These publications are provided to the academic community for use in teaching and research. All copyrights remain with the appropriate parties as listed in the publications themselves.
My most current publication information is reflected on ResearcherID, GOOGLE Scholar, and ORCID.
161. J. Chen, H. Shen, Y. Heng, S. Wang, A. Ardekani, Y. Yang, Y. Hu, “Droplet Microfluidics‐Assisted Fabrication of Shape Controllable Iron‐Alginate Microgels with Fluorescent Property,” Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 2400084, 2024.
160. G. Kumar, A.M. Ardekani, “Concentration-Dependent Diffusion of Monoclonal Antibodies: Underlying Mechanisms of Anomalous Diffusion,” Molecular Pharmaceutics, 21 (5), 2212-2222, 2024.
159. H.H. Gadalla, Z. Yuan, Z. Chen, F. Alsuwayyid, S. Das, H. Mitra, A.M. Ardekani, R. Wagner, Y. Yeo, “Effects of nanoparticle deformability on multiscale biotransport,” Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, vol. 213, p. 115445, 2024. DOI:
158. A. Barrio-Zhang, S. Anandan, A. Deolia, R. Wagner, D.M. Warsinger, A.M. Ardekani, “Acoustically enhanced porous media enables dramatic improvements in filtration performance,” Separation and Purification Technology, vol. 342, p. 126972, 2024. DOI:
157. C. Li, X. Zhong, E. Rahimi, A.M. Ardekani, “A multi-scale numerical study of monoclonal antibodies uptake by initial lymphatics after subcutaneous injection,” International Journal of Pharmaceutics, vol. 661, p. 124419, 2024. DOI:
156. T. Kim, E. Esmaili, S.M. Athalye, T. Matos, M. Hosseini, M.S. Verma, A.M. Ardekani, “Acoustofluidic device focusing viral nanoparticles for Raman microscopy,” Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, vol. 420, p. 136438, 2024. DOI:
155. S. Thakur, M. Raissi, H. Mitra, A.M. Ardekani, “Temporal consistency loss for physics-informed neural networks,” Physics of Fluids, vol. 36, no. 7, p. 077136, 2024. DOI:
154. M.H. Hakim, M.C. Brindise, A. Ahmadzadegan, K.P. Buno, A.C.F. dos Santos, K.R. Cragg, Z. Dou, M.R. Ladisch, A.M. Ardekani, P.P. Vlachos, L. Solorio, “Rose Bengal labeled bovine serum albumin for protein transport imaging in subcutaneous tissues using computed tomography and fluorescence microscopy,” Bioconjugate Chemistry, vol. 35, no. 7, pp. 1044-1052, 2024. DOI: 10.1021/acs.bioconjchem.4c00240.
153. J. Tamayo, Y. Zhang, M.E. Asp, A. E. Patteson, A. M. Ardekani, A. Gopinath, “Swarming bacterial fronts: Dynamics and morphology of active swarm interfaces propagating through passive frictional domains”, Soft Matter, Biophysical Journal 123 (3), 541a, 2024
152. M. Khan, R.D. Corder, K. Erk, A.M. Ardekani, “Rheology of bi-disperse dense fiber suspensions”, Soft Matter, 2024
151. M. Kumar, D.M. Walkama, A.M. Ardekani, J.S. Guasto , “Stress and stretching regulate dispersion in viscoelastic porous media flows”, Soft Matter 19, 6761-6770, 2023
150. X. Zhong, Y. Liu, A.M. Ardekani, “A compartment model for subcutaneous injection of monoclonal antibodies”, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 123687, 2023
149. A. Barrio-Zhang, A.M. Ardekani, “Sub-micron weak phase particle characterization using the reconstructed volume intensities from in-line digital holography microscopy”, Optics and Lasers in Engineering 170, 107779, 2023
148. Li, X. Zhong, and A. M. Ardekani “Numerical studies of the lymphatic uptake rate” Computers in Biology and Medicine, 107380, 2023.
147. M. de Lucio, Y. Leng, H. Wang, A. M. Ardekani, P. P. Vlachos, G. Shi, H. Gomez, “Computational modeling of the effect of skin pinch and stretch on subcutaneous injection of monoclonal antibodies using autoinjector devices”, Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 1-18, 2023.
146. P.A. Giolando, K. Hopkins, B. Davis, N Vike, A. Ahmadzadegan, A. Ardekani, P. Vlachos, J. Rispoli, L. Solorio, T. L. Kinzer‐Ursem, “Mechanistic computational modeling of implantable, bioresorbable, drug release systems,” Advanced Materials, 2301698, 2023.
145. X. Zhong, J.C. Veilleux, G.H. Shi, D.S. Collins, P. Vlachos, A.M. Ardekani, “Hydrodynamic considerations for spring-driven autoinjector design,” International Journal of Pharmaceutics 640, 122975, 2023.
144. A. Ahmadzadegan, H. Mitra, P.P. Vlachos, A.M. Ardekani, “Particle Image micro-Rheology (PIR) using displacement probability density function, Journal of Rheology 67 (4), 823-823, 2023.
143. M. Khan, R.V. More, A.A. Banaei, L. Brandt, A.M. Ardekani, “Rheology of concentrated suspension of fibers with load dependent friction coefficient”, Physical Review Fluids 8 (4), 044301, 2023.
142. M. Kumar, Jeffrey S. Guasto, A.M. Ardekani, “Lagrangian stretching reveals stress topology in viscoelastic flows”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2023.
141. M. Khan, R.V. More, A.M. Ardekani, “A constitutive model for viscosity of dense fiber suspension,” Physics of Fluids 35 (1), 013337, 2023
140. V.D. Sree, X. Zhong, I. Bilionis, A.M. Ardekani, A.B. Tepole “Optimizing autoinjector devices using physics-based simulations and Gaussian processes” Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 105695, 2023.
139. R.D. Corder, Y.J. Chen, P. Pibulchinda, J.P. Youngblood, A.M. Ardekani, K. Erk, “Rheology of 3D printable ceramic suspensions: effects of non-adsorbing polymer on discontinuous shear thickening”, Soft Matter 19 (5), 882-891, 2023.
138. D. Han, Chenji Li, V.D. Sree. Aramideh, E. Rahimi A.B. Tepole and A. M. Ardekani “Lymphatic uptake of biotherapeutics through a 3D hybrid discrete-continuum vessel network” Journal of Controlled Release, 2023.
137. M. H. Hakim, B. H. Jun, A. Ahmadzadegan, P. M. Babiak, Q. Xu, K. P. Buno, J. C. Liu, A. M. Ardekani, P. P. Vlachos, L. Solorio, “Investigation of Macromolecular Transport Through Tunable Collagen Hyaluronic Acid Matrices", Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2023.
136. C.W. Tai, A. Ahmadzadegan, A. M. Ardekani, V. Narsimhan, “A forward reconstruction, holographic method to overcome the lens effect during 3D detection of semi-transparent, non-spherical particles” Soft Matter, 2022.
135. M. de Lucio, Y. Leng, A. Hans, I. Bilionis, M. Brindise, A. M. Ardekani, P. P. Vlachos, H. Gomez, “Modeling large-volume subcutaneous injection of monoclonal antibodies with anisotropic porohyperelastic models and data-driven tissue layer geometries”, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 105602, 2022.
134. B.H. Jun, A. Ahmadzadegan, A.M. Ardekani, L. Solorio, P.P. Vlachos, “Multi-feature-Based Robust Cell Tracking” Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 1-14, 2022.
133. R.V. More, A.M. Ardekani, Motion in Stratified Fluids, Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, 55, 2022.
132. M. Boodaghidizaji, S.M. Athalye, S. Thakur, E. Esmaili, M. Verma, A.M. Ardekani, “Characterizing viral samples using machine learning for Raman and absorption spectroscopy” Microbiology Open, 2022.
131. X. Zhong, H. Mitra, J.C. Veilleux, E. Simmons, G.H. Shi, A.M. Ardekani, “The role of liquid rheological properties on the injection process of a spring-driven autoinjector” International Journal of Pharmaceutics 628, 122296, 2022
130. A.C.F. Dos Santos, A. Ahmadzadegan, E. Ximenes, P. Vlachos, A. Ardekani, S. Kapur, V. Corvari, M. R. Ladisch, “In vitro measurement of concentration of unlabeled protein within a hyaluronic acid matrix”, Biotechnology and Bioengineering 119 (12), 3647-3656, 2022.
129. M. Kumar, A.M. Ardekani, “Viscoelastic instability in an asymmetric geometry”, The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 1-12, 2022.
128. M Kumar, AM Ardekani, “Hysteresis in viscoelastic flow instability of confined cylinders”, Physical Review Fluids 7 (9), 093302, 2022.
127. Z. Huang, G. Lin, A.M. Ardekani “Implementing contact angle boundary conditions for second-order Phase-Field models of wall-bounded multiphase flows”, Journal of Computational Physics, 471, 111619, 2022.
126. J. Eshraghi, Z. Dou, J.C. Veilleux, G. Shi, D. Collins, A. M. Ardekani, P. P. Vlachos, “The air entrainment and hydrodynamic shear of the liquid slosh in syringes,” International Journal of Pharmaceutics 627, 122210, 2022.
125. E. Rahimi, H. Gomez, A. M. Ardekani, “Transport and distribution of biotherapeutics in different tissue layers after subcutaneous injection”, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 122125, 2022.
124. A. M. Ardekani, “Motile microorganisms in complex fluids”, International Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, Science Talks 3, 100048, 2022
123. J. Eshraghi, J.C. Veilleux, G. Shi, D. Collins, A. M. Ardekani, P. P. Vlachos, “Assessment of Cavitation Intensity in Accelerating Syringes of Spring-Driven Autoinjectors,” Pharmaceutical Research, 1-15, 2022.
122. M. Boodaghidizaji, M. KhanG, A.M. Ardekani “Multi-fidelity modeling to predict the rheological properties of a suspension of fibers using neural networks and Gaussian processes”, Physics of Fluids 34 (5), 053101, 2022.
121. Sujit S Datta, Arezoo M Ardekani, Paulo E Arratia, Antony N Beris, Irmgard Bischofberger, Jens G Eggers, J Esteban López-Aguilar, Suzanne M Fielding, Anna Frishman, Michael D Graham, Jeffrey S Guasto, Simon J Haward, Sarah Hormozi, Gareth H McKinley, Robert J Poole, Alexander Morozov, V Shankar, Eric SG Shaqfeh, Amy Q Shen, Holger Stark, Victor Steinberg, Ganesh Subramanian, Howard A Stone, “Perspectives on viscoelastic flow instabilities and elastic turbulence”, Physical Review Fluid, 2022.
120. A. Ahmadzadegan, J Zhang, A. M. Ardekani, P. P. Vlachos, “Spatiotemporal measurement of concentration-dependent diffusion coefficient,” Physics of Fluids 34 (5), 051910, 2022.
119. A. Ahmadzadegan, S. Bhattacharya, A. M. Ardekani, P. P. Vlachos, “Uncertainty Estimation for Ensemble Particle Image Velocimetry,” Measurement Science and Technology 33 (8), 085302, 2022.
118. X. Zhong, A. M. Ardekani, “A model for bubble dynamics in a protein solution”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, in Press, 2022.
117. M. Kumar, Jeffrey S. Guasto, A.M. Ardekani, “Transport of complex and active fluids in porous media”, Journal of Rheology, in press, 2022.
116. Z. Huang, G. Lin, A.M. Ardekani “A consistent and conservative Phase-Field model for thermo-gas-liquid-solid flows including liquid-solid phase change”, Journal of Computational Physics, 449, 110795, 2021.
115. M.M. Hilali, S. Pal, R.V. More, R. Saive, A.M. Ardekani, “Sheared Thick-Film Electrode Materials Containing Silver Powders with Nanoscale Surface Asperities Improve Solar Cell Performance”, Advanced Energy and Sustainability Research, 2100145, 2021.
114. M. Boodaghi, S. Libring, L. Solorio, A.M. Ardekani, “A Bayesian approach to estimate the diffusion coefficient of Rhodamine 6G in breast cancer spheroids”, Journal of Controlled Release, 340, 60-71, 2021.
113. R. Dandekar, and A. M. Ardekani “A new model to predict viscosity of high concentration monoclonal antibody solutions” Molecular Pharmaceutics, 18 (12), 4385-4392, 2021.
112. V.A. Shaik, A.M. Ardekani, “Squirmer in a density stratified fluid”, Physics of Fluids, 33 (10), 101903, 2021.
111. D. Han, S. Aramideh, E. Rahimi and A. M. Ardekani “Transport and lymphatic uptake of monoclonal antibodies through subcutaneous injection” Journal of Pharmaceutical Science, accepted, 2021.
110. R.V. More, M.N. Ardekani, L. Brandt, A.M. Ardekani, “Orientation instability of settling spheroids in a linearly density stratified fluid”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 929, 2021.
109. G. Li, E. Lauga, A.M. Ardekani, “Microswimming in viscoelastic fluids, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 297, 2021.
108. S.S. Datta, A.M. Ardekani, P.E. Arratia, A.N. Beris, I. Bischofberger, J.G. Eggers, J.E. López-Aguilar, S.M. Fielding, A. Frishman, M.D. Graham, J.S. Guasto, S.J. Haward, S. Hormozi, G.H. McKinley, R.J. Poole, A. Morozov, V. Shankar, E.S.G. Shaqfeh, A.Q. Shen, H. Stark, V. Steinberg, G. Subramanian, H.A. Stone, “Perspectives on viscoelastic flow instabilities and elastic turbulence”, Physical Review Fluid, 2021.
107. Y. Zhang, Z. Dou, J.-C. Veilleux, G. H. Shi, D. S. Collins, P. P. Vlachos, S. Dabiri and A. M. Ardekani, “Modeling cavitation bubble dynamics in an autoinjector and its implications to protein molecules” International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 608, 121062, 2021.
106. R.V. More, A.B. Zhang, A. Ahmadzadegan, S. Dabiri and A.M. Ardekani, “Monitoring heterogeneity in therapeutic samples using Schlieren” International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 121096, 2021.
105. E. Rahimi, S. Aramideh, H. Gomez, A. M. Ardekani, “Transport and Lymphatic Uptake of Monoclonal Antibodies After Subcutaneous Injection”, Microvascular Research, 139, 104228, 2021.
104. R. Dandekar, A.M. Ardekani, “Nearly touching spheres in a viscoelastic fluid”, Physics of Fluids, 33 (8), 083112, 2021.
103. Y. Leng, A.M. Ardekani, H. Gomez, “A poro-viscoelastic model for the subcutaneous injection of monoclonal antibodies”, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 104537, 2021.
102. M. Kumar, A. M. Ardekani, “Elastic instabilities between two cylinders confined in a channel” Physics of Fluids, 33 (7), 074107, 2021.
101. Z. Huang, G. Lin, A.M. Ardekani “A consistent and conservative volume distribution algorithm and its applications to multiphase flows using Phase-Field models”, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 103727, 2021.
100. R. More and, A. M. Ardekani, “Unifying disparate regimes in the flow curve of dense non-Brownian suspensions,” Physical Review E, 103 (6), 062610, 2021.
99. Z. Huang, G. Lin, A.M. Ardekani “A consistent and conservative model and its scheme for N-phase-M-component incompressible”, Journal of Computational Physics, 434, 110229, 2021.
