Arezoo M. Ardekani
School of Mechanical Engineering
Department of Mathematics (by courtesy)
Purdue University
585 Purdue Mall
West Lafayette, IN 47907
We explore soft and active matter, biological flows and transport of particles and cells. Our work benefits biomedical, environmental, manufacturing, and energy applications.
Dr. Arezoo Ardekani is a fellow of American Society of Mechanical Engineers and is the associate editor of ASME Applied Mechanics Review. She is a member of editorial board of Scientific Reports and is serving in the advisory board of International Journal of Multiphase Flow. She received the Society of Women Engineers, Amelia Earhart, NSF CAREER awards, the College of Engineering Early Career Research and the Faculty Excellence Award for Graduate Student Mentorship, and the Sigma Xi Mid-career Research Award. She has been awarded Society of Engineering Science Young Investigator Medal and the Arthur B. Metzner Early Career Award of the Society of Rheology. Dr. Ardekani was honored by President Obama in 2016 with the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE).