

PIRE Events

1. PIRE meeting (Janary 28, 2013)

January 28, 2013 distinguished researchers from around the world held their first meeting of the Purdue University PIRE Project.  The meeting was held on the Purdue University campus in the School of Nuclear Engineering.

2. JSPS-PIRE Kyoto Workshop on Extreme States in Plasmas (July 4-5, 2013)

The Workshop on "Extreme States in Plasma" was held at Rihga Royal Hotel Kyoto on July 4-5, 2013. The participants include PIRE team from Purdue, Tuskegee, Osaka University and JSPS team and students from Kyushu, National Institute of Fusion Sciences (NIFS, Japan), and University of Tokyo. The workshop program included 11 invited talks and 8 posters.

3. PIRE meeting at Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia (July 3-4, 2014)

The PIRE participants from DCU (Iraland), Osaka University (Japan), Ioffe Institute (Russia), UIUC and Purdue University presented and discussed scientific achievements of the project and future research.

4. PIRE Student Workshop at Purdue University (May 11-12, 2015)

5. PIRE meeting at DCU, Ireland (July 1-3, 2015)