98. J. Eshraghi, A. M. Ardekani, P. P. Vlachos, “Data assimilation for modeling cavitation bubble dynamics,” Experiments in Fluids, 62 (5), 1-19, 2021.
97. M. Kumar, S. Aramideh, C. A. Browne, S. S. Datta, and A. M. Ardekani, “Numerical investigation of multistability in the unstable flow of the polymer solution through porous media”. Physical Review Fluids, 6, 033304, 2021.
95. Y. Zhang, D. Han, Z. Dou, J.-C. Veilleux, G. H. Shi, D. S. Collins, P. P. Vlachos, A. M. Ardekani, “The interface motion and hydrodynamic shear of the liquid slosh in syringes” Pharmaceutical Research, 38, 257–275, 2021.
95. R. More and, A. M. Ardekani, “Hydrodynamic interactions between swimming microorganisms in a linearly density stratified fluid”, Physical Review E, 103 (1), 013109, 2021.
94. R. Dandekar, A.M. Ardekani, “Monoclonal Antibody aggregation near silicon oil-water interfaces”, Langmuir, 37, 4, 1386–1398, 2021.
93. V.A. Shaik, A.M. Ardekani, “ Far-field flow and drift due to particles and organisms in density-stratified fluids”, Physical Review E, 102 (6), 063106, 2020.
92. M. de Lucio, M. Bures, A. M. Ardekani, P. P. Vlachos, H. Gomez, “Isogeometric analysis of subcutaneous injection of monoclonal antibodies”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 373, 113550, 2020.
91. X. Zhong, T. Guo, P. P. Vlachos, J.-C. Veilleux, G. H. Shi, D. S. Collins, A. M. Ardekani, “An experimentally validated dynamic model for a spring-driven auto-injector” International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 120008, 2020.
90. M. K. Maruthamuthu, A. H. Raffiee, D. M. De Oliveira, Dor Ben-Amotz, A. M. Ardekani, Mohit S. Verma, “Raman spectra-based deep learning – A tool to identify microbial contamination in the pharmaceutical industry”, Microbiology Open, 9 (11), e1122, 2020.
89. R. More and, A. M. Ardekani, “Motion of an inertial squirmer in a density stratified fluid”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, , 905, 2020.
88. A. Ahmadzadegan, A. M. Ardekani, P. Vlachos, “Estimation of the Probability Density Function of Random Displacements from Images”, Physical Review E, 102, 033305, 2020.
87. X. Zhong, J. Eshraghi, P. P. Vlachos, S. Dabiri, A. M. Ardekani, “A model for a laser-induced cavitation bubble”, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 103433, 2020.
86. A. R. Sprenger, V.A. Shaik, A. M. Ardekani, M. Lisicki, A. J. T. M. Mathijssen, F. Guzman-Lastra, H. Lowen, A. M. Menzel, and A. Daddi-Moussa-Ider, “Towards an analytical description of active microswimmers in clean and in surfactant-covered drops”, European Physical Journal E, 43, 58, 2020.
85. R. Dandekar, A.M. Ardekani, “Migration of a surfactant covered viscous droplet in a Poiseuille flow at low surface P´eclet numbers”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 902, A2, 2020.
84. M. K. Maruthamuthu, S. R. Rudge, A. M. Ardekani, M. R. Ladisch, and M. S. Verma, “Process Analytical Technologies and Data Analytics for Manufacture of Monoclonal Antibodies” Trends in Biotechnology, 38 (10), 1169-1186, 2020.
83. R. More and, A. M. Ardekani, “A constitutive model for sheared dense suspensions of rough particles”, Journal of Rheology, 64 (5), 1107-1120, 2020.
82. Z. Huang, G. Lin, A.M. Ardekani “Consistent and conservative scheme for incompressible two-phase flows using the conservative Allen-Cahn model”, Journal of Computational Physics, 109718, 2020.
81. Y. Zhang, T. Guo, P. P. Vlachos, A. M. Ardekani “Velocity scaling and breakup criteria for jets formed due to acceleration and deceleration process”, Physical Review Fluids, 5 (7), 074003, 2020.
80. Z. Dou, J. Eshraghi, T. Guo, J.-C. Veilleux, K. H. Duffy, G. H. Shi, D. S. Collins, A. M. Ardekani, P. P. Vlachos, “Performance characterization of spring actuated autoinjector devices for Emgality and Aimovig”, Current Medical Research and Opinion 36 (8), 1343-1354.
79. R. Dandekar, A.M. Ardekani, “Swimming sheet in a viscosity stratified fluid”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 895, R2, 2020.
78. N. Kamyabi, R. Abbasgholizadeh, A. Maitra, A. M. Ardekani, S.L. Biswal, K. Jane Grande-Allen “Isolation and mutational assessment of pancreatic cancer extracellular vesicles using a microfluidic platform,” Biomedical Microdevices 22 (2), 1-11, 2020.
77. R. Dandekar, Shaik, A.M. Ardekani, “Motion of an arbitrary shaped particle in a density stratified fluid”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 890, A16, 2020.
76. Shaik, A.M. Ardekani, “Drag and deformation of drop in a density stratified fluid”, Physical Review Fluid, 5, 013604, 2020.
75. R. More, A. M. Ardekani, “Roughness induced shear thickening in frictional non-Brownian suspensions: a numerical study.” Journal of Rheology, 64, 283, 2020.
