North Central Asphalt
User/Producer Group

P.O. Box 2382
West Lafayette, IN 47906
Telephone:  (765) 463-2317 x226
Fax:  (765) 497-2402

 2004 Annual Meeting Presentations

  Wednesday, January 28, 2004  
1:20 p.m.

Pavement Performance:  Summary of Gyratory Criteria

Mike Heitzman, Iowa DOT
1:55 p.m. Pavement Performance:  National Perspective John D'Angelo, FHWA
2:45 p.m. LTPP Update Frank Meyer, Stantec, Inc.
3:15 p.m. FHWA Research and Equipment Update John D'Angelo, FHWA
4:00 p.m. Superpave Materials, Advanced Test Methods, and Specifications Scan Lon Ingram, Kansas DOT
4:30 p.m. NCSC Update Becky McDaniel, NCSC
4:45 p.m. Technical Workshop Wrap-Up Laird Weishahn, Nebraska DOR
  Thursday, January 29, 2004  
8 a.m.  NCAT's Emerging Technology:  Warm Asphalt * SMA Gyration Level * RAP in SMA * Real-Time Quality Control Brian Prowell, NCAT
9 a.m. Iowa's Mix Design Verification System Mike Heitzman, Iowa DOT
10 a.m. SMA * Open Graded Friction Course * Porous Pavements Dave Newcomb, NAPA
10:30 a.m. Perpetual Pavements Marvin Traylor, Illinois APA
11:15 a.m. Ground Tire Rubber Cliff Ashcroft, Rubber Pavement Association
11:45 a.m. A Modest Proposal for NCAUPG Erv Dukatz
11:45 a.m. Logo Contest Chuck Van Deusen


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2004 Annual Meeting Presentations
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