February — Dr.Nikhil Desai has been appointed assistant professor in the school of mathematics at University of Birmingham. Congratulations Nikhil!
January — Andres Barrio-Zhang has successfully defended his Ph.D. Congratulations Andres!
August — Dr.Vaseem Shaik has been appointed a visiting assistant professor of engineering science and applied mathematics at Northwestern University. Congratulations Vaseem!
August — Dr. Ziyang Huang has been appointed an assistant professor of mechanical engineering at University of Alabama. Congratulations Ziyang!
July — Dr.Rishabh More has been appointed an assistant professor of chemical engineering at Monash University. Congratulations Rishabh!
May — Dingding Han has successfully defended her Ph.D. Congratulations Dingding!
May — Xiaoxu Zhong has successfully defended his Ph.D. Congratulations Xiaoxu!
May — Ehsan Rahimi has successfully defended his Ph.D. Congratulations Ehsan!
March — Professor Ardekani has been elected fellow of American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering.
January — Dr. Ria Corder has been appointed an assistant professor of chemical engineering at University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Congratulations Ria!
December — Outstanding Referee of the Physical Review journals, selected out of roughly 86,500 active referees.
August — Dr.Yuandu Hu has been appointed professor of Chemistry at Beijing Jiaotong University. Congratulations Yuandu!
May — Miad Boodaghi has successfully defended his Ph.D. Congratulations Miad!
November — Professor Ardekani has co-chaired the 75th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society’s Division of Fluid Dynamics (APS DFD).
May — Adib Ahmadzadegan, Rishabh More, and Manish Kumar have successfully defended their Ph.D. Congratulations Adib, Rishabh, and Manish!
March — Professor Ardekani has been selected as a fellow of American Physical Society.
August — Ziyang Huang has successfully defended his PhD. Congratulations Ziyang!
May — Yuchen Zhang has successfully defended his PhD. Congratulations Yuchen!
March — Yuchen and Dingding's work appeared on the cover of Pharmaceutical Research (38, 257–275, 2021). Congratulations Yuchen and Dingding!
March — Rajat's work appeared on the cover of Langmuir (37, 4, 1386–1398, 2021). Congratulations Rajat!
March — Prasheel Nakate and Henry Lui are joining our group as new PhD students. Welcome!
December — Rishabh is presenting his research at the 18th International Congress on Rheology. Join to hear about his recent research!
December — Professor Ardekani is presenting Metzner award lecture at the 18th International Congress on Rheology.
November — Rajat, Rishabh, Manish, Ziyang, Adib, and Monsurul are presenting at APS-DFD meeting. Join to hear about their recent research!
September — Professor Ardekani is presenting SES Young Investigator Medal lecture at the Society of Engineering Science meeting.
July — Professor Ardekani is presenting in Complex Fluids Seminar Series of Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics.
March — Professor Ardekani has been invited to NAE US Frontiers of Engineering Symposium.
May — Arezoo Ardekani has been awarded The Arthur B. Metzner Early Career Award of the Society of Rheology.
May — Rajat Dandekar's work has been featured on the GoMRI website. Congratulations Rajat!
April — Arezoo Ardekani has been promoted to full professor.
April — Vaseem Shaik and Sukirt have successfully defended their PhD and MS. Congratulations Vaseem and Sukirt!
March — Professor Ardekani has recieved Sigma Xi Mid-Career Research Award.
February — Adib, Shiyan, and Nikhil's research has been highlighted in Purude News. Congratulations Adib, Shiyan, and Nikhil!
February — Professor Ardekani has been elected as a fellow of ASME.
February — Professor Ardekani has been awarded College of Engineering Faculty Excellence Award for Graduate Student Mentorship. Thanks students for nomination!
February — Nikhil's work appeared on the cover of Soft Matter. Congratulations Nikhil!
December — Ardekani and Dabiri's groups celebrating end of semester.
November — Arezoo Ardekani has been awarded with the Society of Engineering Science Young Investigator Medal.
November — Soroush Aramideh and Khushal Ashok Bhatija have successfully defended their PhD and MS. Congratulations Soroush and Khushal!
