to coordinate the process of applying for scholarships and grants that require a university nomination. Purdue students applying for prestigious awards such as the Fulbright U.S. Student Program receive support and guidance through this office. NISO has been integral to the expansion of Fulbright efforts at the university since its inception in 2013. Purdue has been named a Fulbright U.S. Student Program Top Producing Institution two of the past four years.

In February 2023, Kendrick’s passion for international collaboration led him to Athens, Greece, as a visiting researcher at the "Athena" Research and Innovation Center and Athens University of Economics and Business. There, he worked on projects aimed at promoting the Athens Metropolitan Area’s resilience to extreme heat and mapping Greece's agriculture, forestry and land-use pathways with the FABLE Consortium. Kendrick subsequently conducted research at the University of Stavanger in Norway regarding the risks of autonomous-vehicle adoption.

Kendrick Hardaway (left) honored with Magoon Award for Teaching Excellence in 2022. Pictured with John W. Sutherland (right), professor and Fehsenfeld Family Head of Environmental and Ecological Engineering.

Since beginning his PhD, Kendrick has received nine research grants/awards, chaired several symposiums, represented EEE as PGSG senator, mentored four undergraduate researchers, and worked with both the Indiana Recycling Coalition and West Lafayette’s Go Greener Commission. Kendrick was awarded a 2021 LATine Trailblazers in Engineering Fellowship and 2022 Magoon Excellence in Teaching Award from the Purdue College of Engineering.

Kendrick was selected as a Fulbright U.S. Student Program Grantee for his demonstrated research achievement; potential for mutual exchange between the U.S. and New Zealand; his commitment to long-term international collaboration; and for exemplifying the qualities of service, leadership and excellence.

Why EEE?

“I chose EEE because of its multi-disciplinary nature and commitment to making the world a more livable place for all. I am particularly grateful for my advisors, Hua Cai and Roshi Nateghi, whose support and guidance are beyond words,” Kendrick says. 

Writer:  Jessica MehrPurdue Environmental and Ecological Engineering

Source:  Kendrick Hardaway, Lindsay Sheedy, National and International Scholarships Office