74. N. Desai, A.M. Ardekani, “Biofilms at interfaces: microbial distribution in floating films”, Soft Matter, 16 (7), 1705–1944, 2020. (cover article)
73. M. Mercier, S. Wang, J. Péméja, A.M. Ardekani P. Ern “Settling disks in a linearly stratified fluid”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 885, 2020.
72. Z. Huang, G. Lin, A.M. Ardekani “Consistent, Conservative and Balanced-Force Phase-Field Method to Model Incompressible Two-Phase Flows”, Journal of Computational Physics, 109192, 2019.
71. M. Kumar, Derek M. Walkama, Jeffrey S. Guasto, A.M. Ardekani, “Flow-induced buckling dynamics of sperm flagella,” 100 (6), 063107, 2019.
70. A. Ahmadzadegan, S. Wang, P. Vlachos, A. M. Ardekani, “Hydrodynamic attraction of bacteria to liquid-liquid interfaces”, 100 (6), 062605, 2019.
69. R. More, A. M. Ardekani, “Effect of roughness on the rheology of concentrated non-Brownian suspensions: A numerical study,” Journal of Rheology, 64 (1), 67-80, 2019.
68. A.H. Raffiee, A.M. Ardekani, S. Dabiri, “Numerical investigation of elasto-inertial particle focusing patterns in viscoelastic microfluidic devices,” Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 272, 104166, 2019.
67. M. Kumar, A.M. Ardekani , “The effect of external shear flow on the sperm motility,” Soft Matter, 2019.
66. 2. P. Naik, P. Pandita, S. Aramideh, I. Bilionis, A. M. Ardekani, “Bayesian model calibration and optimization of surfactant-polymer flooding,” Computational Geosciences, 2019.
65. R. Dandekar, Shaik, A.M. Ardekani, “Swimming sheet in a density stratified fluid”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 874, 210-234, 2019.
64. S. Aramideh, P. Vlachos, A.M. Ardekani, “Nanoparticle dispersion in porous media in viscoelastic polymer solutions”, International Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid, 268, 75-80, 2019.
63. T. Guo, A. M. Ardekani, P. P. Vlachos, “Microscale, scanning defocusing volumetric particle tracking velocimetry”, Experiments in Fluids, 60 (6), 89, 2019.
62. Z. Huang, G. Lin, A.M. Ardekani “A Mixed Upwind/Central WENO Scheme for the Conservative Form of Two-Phase Navier-Stokes Equations”, Journal of Computational Physics, 387, 455-480, 2019.
61. N. Desai, V. Shaik, A.M. Ardekani, “Hydrodynamics enhances colonization of sinking nutrient sources by motile microorganisms” Frontiers of Microbiology, 2019.
60. V. Shaik, A.M. Ardekani, “Swimming sheet near a plane surfactant laden interface” Physical Review E, 99 (3), 033101, 2019.
59-A.H. Raffiee, S. Dabiri, A.M. Ardekani, “Suspension of cells in Newtonian and viscoelastic fluids in a microchannel,” Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 23 (2), 22, 2019 (invited article).
58-P. K. Naik, S. Aramideh, A.M. Ardekani, “History matching of surfactant-polymer flooding using Polynomial Chaos Expansion” Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 173, 1438-1452, 2019.
57-S. Aramideh, P. Vlachos, A.M. Ardekani , “Unstable displacement of Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids with surfactant and polymer” Transport in Porous Media, 126 (2), 455-474, 2019.
56-N. H. Lee, H. Park, A. H. Raffiee, S. John, and A.M. Ardekani, “Towards Smart Self-Clearing Glaucoma Drainage Device”, Microsystems & Nanoengineering, 4 (35), 2018.
55-N. Desai, S. Dabiri, A.M. Ardekani, “Chemotaxis by methanotrophic bacteria in the presence of a rising swarm of oil drops”, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2018.
54-N. Desai, A.M. Ardekani, “Combined influence of hydrodynamics and chemotaxis in the distribution of microorganisms around spherical nutrient sources”, Physical Review E, 98, 012419, 2018.
53-S. Aramideh, P. Vlachos, A.M. Ardekani, “Spatial velocity fluctuations in flow through porous media”, Physical Review E, 98 (1), 013104, 2018.
52-V. Shaik, A.M. Ardekani, “Locomotion inside a surfactant-laden-drop: Small surface Peclet analysis”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 851, 187-230, 2018.
51-S. Aramideh, R. Borgohain, P. K. Naik, C.T. Johnston, P. Vlachos, A.M. Ardekani, “ Numerical simulation and uncertainty quantification of surfactant-polymer flooding in sandstones”, Fuel, 228, 418-428, 2018.
50-Y. Zhang, G. Li, A.M. Ardekani, “Reduced viscosity for flagella moving in a solution of long polymer chains”, Physical Review Fluids, 3, 023101, 2018.
49-N. Desai, V. Shaik, A.M. Ardekani, “Hydrodynamics-mediated trapping of micro-swimmers near drops”, Soft Matter, 14, 264 - 278, 2018.
48-A.H. Raffiee, S. Dabiri, A.M. Ardekani, “Elasto-inertial migration of deformable capsules in a microchannel”, Biomicrofluidics, 11, 064113, 2017.
