

PIRE research objectives

Materials for energy and advanced lithography (near term applications) systems face various kinds of extreme conditions; in future energy and lithography devices, extremes can be from photon and particle energetic flux, chemical and thermomechanical extremes, to extremes from electromagnetic fields. Understanding of material behavior under extreme environments of energetic particle and photon fluxes are essential for a diverse range of technologies including nuclear reactors, long-lived radiation waste forms, photovoltaic systems, and laser applications.  The Purdue PIRE is focusing on materials behavior under extreme heat and thermal shock generated by electrons, behavior in the presence of high photon flux or plasma generated by laser beams, changes in materials properties during ion beam bombardment or ultrafast laser beam irradiation, and development of revolutionary super-resistant materials. Purdue’s state-of-art labs, along with unique facilities at Illinois and our international partnering institutes, is supporting the experimental efforts. Theoretical and simulation framework for predicting and extrapolating performance of materials under extreme conditions will be performed using the HEIGHTS simulation package. Along with experimental and modeling work, we will also address issues of energy policy and the development of a sustainable energy future.

Objective 1: The development of advanced computational algorithms and integrated general simulation packages addressing software scalability, interoperability and portability as well as enhanced visualization applications.

Objective 2: Benchmarking to state-of-the art simulated laboratory experiments and implementation of real-time simulation capabilities. 

Objective 3: In this objective we will address issues of energy policy and the development of a sustainable energy future. This effort will be tied directly to the experimental and modeling tasks since the understanding of materials performance is an essential step towards introducing new technologies into the energy market.

Objective 4: Education Initiatives