October — Amir Hossein Raffiee and Nikhil Desai have successfully defended their PhD. Congratulations Amir and Nikhil!
August — Manish's work appeared on the cover of Soft Matter. Congratulations Manish!
April — Professor Ardekani has been awarded College of Engineering Early Career Research Award. Thanks colleagues for nomination!
December — Nikhil Desai has recieved the Lambert fellowship and Vaseem Shaik won the Bisland fellowship. Congratulations Nikhil and Vaseem!
December — Pratik Naik has successfully defended his MS and is joining Cummins. Congratulations Pratik!
August — Shulin Wang has won Top Research Poster Award at 2018 SURF Research Symposium. Congratulations Shulin!
July — Ardekani and Dabiri's research groups are co-organizing hands-on-activities for 6th-9th graders participating in WIEP (For Your Imagination program) event. Join us for a "splash" day!
July — Professor Ardekani is presenting at “Complex Fluids in Biological Systems workshop”.
May — Chao-Ying Chen has successfully defended his MS. Congratulations Chao-Ying!
April — Professor Ardekani is presenting at “Workshop on Biofilm Mechanical Properties”.
July — Professor Ardekani is co-organizing a minisymposium on “Biological and Bio-inspired Fluid Mechanics” at the 53rd Annual Technical Meeting of Society of Engineering Science to be held on July 25-28, 2017 at Northeastern University. The organizing committee members are: Henry Fu, Hassam Masood and A. M. Ardekani. Join us July 25-28 2017!
August — Mohit Jain has successfully defended his MS. He has joined Exa corporation after graduation. Congratulations Mohit!
December — Gaojin Li has successfully defended his PhD. He is joining Cornell University as a postdoctoral researcher. Congratulations Gaojin!
November — Professor Ardekani is presenting a keynote invited lecture at the “69th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics ”, Portland.
November — Professor Ardekani is severing in a panel “All the Faces of Fluid Dynamics” Diversity Student Luncheon at the “69th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics ”, Portland.
November — Professor Ardekani is co-organizing a session on “Bio-Fluid Dynamics” at the 2016 AIChE Annual Meeting to be held on November 13-18, 2016 in San Francisco. Join us November 13-18!
October — Prof. Ardekani's recent PECASE award is highlighted in a homecoming football game.
October — Professor Ardekani is co-organizing a minisymposium on “Biological and Bio-Inspired Fluid Mechanics” at the 53rd Annual Technical Meeting of Society of Engineering Science to be held on October 2-5, 2016 at University of Maryland. The organizing committee members are: Hassam Masood and A. M. Ardekani. Join us October 2-5 2016!
August — Professor Ardekani presented a plenary lecture at the “VIIIth International Symposium on Stratified Flows (ISSF)”, San Diego.
August — Professor Ardekani presented an invited talk at the “ 24th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics”, Montreal, Canada.
August — Our group's work on collective motion of microorganisms in viscoelastic fluids has been accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters. Congratulations Gaojin!
August — Tolulope Odimayomi has won Award of Excellence for top research talk at 2016 SURF Research Symposium. Congratulations Tolu!
August — Ardekani and Dabiri's research groups are co-organizing hands-on-activities for 6th-9th graders participating in WIEP (For Your Imagination program) event. Join us for a "splash" day!
June — Prof. Ardekani's recent PECASE award has been highlighted by GoMRI.
June — Prof. Ardekani is visiting Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse, France for four weeks as an invited faculty.
May — Prof. Ardekani's recent PECASE award has been highlighted by NSF.
May — Prof. Ardekani visited White House to meet with President Obama regarding her recent PECASE award.
May — Professor Ardekani is presenting invited lectures at the “International Center for Theoretical Physics, Summer School on Active Matter and Chemotaxis ”, Zanjan.
May — Tiago Reis has successfully defended his MS. Congratulations Tiago!
March — Shiyan Wang has successfully defended his PhD. He is joining Purdue School of Chenical Engineering as a postdoctoral researcher. Congratulations Shiyan!