47-V. Shaik, A.M. Ardekani, “Point force singularities outside a drop covered with an incompressible surfactant: Image systems and their applications”, Physical Review Fluid, 2, 113606, 2017.
46-A.M. Ardekani, A. Doostmohammadi, N. Desai, “Transport of particles, drops, and organisms in density stratified fluids”, Physical Review Fluid, 2 (10), 100503, 2017 (invited article).
45-N. Desai, A.M. Ardekani, “Modeling of active-swimmer-suspensions and their interactions with the environment”, Soft Matter, 13, 6033-6050, 2017 (invited review article).
44-A.H. Raffiee, S. Dabiri, A.M. Ardekani, “Deformation and buckling of microcapsules in a viscoelastic fluid”, Physical Review E, 96(3), 032603, 2017.
43-S. Wang, Kevin Ellett, A. M. Ardekani, “Assessing the utility of high-level CO2 storage and utilization resource estimates for CCS system modelling” Energy Procedia, 114, 4658-4665, 2017.
42-V. Shaik, A.M. Ardekani, “Motion of a model swimmer near a weakly deforming interface”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 824, 42-73, 2017.
41-S. Wang, T. Guo, S. Dabiri, P. Vlachos, A.M. Ardekani, “Effect of surfactant on bubble collisions on a free surface”, Physical Review Fluids, 2, 043601, 2017.
40-S. Wang, J.S. Allen, A.M. Ardekani, “Unsteady particle motion in an acoustic standing wave field”, European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 26, 115-130, 2017.
39-G. Li, A.M. Ardekani, “Near wall motion of undulatory swimmers in non-Newtonian fluids”, European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 26, 44-60, 2017.
38-G. Li, A. Ostace, A.M. Ardekani, “Hydrodynamic interaction of swimming organisms in an inertial regime”, Physical Review E, 94,053104, 2016.
37-G. Li, A.M. Ardekani, “Collective motion of microorganisms in a viscoelastic fluid”, Physical Review Letters, 117, 118001, 2016.
36-S. Bayareh, S. Dabiri, A.M. Ardekani “Interaction between two drops ascending in a linearly stratified fluid”, European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids, 60, 127–136, 2016.
35-S. Wang, A.M. Ardekani, “Biogenic mixing induced by intermediate Reynolds number swimming in a stratified fluid”, Scientific Reports, 5, 17448, 2015.
34-G. Li, A.M. Ardekani, “Undulatory swimming in non-Newtonian fluids”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics Rapids, 784, R4, 2015.
33-G. Li, G.H. McKinley, A.M. Ardekani, “Dynamics of particle migration in channel flow of viscoelastic fluids”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 785, 486-505, 2015.
32-S.H. Yazdi, A.M. Ardekani, A. Borhan, “Swimming dynamics near a wall in a weakly elastic fluid”, Journal of Nonlinear Science, 25 (5), 1153-1167, 2015. (invited article to special issue of the Journal of Nonlinear Science on “Emergent Collective Behavior: from fish schools to bacterial colonies”).
31-A. Doostmohammadi, A.M. Ardekani “Suspension of solid particles in a density stratified fluid”, Physics of Fluids, 27, 023302, 2015.
30-Y. Hu, S. Wang, A. Abbaspourrad, A. M. Ardekani “Fabrication of shape controllable Janus alginate/pNIPAAm microgels via microfluidics technique and off-chip ionic crosslinking”, Langmuir, 31(6), 1885-1891, 2015.
29-Y. Hu, G. Azadi, A.M. Ardekani “Microfluidic fabrication of shape-tunable alginate microgels: Effect of size and impact velocity”, Carbohydrate Polymers, 120, 38-45, 2015.
28-A. Karimi, D. Karig, A. Kumar, A.M. Ardekani “Interplay of physical mechanisms and biofilm processes: review of microfluidic methods”, Lab on a Chip, 2015.
27-S. Dabiri, A. Doostmohammadi, S. Bayareh, A.M. Ardekani “Numerical simulation of the buoyant rise of a suspension of drops in a linearly stratified fluid,” International Journal Multiphase Flow, 69, 8–17, 2015.
26-S.H. Yazdi, A.M. Ardekani, A. Borhan “Locomotion of microorganisms near a no-slip boundary in a viscoelastic fluid,” Physical Review E, 90, 043002, 2014.
25-A. Doostmohammadi, A.M. Ardekani “Reorientation of elongated particles at density interfaces,” Physical Review E, 90, 033013, 2014.
24-G. Li, A. Karimi, A.M. Ardekani “Effect of solid boundaries on swimming dynamics of microorganisms in a viscoelastic fluid,” Rheologica Acta, 53(12), 911-926, 2014 (invited paper for special early career issue: Trends and progress in rheology)
23-G. Li, A.M. Ardekani “Hydrodynamic interaction of micro-swimmers near a wall,” Physical Review E, 90, 013010, 2014.
22-A. Doostmohammadi, S. Dabiri, A.M. Ardekani, “A numerical study of the dynamics of a particle settling at moderate Reynolds numbers in a linearly stratified fluid,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 750, 5-32, 2014.
21-M.J. Mercier, A.M. Ardekani, M.R. Allshouse, B. Doyle, T. Peacock, “Self-Propulsion of Immersed Objects via Natural Convection,” Physical Review Letters, 112, 204501, 2014. This work is highlithed on Physical Review Letter website.
