Tianjin University, B.S. Chemical Engineering (2014)
Purdue University, Ph.D. Chemical Engineering (2014 – Present)
- Science Program Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan (Summer 2013)
- PPG Scholarship (2012)
- JASSO Scholarship, Tohoku University, Japan (2013)
- Merit Student, Tianjin University (2010——2012)
Project Description
I work on the studying the nature of the active sites for the propylene epoxidation reaction over gold titanio-silicate (Au/TS-1) catalysts.
- Lun Pan, Ji-Jun Zou, Tierui Zhang, Songbo Wang, Zhe Li, Li Wang, and Xiangwen Zhang, Cu2O Film via Hydrothermal Redox Approach: Morphology and Photocatalytic Performance, J. Phys. Chem. C, 118, 30 (2014) 16335–16343
- Zhen-Feng Huang, Jiajia Song, Lun Pan, Xu Jia, Zhe Li, Ji-Jun Zou, Xiangwen Zhang and Li Wang, W18O49 nanowire alignments with a BiOCl shell as an efficient photocatalyst, Nanoscale, 6 (2014) 8865-8872