Article I - MeetingsBusiness Meetings: The INDIANA RURAL SAFETY AND HEALTH COUNCIL, INCORPORATED shall have at least two Council meetings each year. One of these meetings shall be designated as the official Annual Meeting of the Council. All members will be notified of the Annual Meeting date at least ten days prior to the meeting.
Article II - Membership QualificationsVoting membership shall be defined as those individuals and/or organizations who pay dues to the Indiana Rural Safety and Health Council, Incorporated.
Article III - Classification of Voting MembershipMembership classification for voting purposes shall be: (1) Corporate; (2) Non-Profit Associate; (3) Individual; (4) Honorary
Memberships shall be based upon the following definitions with the dues structure approved by the Council at the Annual Meeting.
Article IV - VotingThe holder of each of the above memberships with be empowered to cast one vote on any question.
Article V - Honorary MembershipA lifetime Honorary Membership may be granted to anyone who has contributed of his or her leadership ability, time or money, or has given outstanding support to the cause of rural safety and health, thereby contributing either directly or indirectly to the activities of the Indiana Rural Safety and Health Council, Incorporated, or its objectives.
Nominations for Honorary Membership shall be made by any member of the Council to a member of the Board of Directors. As soon as practical, all members of the Board of Directors shall be informed of the nomination. Within two months after they are informed, the Board of Directors shall vote on the nomination. Two-thirds vote of the Council members present at any regular meeting shall qualify a person for Honorary Membership.
Article VI - CommitteesThe president shall have the authority to appoint ad-hoc committees to coordinate and carry out special activities approved by the Council.
Article VII - Election of Executive Officers and Committee ChairmenThe president shall appoint a Nominating Committee at least one month prior to the Annual Meeting of the Council during an election year. The Committee shall prepare a slate of nominees for the Executive Officers.
All Nominating Committee members, Executive Officers and ad-hoc committee chairmen shall be selected from among the voting membership.
The Nominating Committee shall receive permission from each candidate to place the name of the candidate in nomination.
Nominations from the floor shall be in order.
Executive officers shall be elected at the business meeting, held in connection with the aforementioned meeting.
The Board of Directors shall act, when necessary, to fill any office vacated during the year.
Article VIII - Term of OfficeElected officers shall assume office at the conclusion of the Annual Meeting at which they are elected and shall serve until the conclusion of the following Annual Meeting two years hence.
Article IX - Duties of Officers and Committee ChairmenSection I - Duties of the Executive Officers
Section II - Duties of Chairmen of Ad-hoc Committees
Article X - Board of DirectorsThere shall be a Board of Directors consisting of the Executive Officers, standing committee chairmen, the immediate past president, the safety specialist (or specialists) of the Cooperative Extension Service of Purdue University, and one member at-large who is appointed by the Executive Officers.
Section I - Term of Office for DirectorsThe elected directors shall serve for a two-year term.
Section II - Notification of special meetingMembers of the Board shall be notified not less than ten days prior to the holding of any special meeting.
Article XI - Parliamentary AuthorityThe rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern the Council in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these By-laws and any special rules of order the Council may adopt.
Article XII - Amendment ProceduresThe By-laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the voting members present at any regular business meeting.
Ratified February 26, 1992.
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