20-A. Karimi, A.M. Ardekani, “Gyrotactic bioconvection at pycnoclines,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 773, 245-267, 2013.
19-A. Doostmohammadi, A.M. Ardekani, “Interaction between a pair of particles settling in a stratified fluid,” Physical Review E, Volume 88, 023029, 2013.
18-M. Bayareh, A. Doostmohammadi, S. Dabiri, A.M. Ardekani, “On the rising motion of a drop in stratified fluids,” Physics of Fluids, Volume 25, 103302, 2013.
17-S. Wang, A.M. Ardekani, “Swimming of a model ciliate near an air-liquid interface,” Physical Review E, Volume 87, 063010, 2013.
16-A. Karimi, S.H. Yazdi, A.M. Ardekani, “Hydrodynamic mechanisms of cell and particle trapping in microfluidics,” Biomicrofluidics, Volume 7, 021501, 2013.
15-S.H. Yazdi, A.M. Ardekani, “Bacterial aggregation and biofilm formation in a vortical flow,” Biomicrofluidics, Volume 6, 044114, 2012.
14-S. Wang, A.M. Ardekani, “Inertial Squirmer,” Physics of Fluids, Volume 24, 101902, 2012.
13-A.M. Ardekani, E. Gore, “Emergence of a limit cycle for swimming microorganisms in a vortical flow of a viscoelastic fluid,” Physical Review E, Volume 85, 056309, 2012.
12-S. Wang, A.M. Ardekani “Unsteady swimming of small organisms,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, volume 702, 286-297, 2012.
11-A. Doostmohammadi, R. Stocker, A.M. Ardekani “Low Reynolds number swimming at pycnoclines,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Volume 109, 3856-3861, 2012. This work is highlighted on ND College of Engineering news page.
10-A.M. Ardekani, R. Stocker “Stratlets: low Reynolds number point-force solutions in a stratified fluid,” Physical Review Letters, Volume 105, 084502, 2010.
9-A.M. Ardekani, V. Sharma, G.H. McKinley, “Dynamics of Bead Formation, Filament Thinning, and Breakup in Weakly Viscoelastic Jets,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Volume 665, 46-56, 2010.
8-A.M. Ardekani, D.D. Joseph, “Instability of stationary liquid sheets,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Volume 106, 13, 4992-4996, 2009.
7-A.M. Ardekani, D.D. Joseph, D. Dunn-Rankin, R.H. Rangel, “Particle-wall collision in a viscoelastic fluid,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Volume 633, 475-483, 2009.
6-A.M. Ardekani, S. Dabiri, R.H. Rangel, “Deformation of a droplet in a particulate shear flow,” Physics of Fluids, Volume 21, 093302, 2009.
5-A.M. Ardekani, S. Dabiri, R.H. Rangel, “Collision of multi-particle and general shape objects in a viscous fluid,” Journal of Computational Physics, Volume 227, 10094-10107, 2008.
4-A.M. Ardekani, R.H. Rangel, D.D. Joseph, “Two spheres in a free stream of a second-order fluid,” Physics of Fluids, Volume 20, Issue 6, 2008.
3-A.M. Ardekani, R.H. Rangel, “Numerical investigation of particle-particle and particle-wall collisions in a viscous fluid,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Volume 596, 437-466, 2008.
2-A.M. Ardekani, R.H. Rangel, D.D. Joseph, “Motion of a sphere normal to a wall in second-order fluid,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Volume 587, 163-172, 2007.
1-A.M. Ardekani, R.H. Rangel, “Unsteady motion of two solid spheres in Stokes flow,” Physics of Fluids, Volume 18, Issue 10, 2006.
14. S. Wang, A. M. Ardekani, Kevin Ellett, “Assessing the utility of high-level CO2 storage and utilization resource estimates for CCS system modelling” 13th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, November 14th - 18th, 2016, Lausanne, Switzerland.
13. S. Wang, A. M. Ardekani, “Vertical transport of particles, drops, and microorganisms in density stratified fluids”, Plenary lecture, VIIIth International Symposium on Stratified Flows, August 29-September 1, 2016, San Diego, California.
12. G. Li, A.M. Ardekani “Collective motion of microorganisms in complex fluids,” Keynote lecture for Thematic Session on Low-Reynolds-Number Flow, The 24th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM2016), August 21-26, 2016, Montreal, Canada.
11. G. Li, A.M. Ardekani “Mixing of complex fluids in microchannels,” Proceedings of the First Pacific Rim Thermal Engineering Conference, March 13-17, 2016, Hawaii's Big Island, USA.
10. M. Bayareh, S. Dabiri, A.M. Ardekani, “Interaction between a pair of drops ascending in a linearly stratified fluid,” Proceedings of ASME 2013 Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting, July 7-11, 2013, Incline Vilage, Nevada.
9. M. Bayareh, S. Dabiri, A.M. Ardekani, “Ascending motion of droplets in stratified fluids,” International Conference in Multiphase Flows, May 26-31, 2013, Jeju, Korea.
8. S. Wang, A.M. Ardekani “Unsteady swimming of small organisms” The 23rd International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM2012), August 19-24, 2012, Beijing, China.