February — Prof. Ardekani has been honored as an "Extraordinary Early-Career Scientist" by President Obama. More information is given on Purdue website.
February — Prof. Ardekani is featured in Inside Indiana Business .
December — Congratulations to undergrad Yuchen Zhang for winning a Bottomley Undergraduate Research Scholarship.
December — Gaojin Li has been awarded Lambert Graduate Teaching Fellowship. Congratulations Gaojin!
December — Our group's work on biogenic mixing has been accepted for publication in Scientific Reports. The work has been highlited on Purdue College of Engineering news page and physics.org and Research Computing Cluster.
October — Our group's work on undulatory swimming in non-Newtonian fluids has been accepted for publication in Journal of Fluid Mechanics Rapids. The work has been highlited on Purdue College of Engineering news page.
October — Our group's work on particle migration in a channel flow of viscoelastic fluids has been accepted for publication in Journal of Fluid Mechanics. Congratulations Gaojin!
September — Professor Ardekani presented a keynote lecture at the workshop on “Collective dynamics of active particles, swimmers, motile cells”, Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse, Toulouse, France.
July — Cover of The Rheology Bulletin: July 2015 Issue of The Rheology Bulletin features Ardekani's Group research on swimming in complex fluids, featuring Ardekani's work with graduate student Gaojin Li and Postdoctoral researcher Alireza Karimi.
June — Professor Ardekani is organizing a minisymposium on “Complex Fluids and Soft Matter” at the 12th annual conference on "Frontiers in Applied and Computational Mathematics" (FACM). Join us June 5-6, 2015!
May — Anca Gal has passed her MS defense exam. She is transfering to University of Virginia for her PhD. Congratulations Anca!
February — Our group's work on Janus microgels has been featured on Purdue College of Engineering news page, med Gaget, and Purdue Office of the Executive Vice President for Research and Partnerships.
September — Our group's work on the motion of microorganisms has been accepted for publication in the special issue of Rheological Acta devoted to novel trends in rheology. Congratulations Gaojin and Alireza! The work has been highlited on Purdue College of Engineering news page, as well as Process Cooling, Biohazard, Tribology & Lubrication Technology and many more.
July — Multiphase Flows Complex Fluids laboratory has moved to Purdue University, School of Mechanical Engineering.
May — Professor Ardekani presented an invited talk at the workshop on “Active Fluids: New Challenges from Experiments to High-Performance Computing”, Mariehamn, Aland Islands, Finland.
May — Professor Ardekani has been invited to submit an article to a special issue of the Journal of Nonlinear Science on "Emergent Collective Behavior: from fish schools to bacterial colonies"
May — Amin Doostmohammadi has successfully defended his PhD. He is joining Oxford Centre for Soft and Biological Matter as a postdoctoral researcher. Congratulations Amin!
May — Alireza Karimi has accepted a tenure-track position at Northeastern University. Congratulations Alireza!
May — Professor Ardekani togather with Professor Paulo Arratia is organizing a session on “Biofluid Dynamics” at the 2014 AIChE Meeting to be held on November 16-21, 2014 Atlanta, GA. Join us November 16-21 2014!
May — Our collaborative work on propulsion via convection has been published in Physical Review Letters and highlighted here.
April — Gaojin Li received Outstanding Student TA award. Congratulations Gaojin!
March — Professor Ardekani is co-organizing a minisymposium on “Fluid-Structure Interaction: From Engineering to Biology” at the 51st Annual Technical Meeting of Society of Engineering Science to be held on October 1-3, 2014 at Purdue University. The organizing committee members are: Hassam Masood and A. M. Ardekani. Join us October 1-3 2014!
January — Professor Ardekani presented a keynote lecture at Physics@FOM focus session on “Statistical physics of biological systems”, Veldhoven, Netherland.
January — Professor Ardekani is co-organizing a winter conference on "Active Fluids: Bridging Complex Fluids and Biofluids" at the Aspen Center for Physics. The organizing committee members are: A. Ardekani (Notre Dame), Y. Renardy (Virginia Tech), J. Zhang (New York University and Courant Institute), E. Lauga (Cambridge), D. Saintillan (University of Illinois Urbana Champaign). Join us Jan 27-Feb 1 2014!
December — Professor Ardekani is giving an invited talk at Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences.
November — Professor Ardekani is co-organizing a minisymposium on “Active fluids: modeling, simulation, and experiment” at the 2014 U.S. National Congress on Theoretical & Applied Mechanics (USNCTAM) to be held from June 15-20, 2014 at Michigan State University. The organizing committee members are: Hassam Masood, A. M. Ardekani, Howard Stone. Join us June 15-20 2014!
November — Professor Ardekani is giving an invited talk at John Hopkins University, Center for Environmental and Applied Fluid Mechanics.
October — Complex Fluids and Multiphase Flows Laboratory is organizing a water quality tour for Riley High School students.
September — Professor Ardekani in collaboration with Professor Brun is awarded a CTR/CTSI grant to study attachemnt of bacteria to surfaces.
September — Glareh Azadi joins our group as a postdoctoral researcher. She recieved her PhD from Brown University in biomedical engineering.
August — New PhD student, Anca Gal, is joining our group in Fall. Anca has recieved Naughton Graduate Fellowship. Congratulations Anca!
January — Professor Ardekani is co-organizing a minisymposium on "Hydrodynamics of Swimming Microorganisms" at 50th Annual Technical Meeting of Society of Engineering Sciences, Brown University. Join us on July. 28-31, 2013!
January — Professor Ardekani is giving invited talks at University of California at San Diego and University of California at Irvine.
November — Dr. Ardekani's contributions to the interdisciplinary engineering partnership between the University of Notre Dame, Riley High School, and the City of South Bend, Indiana is highlighted on the Notre Dame College of Engineering website and video
June — Professor Ardekani is giving an invited talk at Workshop on the Physics of Bacterial Communities organized by Argonne National Lab and University of Notre Dame , Chicago, Illinois.
June — Alireza Karimi joins our group as a postdoctoral researcher. He recieved his PhD from Engineering Science & Mechanics department at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
May — Sharzad Yazdi from Pennsylvania State University joins our laboratory for the summer to perform experiments and theoretical analyses of bacteria aggregation.
April — Complex Fluids and Multiphase Flows Laboratory is organizing a tour of ND College of Engineering laboratories for Riley High School students.
April — Amin Doostmohammadi received Outstanding Student TA award. Congratulations Amin!
March — Our research on the life of microorganisms at pycnoclines has been highlighted on ND College of Engineering news page and Science Daily Reports.
February — Professor Ardekani is awarded NSF CAREER award to study fluid dynamics of bacterial aggregation and formation of biofilm streamers .
February — Our group met with Riley High School teachers, Department of Public works of City of South Bend, Notre Dame Center for Social Concern to follow up an interdisciplinary engineering education partnership with the Engineering and Technology Magnet Program that focuses on restoring an aquatic ecosystem of a local creek.
January — Amin Doostmohammadi's work on low Reynolds number swimming at pycnoclines has been accepted for publication in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
November — The Complex Fluids and Multiphase Flows Laboratory is featured in the Fall 2011 AME Department newsletter.
July — Professor Ardekani is giving invited talks at Workshop on Interdisciplinary Biomedical Research at University of Notre Dame London Center and Center for soft and biological matter at University of Oxford.
May — Professor Ardekani in collaboration with Professor Stocker is awarded an NSF grant to study settling and swimming in stratified fluids.
March — Professor Ardekani is organizing Biolocomotion and BioFluid Dynamics symposium at 48th Annual Technical Meeting of Society of Engineering Sciences, Northwestern University, Illinois. Join us on Oct. 12-14, 2011!
January — Amin Doostmohammadi joins our group as a new PhD student.
January — Dr. Ardekani is named O’Hara, C.S.C., Assistant Professor of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. We thank Lilly Foundation for the financial support.
January — We have opened a new lab named Complex Fluids and Multiphase Flows Laboratory. Visit us!