Undergraduate Institution, B.S. Degree (YYYY)
Masters Institution, M.S. Degree (YYYY)
Purdue University, --- (Start YYYY - present)
- Past Job1, [Position] (YYYY) or (MMM YYYY - MMM YYYY)
- [Award Name1] - [Details if desired] (YYYY)
About Me
optional section... You can talk about hobbies, what you like to do, etc.
Project Description
Write up what you're doing in your research. Do not include any data, experimental details, and be as general as possible. Pictures are a plus! I'll probably ask you for a picture if you don't include a picture.

Publications, Presentations, and Patents
- V. K. Venkatakrishnan, J. C. Degenstein, A. D. Smeltz, W. N. Delgass, R. Agrawal, F. H. Ribeiro, High-Pressure Fast-Pyrolysis, Fast-Hydropyrolysis and Catalytic Hydrodeoxygenation of Cellulose: Production of Liquid Fuel from Biomass, Green Chemistry 16 (2014) 792-802.
- [First initials, last name],[2nd author first initials, last name], [Title of Publication], [Abbreviated Journal name] [Vol#] (YYYY) [page-page].
- list your conference presentations/posters if you have any
- Patent #1... (I'm not sure what style we should use for this)