Purdue University Mark

Purdue University

PIRE: Nuclear Energy Systems and Materials under Extreme Conditions


Partnerships for International Research and Education (PIRE)

The National Science Foundation (NSF) funded Partnerships for International Research and Education (PIRE) program at Purdue involves extensive collaboration between faculty from various USA and International universities or institutes. The major goal of the Purdue-lead PIRE research is to critically advance knowledge about the interaction of particle and plasma beams with various materials under extreme irradiation conditions. This project will provide robust computer resources and experimental validation to minimize irradiation-based design constraints of materials performance while situating this research within a larger context of sustainability, resource management and global energy policy.

The PIRE project highlights extensive collaboration in research and education over the next five years among our international partners in Germany, Ireland, Japan, and Russia.The PIRE project brings together key partners and research facilities to focus on nuclear energy/fusion, lithography and high energy and nuclear physics applications.

PIRE Team:

  • Prof. Ahmed Hasanein, Purdue University, USA
  • Prof. H. Aglan, Tuskegee University, USA
  • Prof. J. Costello, Dublin City University, Ireland
  • Prof. A. Fentiman, Purdue University, USA
  • Prof. T. Sizyuk, Purdue University, USA
  • Dr. V. Kozhevin, Ioffe Institute, Russia
  • Dr. J. Linke, Forschungszentrum Julich, Germany
  • Prof. J. Stubbins, UIUC, USA
  • Prof. K. Tanaka, Osaka University, Japan
  • Dr. J. Main, Purdue University, USA

PIRE News:

  • Purdue University and CMUXE host a PIRE Student workshop (May, 2015).
  • PIRE Graduate Student Gregory Sinclair traveled to Forschungszentrum Julich, Germany to collaborate with our PIRE international partner institute (June, 2015).
  • Tuskegee undergraduate student Norris Watkins continues PIRE research as a graduate student at CMUXE and Purdue University.
  • PIRE Graduate Student Gregory Sinclair presents PIRE research at 15th International Conference on Plasma Facing Materials and Components for Fusion Applications in Aix-en-Provence, France (May, 2015).
  • PIRE Undergraduate student Eric Acosta presented his PIRE research at the Purdue Undergraduate Symposium and recieves Best Research Abstract Award (2015).
  • Dr. Atsushi Sunahara from PIRE partner institution Osaka University (Japan) visits Purdue (2014).
  • PIRE undergraduates Niral Shah and Patrick Skrodzki were awarded prestigious internships in the Science Undergrad Laboratory Internship Program with the US DOE (2014).
  • PIRE CMUXE Undergrad Jason Becker receives the presitigious Nuclear Forensics Undergraduate Scholarship from the US. Department of Homeland Security (2014).
  • PIRE team hosts two undergrads from Tuskegee in CMUXE labs at Purdue University (2014).
  • PIRE team published cover article in the Journal of Applied Physics (2014).
  • PIRE team publishes cover article in the Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry December (2014).
  • PIRE undergraduate students Patrick Skrodzki and Jason Becker travel to Beijing China to 8th International Conference on LIBS and win LIBS Prize for Best Poster (September, 2014).
  • PIRE Graduate Student Peter DeVietien attends ITER School in Aix-en-Provence, France (2014).
  • 2014 SURF Program participants - 5 PIRE students - Jason Becker, Eric Acosta, Patrick Skrodzki, George Joseph, Grant Hosinski (2014).
  • PIRE Student Nicole LaHaye recipient of the IEEE Graduate Scholarship (2014). More...
  • PIRE Student Justin Freeman is the recipient of the Outstanding Research Award (2014). More...
  • PIRE researchers Prasoon Diwakar, Nicole LaHaye and Justin Freeman awarded the Society of Applied Spectroscopy Early Career Researcher Award at the ScIX conference (2013)
  • Tatyana Sizyuk elected to IEEE Executive Committee of Nuclear and Plasma Science Society (2013). More...
  • TJ Novakowski recieves 3 year Nuclear Engineering Graduate Fellowship (2013). More...
  • PIRE Student Justin Freeman awarded IEEE Graduate Scholarship (2013). More...
  • PIRE student Amina Hussein awarded SPIE optics and photonics education scholarship (2013). More...
  • PIRE grad student Matt Polek visted Ioffe Institute (Dec. 2013).
  • PIRE grad student Justin Freeman made exchange visit to DCU (summer 2013).
  • JSPS-PIRE Workshop on Extreme States in Plasmas July 2013. More...
  • PIRE Project holds first meeting on January 2013. More...
  • Five graduate students joined PIRE program.
  • NSF awarded PIRE to Purdue led team. More...


Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907