Pictures of BBML members proudly presenting their work at conferences and enjoying lab outings.

BBML Summer 2024
Summer 2024

It's hard to believe another summer is almost in the books. This one has been a little chaotic with the start of a new Purdue campus in Indy. We will miss those who joined us for such a short time, but you always have a place to come back to!

BBML Summer 2023
Summer 2023

A last summer outing before the start of fall classes! Missing from picture: Caleb Manring, Sarah Staller.

BBML at ASBMR 2022
BBML at ASBMR 2022
ASBMR 2022

The lab had a strong showing at ASBMR, with 5 poster presentations at the first in-person meeting since 2019. Amy, Olivia, Rachel S, Rachel K, and Nusaiba all made the trip to Austin.

BBML Summer 2022
Summer 2022

A last summer outing before the start of fall classes! Missing from picture: Jen Hatch, Rachel Surowiec.

ORS 2022

Two long years after the last trip to ORS, the lab finally made a return! JD is shown giving a podium presentation (1 of 2 he gave) and Nusaiba is posing in front of her poster. Some of us were able to enjoy a night out for dinner and drinks. The trip was much deserved!

JD ORS 2022
Nusaiba ORS 2022
ORS 2022

Two long years after the last trip to ORS, the lab finally made a return! JD is shown giving a podium presentation (1 of 2 he gave) and Nusaiba is posing in front of her poster. Some of us were able to enjoy a night out for dinner and drinks. The trip was much deserved!

BBML Winter 2021
Winter 2021

After a long COVID hibernation, the lab finally managed to have a social outing for the first time in over 2 years! Missing from picture: Dyann Segvich, Rachel Kohler, Jen Hatch, Olivia Reul

BBML Summer 2019

Lab members as of summer 2019. Missing from picture: Collier Smith, Hardi Patel, Alexa Brown

ORS 2019
ORS 2019

Katherine and Prof. Wallace after Katerine spoke at ORS 2019.

Amy's Birthday 2018
Amy's Birthday

Lab members celebrating Amy's birthday at a Thai restaurant in Indy!

ASBMR 2018
ASBMR 2018

Katherine, Alycia, and Amy at a poster session at ASBMR 2018. Check out Katherine's and Alycia's posters here.

BBML Summer 2018

Lab members as of summer 2018. Missing from picture: Sabria Abufares, Rachel Surridge, Jen Hatch, Evan Vesper.

BBML Summer 2017

Lab members as of summer 2017. Missing from picture: JD Damrath, Michael Frye, Alexis Pulliman.


Natalie, Brian, Prof. Wallace, Max, Alycia, and Jay celebrated a productive summer in the lab at the Skyzone trampoline park.

ORS 2015
ORS 2015

Max, Prof. Wallace, and Creasy at the poster presentation at ORS 2015 in Las Vegas. Check out our posters here.

ASBMR 2014
ASBMR 2014

Prof. Wallace and Silvia at the poster presentation at ASBMR. Check out Silvia's poster here.

ORS 2014
ORS 2014

Prof. Wallace and Max attended ORS 2014 in New Orleans. Check out the posters here.

ORS 2013
BMES 2013

Alycia, Zach, Jim, Terrill, Max, and Armando attended BMES 2013 in Seattle. Zach had an podium presentation while Max, Jim, and Terrill presented posters.Check out the posters here.

ORS 2013
ORS 2013

Silvia, Prof. Wallace, and Max presented posters at the 2013 Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting in San Antonio. Check out their posters here.

2012 Holiday Party
Holiday Party

The lab members were invited to Prof. Wallace's house to celebrate a successful fall semester and enjoy a delicious potluck dinner.

Armando's 21st Dinner
Armando's Birthday

Celebrating Armando's 21st birthday at a Japanese steakhouse with his friends and family.

ORS 2012
ORS 2012

Max presenting his poster in San Francisco on diabetic rat collagen morphology. Prof. Wallace also had a poster at the conference.

How to connect with the BBML: