Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.

Proverbs 4:23

Last updated: 2021.09.21


  • Associate Editor, ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering
  • Chair, Fluid Mechanics Technical Committee, ASME Fluids Engineering Division
  • Mentor, ASME Graduate Student Scholars Program, ASME Fluids Engineering Division
  • ...


    Prof. Chen is striving to introduce affordable energy solutions for rural communities in Africa, which are often overlooked by international development efforts due to lack of advocate. This work also provided a service-learning platform, on which the Purdue students witness the societal change introduced by their engineering solutions. He led several field trips to Africa with students in Global Design Teams of Purdue Global Engineering Program and Partnerships (GEPP).

    Purdue Global Design Team 2015-2016.

    Purdue students surveyed a micro-hydropower site in Bangang, Cameroon (2014).

    Purdue students worked in a machine shop in Bangang, Cameroon (2014).

    Purdue Global Design Team with local students in Bangang, Cameroon (2014).

    Purdue student chatted with an old village lady in Bangang, Cameroon (2015).

    Purdue team installed a hybrid wind-solar system donated by a company in a rural village of Cameroon (2015).

    Purdue team worked in a local machine shop in Bangang, Cameroon (2015).

    Prof. Chen was invited to access a micro-hydropower site in middle of the rain forests of Western Bakosis, Cameroon (2015).