7. A. Doostmohammadi, A.M. Ardekani, “Vertical migration of the small organisms in a stratified fluid”, Proceedings of ASME 2012 Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting, July 8-12, 2012, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico.
6. R. Stocker, K. Kindler, A. M. Ardekani, B. Liu, A. Khalili, “Low Reynolds number sinking and swimming at a pycnocline” VII International Symposium on Stratified Flows, August 22-26, 2011, Roma, Italy.
5. V. Sharma, A.M. Ardekani, G.H. McKinley “‘Beads on a String’ Structures and Extensional Rheometry using Jet Break-up” 5th Pacific Rim Conference on Rheology, August 1-6, 2010, Japan.
4. A.M. Ardekani, V. Sharma, G.H. McKinley “Jetting and breakup of weakly viscoelastic liquids” 16th US National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, June 17-July2, 2010, State College, PA.
3. A.M. Ardekani, R. Stocker “Swimming at low Reynolds number in a stratified fluid” 16th US National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, June 17-July2, 2010, State College, PA.
2. A.M. Ardekani, R.H. Rangel, J. Garman, D. Dunn-Rankin, D.D. Joseph “Particle-wall interaction in a viscoelastic fluid,” XVth International Congress on Rheology, Aug. 3-8, 2008, Monterey, CA.
1. A.M. Ardekani, S. Dabiri, R.H. Rangel, “A distributed Lagrange multiplier method for the simulation of particulate flow using Finite Volume approach,” 45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Jan. 8-11, 2007, Reno, NV.
Motion of a sphere normal to a wall in second-order fluid (A.M. Ardekani, R.H. Rangel, D.D. Joseph) Potential Flows of Viscous and Viscoelastic Fluids. D.D. Joseph, T. Funada, J. Wang, Cambridge University Press, Chapter 20.15, 2007
IC.18-Oil-microbe interactions: role of chemotaxis and hydrodynamics, Keynote lecture, Oil-microbe interactions: role of chemotaxis and hydrodynamics, May 15-18, 2018, Udine, Italy.
IC.17-Collective motion of microorganisms in complex fluids, Keynote lecture, focus session on “Statistical physics of biological systems” at Physics@FOM, January 17, 2017, Veldhoven, Netherland.
IC.16-Settling and Swimming in stratified fluids, Keynote invited presentation, 69th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 20-22, 2016, Portland, Oregon.
IC.15-Vertical transport of particles, drops, and microorganisms in density stratified fluids, Plenary lecture, VIIIth International Symposium on Stratified Flows, August 29-September 1, 2016, San Diego, California.
IC.14-Collective motion of microorganisms in complex fluids, Keynote lecture for Thematic Session on Low-Reynolds-Number Flow, International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, August 21-26, 2016, Montreal, Canada.
IC.13-Swimming in density stratified fluids, Invited lecture, International Center for Theoretical Physics, Summer School on Active Matter and Chemotaxis, May 14-25, 2016, Zanjan, Iran.
IC.12-Hydrodynamic interaction of microorganisms in complex fluids, Invited lecture, International Center for Theoretical Physics, Summer School on Active Matter and Chemotaxis, May 14-25, 2016, Zanjan, Iran.
IC.11-Swimming in complex fluids, Invited lecture, International Center for Theoretical Physics, Summer School on Active Matter and Chemotaxis, May 14-25, 2016, Zanjan, Iran.
IC.10-Collective dynamics of active particles, Keynote lecture for workshop on “Seminal Motility Imaging and Modeling”, Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse, Toulouse, September 22-23, 2015.
IC.9-Near-wall motion of microorganisms in viscoelastic fluids, Active Fluids session, 12th annual conference on Frontiers in Applied and Computational Mathematics (FACM), New Jersey Institute of Technology, New Jersey, June 5-6, 2015.
IC.8-Near wall motion of a model swimmer in a viscoelastic fluid, SIAM conference on Life Sciences, Charlotte, North Carolina, August 4-7, 2014.
IC.7-Hydrodynamic interaction of swimming microorganisms in complex fluids, Locomotion/Flow-body interactions symposium at SIAM Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, July 7-11, 2014.
IC.6-Near wall motion of a model swimmer in a viscoelastic fluid, Workshop “Active Fluids: New Challenges from Experiments to High-Performance Computing”, Mariehamn, Aland Islands, Finland, May 28-31, 2014.
IC.5-Hydrodynamics of bacterial aggregation, Keynote lecture, focus session on “Statistical physics of biological systems” at Physics@FOM, Veldhoven, Netherland, Jan. 22, 2014.
IC.4-Vertical migration of small organisms in a stratified fluid, AIChE Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, Oct. 28-Nov. 2, 2012.
IC.3-Bacteria aggregation in a vortical flow, Workshop on the Physics of Bacterial Communities organized by Argonne National Lab and University of Notre Dame, Chicago, Jun. 11-12, 2012.
IC.2-Low Reynolds Number Swimming and Settling in Stratified Fluids, Biolocomotion and BioFluid Dynamics symposium, 48th Annual Technical Meeting of Society of Engineering Sciences, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, Oct. 12-14, 2011.
IC.1-Low Reynolds number swimming in stratified fluids, Workshop on Interdisciplinary Biomedical Research, London, Jul. 18-19, 2011.