

PIRE Opportunities

I. Ph.D-track graduate student positions

The major areas of reasearch at PIRE are:

Plasma-material interaction studies
Laser-produced plasma (LPP) sources for lithography and microscopy
In-situ surface characterization
Laser beam/Ion beam nanostructuring
Computational modeling of PFC, LPP and fusion devices

Exceptionally motivated and qualified applications are invited to contact Prof. Hassanein (hassanein@purdue.edu) by email with your interests and resume.

II. Research opportunities for undergraduates (SURF)

PIRE research involves summer internship for undergraduate students. 5 research positions are available for highly motivated undergraduates with interest in obtaining research experience (also useful for research credit) for future graduate studies. Position is open for undergraduates in all engineering and science disciplines. Significantly performing undergraduates can co-author publications and will have an option to join for our graduate programs. If interested contact Prof. Harilal (hari@purdue.edu) or Prof. Hassanein (hassanein@purdue.edu) by email with your interests and resume.  

Also interested candidates are encouraged to visit Purdue SURF web for submitting applications. https://engineering.purdue.edu/Engr/Research/SURF/Programs/Campus
